(Peter) Rina I will was thinking about how I act in the prime minister house so I would like to say I'm sorry for going to far. we are going to Germany and will be on the same team in a life or death situation I just wanted to clear the plate. (zume) I was wondering how old are you guys (Peter)18,(Rina)18,(Mike)18(zume)so I guess I'm the youngest at 17 years old. (Neremiah)where are here so just out and remember saint Christopher to the end that's our motto (Rina) I was wondering if we could meet up again sometime just me and you.(Neremiah)Sure just me and you I promise I won't forget. (Peter) I wonder what would they teach us let's go guy saint Christopher to the end. (zume)we reached but no one else was here. hey! let's a have a mock fight two vs two Peter and Rina verse me and Mike I guess Neremiah isn't here to count down so is everyone game (Peter) I wouldn't be playing the last time didn't go to well so what about you Rina. (Rina ) I will also be staying out of the fight will you be fighting mike (mike) I was wondering if you can go the distance. (zume) Didn't you forget that I was the one who beat you . let's go Rina you will have to count down (Rina) fine. (zume)we went in the center for the mock fight what I ask him a spell fight or a hand to hand fight (mike) I was thinking about hand to hand but Spells and Acts we can use too boost our physical strength (zume) I fine with that we both face off against each other we a fighting mike don't blame me if you loose again (mike) let's see who loose now (Rina) begin in three two one we both rush at each other I jumped in the air (zume) falling axe kick! (mike) Rising sun punch! we clash hard and the force sent both of us flying back words Peter came at me binding speed and I punch in the stomach I grabbed his hands and toss him over my shoulder slamming him into the ground I jumped into the air and came back with a lightning kick but he dudge out of the way sending a kick to My Head I got away by the hair on my skin I went to the air again but when I came down I slammed my fist into the ground causing rubble to fly into the air and I got a punch in mike face then I jumped into the air with him as high as I could jump I gave him a suplex causing a pit of dirt in the pasture (Peter)Well shit that got to hurt. (Rina) from so high up that would cause damage don't you think that was too far. (Peter) kinda of but in a fight there isn't anything hold you back form killing your enemies. The dust got blow away but mike use strings to stop him from hitting the ground a good move wouldn't think about any other way to get out but to use Danver family secret act the string of heaven it takes the a Danver to reach the age of twenty one but you did it at eighteen you are really my son Mikey boy .(Peter) Just who is this woman her arua pressure was too heavy (mike) Everyone this is my mother Sheba Danver. (Sheba)Play time is over the three of them are waiting at the gate .(zume) So all four of us went to the gate and the two persons were sexy as fuck they were dressed for a porno if you say them you would call them hoes to their face. Well you ladies be teaching us while dress like that. (Finn) No they are now your teachers the man and woman on the right side the lady is Justina aquarius the head of the noble household and the name is Mick of the inferno's noble household Peter you will be training with Mick and Rina you will be under Justina so everyone break out and let's get started ah but one thing you Will have to go home and get your clothes because you will be sleeping in the yellow building you see there so go in the car with Neremiah and get what you need from your house and get back into the car. (Peter)we all are going back to the car again so how much time we are going to go for a drive again I am glad to to at least eat in the car so it isn't all that bad. so that do you think they are going to put us though we are going to Germany as spies if we get caught to that would put saint Christopher in a dangerous spot we broke off form any national organization and international organization just to be our own state we will have to get stronger than the prime minister and our parents if we want to survive we must always be communication between all of us we can't go anywhere with out letting someone know where we are going I think that would be for the best zume what do you think about putting your power to help us grow to. (zume) What do you mean by that putting my power to help you. (Peter)we all can tell you are the strongest one out of all of us when we are done with our individual training we have to have mock fight to make sure we can trust each other if we do that we can always reply on each other's power so that no man is left behind that means everyone of us must become monster we will have to kill in Germany so we must be prepared for anything else we will die.