Chereads / Avatar: Lingering Tensions / Chapter 17 - Far From the Shoreline

Chapter 17 - Far From the Shoreline

Ozai's flagship, the Bustling Rhino, takes off deep into the ocean. Several Remnant troopers walk on patrol at the dock. Ronin stands between many soldiers on guard duty. Further down in the ship Katara walks in chains that confine her arms and legs with two Remnant soldiers escorting her. Alev stands behind them as the head administration of the ship, Bulat guides the troops escorting her.

Bulat waves his hand, "This way." The troopers walk toward a cell in the lower middle of the ship. The bars are opened and one of the troops pushes Katara into the cell. She is promptly locked in.

Katara howls, "You are going to regret this! You have no idea what you have bought on yourselves. The whole might of the Water Tribes, the greatest earthbender in the world, the best brother in the world, and the Avatar himself will soon be at your doorstep demanding my death wish."

Bulat waves his hands and dismisses the troopers, "My dear, we don't fear the consequences, if we did we would have never joined the Remnant. And even if that wasn't enough, we certainly wouldn't have rejoined Ozai. This whole new season of war we have been underdogs but we are fighting for a cause greater than our wellbeing."

Katara replies, "And what sort of cause is that? A cause of oppression? A cause of injustice? You deserve everything that's coming to you."

Bulat's eyes widen and he lifts his arms, "No, we pursue a cause of GLORY. The glory that brought our nation to power. The glory that nearly caused every nation to kneel before our authority. The glory that we'd gladly die for to be remembered as valiant legends."

Katara: "LEGENDS? More like mindless brutes. You won't be praised, people will be glad that you fell."

Alev responds, "Then we best fall in style and by making an impact."

Katara: "Oh Alev, you are as deluded as the stories led me on to believe."

Alev: "Call it whatever you want, but I have already made history. I captured Katara, the Avatar's closest companion and water tribe instructor."

Katara: "By hitting me behind my back!"

Alev smiles, "You were outmaneuvered and overwhelmed. And it was like we were playing on easy mode. You may be a talented bender but it's obvious you are not as experienced in the trenches of war as some of the renowned players that fought on the frontlines. You have taken on a whole new sort of challenge that your team is not accustomed to."

Interestingly enough, Alev is correct. The Avatar team rarely fought in large battles and when they did they always struggled greatly. Examples of this include the Siege of the North and their attempt to takedown Ozai during an Eclipse where they were completely outwitted and maneuvered by the Firelord and Princess Azula. While Azula herself had fought less in war, she was greatly trained in it and the best strategic mind in her nation.

Azula consistently proved a challenge for the team, but still she was a different kind of test. Azula didn't engage in direct military tactics in most cases and she often used espionage, private hunting, infiltration, and reconnaissance during her missions. When Macai challenged Aang, he attacked him while he was at his weakest and not prepared for any conflict.

The 31st master tactician nearly succeeded before Toph foiled his plans. Now that Ozai has decided to not underestimate Aang, he won't hold any punches back. Just because he didn't fight in as many epic battles as his older brother Iroh, doesn't mean he isn't more than capable of strategically testing the young teen. Moreover, Ozai now has a team of talented Remnant warriors that can fight as underdogs and conventionally.

Still Katara doesn't know who is truly behind her capture. In the middle of the ship, within a wide luxurious room Ozai sits on a fuzzy black couch and slowly sips hot cinnamon tea. The floor under him is light brown and the ceiling is magna red. A light grey marble bar is in the back of the room with two black bar stools.

Unlike Iroh, Ozai is known for mixing it with cream. Ozai lays the cup down and turns his head as Captain Bulat enters. Ozai: "Is the girl in custody?" Bulat nods. Ozai: "Excellent."

Bulat: "Sir."

Ozai: "Yes?"

Bulat: "Why do you allow her to live? We could slit her throat at this moment! She is a great threat to our new administration and was a pest to your government. The Avatar is going to come for us anyway, why not just kill her?"

Ozai stands up, "Do you question MY WISDOM?"

Bulat: "Sir, of course not."

Ozai: "Then be patient. I have plans for her and she is a mere tool that will spring my victory. If I kill her now, I'll be wasting my key to success."

Bulat: "Of course sir, I see. What would you like me to do in the meantime?"

Ozai: "Keep the ship in prime condition, we will need it. But until that moment comes that we will use it, I want you to not tell other units about our operation. Timing is everything and when the moment is right; I will spring my trap."

Bulat: "What do you think the Avatar and his allies are doing?"

Ozai smiles, "They are in dismay. I have spiritual allies that will ensure Aang's vision will be clouded. In order to find my real plan, he will have to search for me, actively. But it will take some time to unlock each clue which gives us time to move a step closer to our plan. We must always be one move ahead of him, until it is time to strike."

Bulat: "I see."

Ozai assures his subordinate, "But don't worry, it will be soon. I expect all this will be over within a month."


In the Northern Water Tribe capital, Sokka, Toph, Sada, Pakku, and Jarue are arguing about how to find Katara. Suki watches with her arms crossed. Sokka: "NO WAY, if they took her, they're going to take her back to or somewhere in the Fire Nation. Where they have complete control. The Remnant still controls rural areas out there."

Pakku: "Or that's too obvious. Perhaps they still have some holdouts in the Earth Kingdom, not every area is patrolled. There have still been a few skirmishes in those regions, even if they are contested."

Sokka: "The bigger question is who would be stupid enough to pull this stunt. I'm guessing it's that girl I read about, Alev. She's impulsive, flashy, and arrogant. And I've read from a Fire Nation intel report that I requested that some Ronin guy wants to go out with a bang."

Toph: "Intel report how did you get that?"

Sokka: "Toph, I'm always doing my due diligences. I have Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Northern Water Tribe reports incase anything goes out of hand."

Aang soars down on his glider. Aang has a serious yet curious face but attempts to make light of the situation, "Wow, Sokka you really are always one step ahead. So, what happened?"

Sokka: "What? Didn't you hear? The entire city got hit. Didn't you notice the rubble?"

Aang: "I noticed, you seem a little uptight. What's wrong?"

Sokka sighs, "Katara has been kidnapped by firebenders." Aang's eyes widen.

Sokka looks down, "We believe the entire attack was staged to capture her."

Aang shouts, "Why?!"

Sokka: "We don't know, not yet. But Aang, I promise you, I'll get to the bottom of it. "

Aang yells, "You better! That's my wife!"

Sokka gets in Aang's face and pokes him in his chest, "Hey, that's MY SISTER!! No one is more hurt by this than ME!" Aang turns red and Sokka's veins pop out of his neck.

Suki: "Hey guys stop! Aang, you know Sokka would NEVER allow his sister to be captured, everything just happened so fast."

Sokka points at Aang, "AND YOU!! YOU WEREN'T EVEN HERE! That's much worse, maybe if you weren't more focused on politics than your WIFE then you could have helped her! But oh, I guess you didn't think of that did you. You think just because you're the Avatar that you're all knowing and everything revolves around you well think again! That power comes with responsibility and you have to make decisions."

Sokka adds, "And you are just as liable to screw up as the rest of us. Because deep inside you've got a regular brain and soul just like us. All those special abilities, past Avatars, and whatever else is just something your regular brain has to deal with. So you don't you go all big and bold on me because life isn't easy for any of us. I have my role and you have yours and we both screwed up this time! I knew I should have fought with her."

Toph: "It's ok Sokka and it's ok Aang. We'll figure this out, one step at a time. They may have caught her, but that doesn't mean we can't save her."

Aang nods, "Thanks Toph and you're right Sokka I'm sorry."

Sokka: "Uh, no problem. I guess I got a little tense there."

Aang: "Bring it in." Sokka and Aang hug each other. Toph jumps in and grabs them both. Suki leaps in as well. Aang: "It feels good to be loved."

Suki: "And that's why we have to save Katara, because she is loved."

Sokka: "So are you still going to help Ty Lee on her mission?"

Suki raises an eyebrow, "No I'm going to stay here and help rescue your sister."

Sokka: "Don't, Aang and I've got this."

Suki: "No, stop, let me help."

Toph: "Relax everyone, I'm going to help find her too. So, you know it'll be alright."

Jarue: "Suki, you can still assist Ty Lee, I can help in her place. Perhaps Sada can as well."

Sokka: "Who do you think you are pretty boy? You think just because your hair is as long as my sister's that you can decide where my girlfriend is going? And where Sada is going?"

Jarue shrugs, "How can you say that to me then tell me what I can't do?"

Aang: "Sokka relax, Jarue has a point. If anyone can override this dicussion it should be me, the high and mighty avatar (Aang lightly elbows Sokka). Suki, don't make the same mistake I did with Ty Lee. Go, help her." Sokka sighs. Aang: "And Sokka, it's ok man. We've got this and you've got to believe it."

Sokka: "Fine, I'll trust in your wisdom."

Aang: "Besides, they probably want me. To get to me, they had to get what I loved the most."

Sokka: "Then they're baiting you. If we go after them, you'll run right into a trap!"

Aang: "Yeah, but I'm going to do it anyway."

Toph: "Well that sounds like a great plan."

Aang: "Well, I know they have more experience than us. These are Remnant troops that have fought for years. If we play them at their game we will just be wasting time. I mean I'm sure Sokka would think of something eventually but we don't have time to sit around. I'll go after them and my spiritual protection will deliver me."

Sokka: "But, you're going to meditate on it first right? Make sure you have some sort of idea of what we should do."

Aang: "Of course."

Toph: "But you know I am kinda hungry, can we have lunch first?"

Later that day, Aang in a room meditating. Aang notices the former Avatar, Yangchen, enter the room. She has light yellow skin, brown hair, grey eyes, wears orange robes, and was an air nomad like Aang. Aang: "Hey there."

Yangchen: "So you wanted some help."

Aang: "Yes, I have no idea how to find the Remnant soldiers that took Katara. I don't know their motives, their leader, or anything noteworthy about them."

Yangchen: "I don't have all the answers, nor would any other Avatar. All I can do is share wisdom. But I know you know that."

Aang: "Yep, I'm just trying to use every tool that I have."

Yangchen: "Then use your friends, they are your most valuable tool at this moment. Every avatar before and every avatar after you will need to work with companions if they want to best accomplish their goals. Because one person can only learn so many things and be in so many places at once. You have powerful, knowledgeable, kind, and loyal friends; make good use of them. See what everyone has to say and put your ideas together."

Aang: "Will do, but you must admit something feels off about this whole situation. I didn't even have a feeling anything was wrong; I was so oblivious."

Yangchen: "We can all be oblivious at moments."

Aang: "But something doesn't feel right, like there is something more to this."

Yangchen: "Whenever the balance is disrupted, things will become less clear. But the answers and solutions are always present. But you must search for them."

Aang asks, "I guess like every time. Especially after I beat Ozai, it's like all my missions are less clear now. Now that I fulfilled my main purpose."

Yangchen: "You will always have a purpose Aang, and no one is greater than the others. They are all complementary if you make the wrong move now you could undermine everything you worked to establish. That is why your job is never done as long as you are living. The job simply changes with time."

Aang bows, "I'm honored by your wisdom."

Yangchen bows back, "And I am honored by your humility."

Aang: "Then it seems we both get to leave this discussion with honor."

Yangchen: "You go on your search after Katara, you will be tested. Do not give it up, for them." Aang looks in surprise back at Yangchen, but she is gone.

Aang mumbles to himself, "I'll be ready." As Aang closes his eyes he is interrupted.

"Hey, it's Zuko here again." Aang opens his eyes and notices Firelord Zuko.

Aang: "Zuko, we completely missed this attack. They took Katara."

Zuko groans, "I know, it's embarrassing."

Aang: "But don't worry, we'll embarrass them soon enough."

Zuko chuckles, "Haha, good one."

Aang: "But I heard our friends at least won the battle."

Zuko: "But it was a distraction anyway."

Aang: "I know, but I'm just trying to add a positive note to our failure."

Zuko: "Well, their failure technically since we weren't there."

Aang: "Yeah, but if we were there we would have saved them."

Zuko scratches his head, "Right... But, it was still technically their failure. We don't have to mention it."

Aang:" Technically yes and of course we won't."

Zuko: "Yeah I know, I'm just saying. We had no way of knowing, they were going to do that."

Aang: "But it's our responsibility to be flexible."

Zuko: "Everyone says that from the sidelines. But if you put them in your or my place, their entire perspective would change. We are among two of the wisest men on this planet and I'm not saying that to be arrogant. Iroh, I still could never dream to match his spiritual discernment."

Aang: "He is very proud of the accomplishments you made."

Zuko: "You're right. But Aang if only you saw the last journey I went on. It was insane. I traveled to the deepest historical areas in the Fire Nation and there I learned so much about our people and our history; good and bad. I also balanced that knowledge with what I learned from my adventures in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes that I went on with you. Now I see things in a much more wholesome manner instead of walking with blinders on."

Zuko adds, "And that's the issue with the Remnant zealots. They can only look in one direction, making them partially blind. They can only hear one tone, but they are somewhat deaf. The Remant are blinded by their vices which are hatred, envy, greed, obsession, and a desire for revenge. Through these vices, we can predict their next moves."

Aang: "Wow, I wasn't expecting that."

Zuko: "And that's how wisdom works, the more knowledge you take in the more it just runs through you when you least expect it."

Aang: "You think I would have noticed that, but I guess I'm always trying to be wise. It's nice to see how you can flip back and forth to being angry and being wise."

Zuko: "Hey, I'm getting a lot better at controlling my anger."

Aang cheeses, "I know, you really are."

Zuko smiles, "But I'm also getting better at cooking. You should try my sesame duck recipe. It's electric."

Aang: "Emmm, I bet. Nothing like a duck slaughtered in sesame. But I'm a vegetarian, so you know that won't happen."

Zuko: "Oh come on, everyone needs cheat days."

Aang: "If you knew how many times Sokka tried this on me you'd realize you're really wasting your time."

Zuko: "But when both Sokka and I try it, eventually you'll crack. I'm get Toph in it too."

Aang: "Why?! Respect my eating habits."

Zuko: "I'm just teasing you. I mean, I want you to try it because I'm really good at it. But that's ok."

Aang: "Don't worry, I'll help you cook a vegetarian dish."

Zuko: "NO, that's not the same! Sesame duck is my thing! No one can make it like I make it." Aang remembers the last time Katara tried Zuko's blue moose soup, it gave her a massive stomachache.

Aang: "And Zuko, I'm going to really need your help finding information no the Remnant location."

Zuko: "No problem, they have been a thorn in my side recently. They used to stick to petty crimes, but they have gotten increasingly bold since my father's escape."

Aang: "Ozai? They freed Ozai?"

Zuko: "Well, a team of mercenaries busted him out. But yes, he is free."

Aang: "Then he's probably behind this attack."

Zuko: "But Aang, my father can't bend anymore. The Fire Nation Remnant is run the same way my country once was, through dominance. Azula might have still been a frontrunner with her mind alone but Ozai relied on his power to keep others in line. Yes he has charisma, but that alone is not enough to control leaders and conspirators. It would only be enough to keep the regular people and soldiers under his control. I guarantee you he is being manipulated."

Aang: "Perhaps, but something weird is happening, I can feel it. And something tells me there is more to this story than one would expect."

Zuko: "Regardless, we'll get through it. Have faith Aang, these situations always work themselves out for the just."

Aang: "Indeed. Let's not act too rashly my friend."

Zuko: "Are you sure you can do that? With Katara on the line? You know they will use your love for her against you."

Aang: "I know that and I'm not certain how well I'll handle it until it happens. I'll try my best, but that's why I need you, Toph, Sokka, and the others to. So that I have grounded people that can reel me in or have a plan when I make a wild move."

Zuko exhales and extends his right hand, "Ok, let's do this." Aang presses his right hand against Zuko's and squeezes it. Zuko squeezes back and they both pat each other on their backs while looking each other in the eyes.

Zuko: "We've got this, stay sharp, stay prudent, and stay wise."

Aang: "And stay honorable." They release their hand Zuko looks back in respect.

Zuko: "Of course. I worked too hard to restore that to my people to give it up now."