Chereads / Avatar: Lingering Tensions / Chapter 3 - A Colonel's Promise

Chapter 3 - A Colonel's Promise

Kedo, Ronin, and Gendall walk down a long path as they move closer toward Tesaro. They travel through several trees and across a stream. Suddenly they are called by a distant voice, "Travelers! Can you assist me?!"

Gendall turns and Ronin cautions him to wait. Kedo: "Who are you?" The young man comes closer and appears to be in his early twenties. The man has dark brown straight hair, dark yellow skin, thin lips, medium ears, light orange eyes, and a bright smile. The man is wearing a dark red remnant uniform with brown markings.

Youngman: "My name is Cafri." I'm looking for the remnant base in Tesaro."

Ronin sharpens his eyes, "Which unit are you a member of?"

Cafri: "The 94th platoon, unfortunately most of them were wiped out by an enemy ambush. I had to split up from the rest of my team to make it out of there. I don't know how many of us are left, but they definitely got most of us."

Ronin extends his hand, "Sure, you are welcome to join us on our quest." The four start their voyage toward the base. As they walk they eventually enter a swamp as they get closer to Tesaro.

Gendall looks at Ronin, "So is this base located within the village."

Ronin: "You'll see."

Kedo asks Cafri, "So where are you from Cafri?"

Cafri: "I'm from a middle-of-nowhere town called Froguya. There isn't much to it. Not much vegetation, not many people, no crazy climate, not too bad, not too good but we make the best of it. And the people there have a lot of fun with very little..."

Kedo: "Oh ok, I get what you're saying." Five Remnant troopers rise and point their weapons at the team. Two have spears, another has a sword, and the other two are firebenders.

The swordsman is an officer with a long mustache, black hair, light yellow skin, light brown eyes, and a pointy nose. Swordsman officer: "What are you all doing here in Tesaro?!"

Ronin: "It is I, Ronin. This is Kedo, Gendall, and we just met Cafri. We are looking for refugee."

Swordsman officer: "Oh, I heard about your prison escape. Quite impressive."

Kedo: "We are looking for Hakon, we have big ambitions on how we can strike back at the enemy." The officer shakes his head.

Gendall asks, "How has it been on the battlefield so far?"

Swordsman officer: "Our forces have been laying low. Resources are dwindling more than ever. It all looks bleak but we never give up and will fight until the end. If we wanted to quit, we should have done so long ago. But we all made our decision."

Kedo: "I want to give us a chance to strike back and make the new Fire Nation bleed like it hasn't bled in years. If we truly want to undermine them, we must strike at the heart."

Swordsman officer: "Everyone has an idea, but we can't afford to waste resources on any crazy idea."

Kedo: "We all have the same idea deep down, take me to Hakon. Then we will see what he says."

The officer nods, "Very well, I will take you to him. But just so you known, right now Captain Bundi has been mainly leading. Not because Hakon isn't capable but more because he hasn't been doing anything."

Ronin nods, "Then make no delay, we must meet."

Kedo: "And what's your name officer?"

Swordsman officer: "I'm Captain Prove' sir."

Ronin and Kedo are escorted by Captain Prove' to a local bar in the town. The town is fairly large for a small one but is still a bit short of the medium-sized-city criteria. Ronin looks at Gendall, "Sorry you and Cafri will need to wait out here. Hakon is familiar with us, so it is important that Kedo and I talk to him."

Cafri looks at Gendall, "We'll I guess it's just us."

Gendall responds, "How rude. I thought I earned my strikes with the team but they're still making me sit out like a bad toddler."

Ronin teases, "Well you have a lot in common with one."

Gendall gasps and throws his hands up, "And the rudeness continues!"

Ronin and Kedo enter the bar then confront Hakon. Hakon is sitting in a stool with a large jug of beer in front of him. Hakon takes a sip of his jug and Ronin taps his left shoulder. Hakon turns his head and shouts, "What?!" Kedo notices that hair has grown on the side of his face and Hakon has a messy developing beard.

Kedo: "Oh you're starting to reach puberty."

Hakon: "I was always clean shaven before, so what?!"

Ronin: "Is this the same Hakon I heard about in legend?! They said you were incredibly disciplined and professional. But here you seem like an unfocused scrub."

Hakon grabs Ronin by his collar, "Hey listen! You don't know what I've been through."

Kedo: "We're listening." Ronin pulls Hakon's hands off him.

Hakon sighs, "I went from the rank of major to colonel due to the demands of the war after Ozai was defeated. I had a lot of responsibility handed to me and won small scale battles against my opponents for the first two months. Still, it wasn't enough, I could tell our resources were running down. I prepared for a big attack on enemy supply lines but General Mak anticipated my plan. He countered with his own strike that smashed several of my units and broke my lines. Half of my combined attack force was wiped out."

Hakon continues, "I felt like a failure and I haven't been active in the last three weeks."

Ronin: "You call yourself a warrior and you're ready to quit! You shame your nation and you shame our ranks! If you are going to continue to act like this then you should just retire."

Hakon adds, "Maybe I should!"

Ronin: "On the other hand, you could be one of the greatest officers in history. You could be a legend to the world or at least the Remnant if you help me with this plan. Without you, I'm not sure I can pull it off."

Hakon: "I owe you nothing. If you want to be a legend, you'll figure it out with or without me."

Kedo: "But do you want to just waste away like this?"

Hakon: "I'll take it over failing again." Meanwhile Cafri looks at Gendall.

Cafri: "We need to get in there."

Gendall: "What for? Ronin said wait."

Cafri peeks in the bar, "Oh come on. We can stay behind some people and listen in. Don't you think you deserve to know what's happening?"

Gendall ponders, "Oh ok, but let's get back outside before time is up."

Cafri: "Deal." The duo enter the bar stealthily."

Ronin: "What are you made out of? Why did you even stay in our ranks? You don't want to risk your pride but it will only be beaten down more if you quit. You know the reason your legacy was tarnished, because you gave up. If you fight this time and you come to the part where you question your heart I have a better solution."

Hakon leans in to hear Ronin's answer. Ronin: "Go out on your shield. Leave everything in the battlefield. Don't retreat, go out in glory. Then you will be respected win or lose."

Kedo adds, "And you lost to one of Zuko's new top General. Make Zuko and his administration suffer. We are going to strike directly at the heart of Zuko's government. We are going to attack the public's trust in him. I can't promise revenge on Mak in particular but I can promise revenge on one of them."

Hakon: "What is your master plan?"

Ronin: "We already told you. Leave nothing behind. All you have to do is convince several Remnant leaders to get together and commit a lot of our resources on revenge. Because at this rate, playing it safe isn't worth it. We will likely lose this war no matter what at this point. But if we go in and dish out a lot of damage more might join us. It all comes down to our ability to be impactful."

Kedo: "And we need to bring the motivation back in our movement which has been eroded. That comes with charisma. Ronin has worked with Macai and so have I. We know how great a different a dedicated leader can make. So are you in or will you keep wasting away here?"

Hakon stares at his drink then looks back at Ronin and Kedo, "Alright I'm in. But mainly because I don't want to sit back and wonder what I'd do if I joined you both. Whether we win or fall, I know you both are the real deal. So am I, together we can hurt our foes."

Kedo and Ronin high-five each other. Kedo: "Great!"

Hakon: "But I know someone else who would love this idea."

Ronin: "We're listening."

Hakon turns and notices Cafri watching them. Hakon: "Who is that?!"

Ronin looks, "Cafri, Gendall what are you two doing?!"

Cafri: "It was hot outside, I needed to cool down in here where there are fans."

Hakon: "We'll finish discussing later tonight."

Ronin looks at Gendall, "Why didn't you wait with Cafri?"

Gendall: "I felt we deserved to know what was happening."

Ronin: "I admire your honesty, that could earn you a beatdown. But it wasn't your idea was it." Gendall shakes his head. Ronin: "Next time, you will get a beating if you disobey orders again but just trust us. The Remnant can't afford to be too divided."

Kedo steps with Cafri outside. Kedo: "You remember what I said right?"

Cafri: "Yes but we shouldn't be so one-dimensional. We can't afford to do things the way we used to when Ozai was in power. Times are diff..." Kedo backhands Cafri. Cafri holds his mouth.

Kedo points at the trooper, "Don't disobey us again. You have been warned."

An Extravagant Attack

In a high-security private prison located within the highly populated yet geographically small Fire Nation city Yeskola a woman with long wavy light brown hair, olive skin, gold eyes, a small nose, and small ears waits in a cell. Her arms are bound by metal chains as she sits in a chair. A Fire Nation guard looks at her from the nearby hall.

Army trooper: "Aww, the mighty Alev has been locked up for a good five months! How great is humble pie. You failed!"

Alev: "Don't be so sure, the Remnant will make a comeback."

Army trooper: "Yeah, like I haven't heard that one before! Seriously, you guys are becoming dried up like the Gudoca River!"

Alev: "I'm not so upset about losing. I was outnumber ten to one. Only a great officer like me could have gotten that much attention." Alev's weakness was that she was too high profile as an Remnant officer. Her strikes were too grand and got herself too much attention too fast. However, her very weakness could make her an invaluable ally for Ronin's plans.

Army Trooper: "Just be glad you are imprisoned otherwise you will end up getting yourself killed."

Alev: "If I had to pick between that and staying here chained like an animal.... My choice would be death."

Army Trooper: "Be careful what you wish for."

Alev: "Be careful who you start trouble with." The trooper hears a bell ring.

Army Trooper: "Oh, your counselor is here."

Alev yawns, "Oh joy." A round man arrives with curly white long hair, pale skin, thin eyebrows, and medium lips.

Alev's counselor: "Hello Alev."

Alev: "Zuko's administration really thinks counseling will help, he's really wasting his time. I see he's wasting our nation's money and resources yet again. Just save yourself the burden and leave. I'm not changing for anyone."

Alev's counselor: "Don't be so sure, anyone can change."

Alev: "But someone has to WANT to change."

Alev's counselor: "Alev, what your doing isn't working. Look how far its gotten you. You've stuck to your trash talk, arrogance, and defiance while only finding pain. Remember your old friend Zuri and how she left after she realized the ludicrous path you were on?"

Alev: "She was weak, I'm glad she left."

Alev's counselor shakes his head, "You are so lost girl."

Alev: "Then leave me alone."

Alev's counselor: "Try something different. Let go of your built up rage or you'll eventually explode."

Alev: "That's what I'm counting on, try to stay out of my way when that happens."

Alev's counselor: "You think it will just end but spiritual experts say there are eternal consequences to such actions. I'm not just any counselor, I am a spiritually aware one."

Alev becomes frustrated and uncomfortable, "I've felt a lot of pain in my life. But one thing has always worked for me. Fighting and I'm going to stick to it. I never give up, I just fight until I win. Most people aren't as skilled as me, if they are they aren't as clever as me, and if they are they certainly don't have my grit."

Alev's counselor: "What happens if someone matches all of those things?"

Alev: "Then I will go out fighting as a soldier should." Alev's counselor steps away and looks at the army soldier.

Army trooper: "She's such a lost cause, isn't she?"

Alev's counselor: "I noticed a brief break in her confidence, that's progress. It took my five months, but give it another three and she'll falter."

Army trooper: "I usually would doubt that, but I heard Ozai is faltering big time in confinement. After he's been locked up for over two years and nothing has changed he really is losing it. Azula defecting only made things worse for him."

Alev's counselor: "Pride comes before the fall. And if I lived on as much pride as him just to get wrecked by a twelve-year old, I'd also be losing it." They both chuckle and the counselor exits.

The trooper looks at Alev again. Alev: "Do you like me or something? Why must you always stare at me?"

Army trooper: "Oh, you really think you are all that don't ya?!"

Alev leans against the cell, "Come on, be honest. You are actually pretty cute. If you let me out of here, we can have a bit of fun."

The army trooper starts sweating, "Oh, well I can't do that but maybe I can get a kiss from the bars." The trooper walks toward the cell and Alev rolls her eyes. As the man gets near it, Alev backflips while still being chinned and double-kicks the guard in his jaw. The trooper hits the deck and Alev lands smoothly.

Alev pulls her arms back while her chains are still mounted into the ground. Alev opens her mouth and spits a hot beam of light orange and yellow fire into the ground. The metal begins to get hot but Alev knows she'll need more time to break the chain. Alev thinks, "I hope that messenger was right about a rescue team coming or they'll beef up my security and I'll be stuck here even longer. Good thing Zuko banned executions." Alev knows it will take time to weaken the metal enough to escape but she knows she can cause it to falter if she burns it long enough.

Alev is suddenly out of breath and the metal against the ground is bright orange from the heat taken in. Alev starts to slowly breath as she regains her power. Two Fire Nation army troopers hear flames from the distant hallway. Army Swordsman: "Did you hear that?"

Army firebender: "Yep, sounds like Alev."

Army swordsman: "Let's call for help." Hakon kicks a door open behind them. The troopers turn and gasp.

Army swordsman: "Wo!" Hakon extends his arms and pumps two red-white fireballs into his opponents. Hakon is known for his impeccable precision. While the red exterior of his flames are less hot than the typical orange ones, his white interior is hotter than the yellow interior of most flames.

Hakon runs into the hallway across Alev. Alev looks at him, "Oh Hakon, you've come to rescue me!"

Hakon: "The honor is too great to be mine alone. A couple of other guys also came for you." Three Fire Nation Army troopers barge in from the other side of the hallway. A swordsman and two firebenders face Hakon. Hakon: "Just give me one second and I'll free you."

Alev: "Actually, just deal with them and I'll free myself." Alev spits another stream of fire into her chains.

Fire Nation Army firebender: "Don't let her escape! Take down Hakon quickly!"

Hakon taunts, "You will find that is well beyond your ability." Hakon rapidly punches two red flames into the swordsman and a firebender. The remaining firebender extends his arms and launches a ray of orange flames at the Remnant Colonel. Hakon leaps in the air and punches a flame into the man's neck. The trooper flies into a wall as Hakon elegantly lands.

Another two army troopers barge into the room. Hakon knocks them down with a red-white fire whip. Hakon looks back at Alev, "Are you done yet?" Alev breaths a gust of light orange and yellow fire into her chains for another three seconds then notices the bottom of the chains turn yellow. Alev backflips and uses her immense strength to snap the chain in half.

Hakon: "Nice, now what about the bars?"

Alev: "You tell me, you were supposed to rescue me genius!"

Hakon: "Sorry, I forgot."

Alev: "You were never the brightest were you."

Hakon: "Sorry, I think that one goes to Macai."

Alev: "No matter, I have another idea." Alev spits a beam of orange-yellow fire through the roof across her. Then Alev launches herself in the air with a gust of fire through the hole. Hakon looks up in amazement. Alev is using an advanced jet propulsion firebending technique that most firebenders (including him) are not capable of using. A second later Alev flies down like a comet through the ceiling behind Hakon.

When Alev lands an explosion of flames flows toward him from the impact. Hakon turns and braces himself by crossing his arms and planting his feet. Hakon is smocked against the wall and the wall cracks as he hits it. A dizzy Hakon mutters, "Did you forget I was here?!"

Alev: "Sorry Hakon, it's the only way I know to land, with style..."

Hakon gets up and shakes his head, "I'll remember that later."

Alev: "Be careful Hakon, I'm not one to be tested."

Hakon: "Oh believe me, I am more than aware of that."

Alev puts her right hand on her chest, "So which way should we run?!" Hakon points in the direction of the unconscious guards ahead of them. Hakon runs and Alev follows. The duo enter a room where a Fire Nation Lieutenant is waiting for them. The lieutenant has black curly hair, honey brown skin, long ears, narrow yet puffy lips, dark yellow eyes, and a pointy nose.

Three firebenders move in formation in front of the fugitives, three swordsmen move behind them, and two mace warriors wait behind them with the lieutenant in the center of the macetroopers. Fire Nation Lieutenant: "Hands up!"

Alev rolls her eyes, "Did you hear that Hakon? Looks like they're giving us a chance to surrender."

Lieutenant: "I'm warning you!"

Hakon: "Did you hear that Alev? He's warning us."

Alev: "Oh really? Thanks for letting us know."

Hakon looks at Alev, "But seriously, let's up our hands up." The duo raise their hands slowly as the firebenders move in slowly with their hands pointed at them. Hakon winks at Alev then slams the ground. A gust of red and white flames knocks down the three firebenders. Alev kicks a rod of fire into a swordsman. The man flies seven feet in the air before he brutally hits a wall and falls back down.

Hakon pops a flame from his left hand into an incoming swordsman. A swordsman and macewarrior simultaneously charge at Alev. The young woman rotates her right hand and pops a light orange flame into the swordsman's chest. Alev then sways her left hand and flings another fireball into the macewarrior's stomach. The remaining mace trooper swings down vertically at Alev.

Alev raises her hands and latches onto the man's hilt. The trooper slowly pulls his weapon down and starts to outmuscle her. The blade moves closer and closer to Alev's face. The young lady grunts then kicks the man in his stomach. The trooper backpedals then swings diagonally at her with his right hand. Alev extends her left hand and blocks the strike and pounds the man in his stomach.

Alev pulls her hand back a second time and ignites it then slams her enhanced fist into his face. Army Lieutenant: "Hakon!" The lieutenant punches four orange and yellow fireballs at the Remnant officer. Hakon rotates his arms side to side as he blocks each shot then kicks a blaze of red and white flames into her opponent. The lieutenant's charred remains rolls several feet back.

Alev looks at her brother-in-arms, "We make a great team." The pair run toward the exit of the facility and two Fire Nation guards stand in there way.

A Fire Nation guard extends his right hand, "Wait, stop!" A storm of light orange and yellow flames from Alev blasts both of the guards through the exit door. Smoke covers their escape as the remnant bounty-magnets escape the prison.

Alev (running), "They have archers at the rooftop!"

Hakon: "Don't worry about the archers, I have someone who already took care of that."

Alev: "What about our getaway? Are we just running out! This is too big a city for that."

Hakon: "Of course not, you underestimate my plans. Stop running now, our escape should be here any moment."

Alev looks around and notices they are just waiting in the middle of a wide street. Several citizens flee as they notice the commotion. Alev: "So what was your big plan again?" The ground starts shaking heavily.

Hakon warns, "Back up!" The duo take several steps back as a drill machine rises from the ground. The drill is about the size of the average tank. A door suddenly opens and Gendall peeks his head out of it.

Gendall: "Come on!" Hakon and Alev sprint into the vehicle and Gendall slams the door shut. The drill then descends back into the ground as the team moves for its escape. The drill's interior has light grey walls, a light grey floor, and a black ceiling. Alev notices an unknown Remnant trooper is driving the vehicle.

Alev asks, "So what's next wise one?"

Hakon: "After we get to Tesero, I'll tell you."

Alev: "How long have you been to Tesero?"

Hakon: "For a good while."

Alev: "Don't you think it's kind of predictable doing everything at the same hideout. Maybe think more outside of the box next time."

Hakon: "We don't really have much time to play with. I had to focus on getting you out first. After we meet there, we will use another hideout next."

Alev: "And now our enemies will amplify their resources to find us, since we are all together. I hope you are planning something REALLY big. Because I doubt you have the forces to slow down a fully motivated and armed Fire Nation army."

Gendall interrupts, "Alev, I read about you in a newspaper article. I'm a fan. It is an honor t meet you."

Alev ignores him, "So what is your next move Colonel?" Gendall puts his head down as he notices he is ignored.

Hakon: "I heard rumors about Eyre's location. I want to find him and see if we can inspire him to join our ranks."

Alev: "Wait why? We are going to risk everything on speculation?"

Hakon: "Alev, I can't waste anymore time. We are making big moves and we have to put everything on the line if we want to have a chance at making an impact."

Alev: "An impact of what? What is the goal again?"

Hakon: "I can't promise you that we'll win this war. All I can promise, is that we'll make Zuko suffer for messing with us. For imprisoning you. I know you have had to hold yourself back throughout the war until one day you snapped and made a grand attack. Unlike me, you didn't do it during the most opportune time but it worked out well for you. You one big but quickly attracted more enemies than you could handle."

Hakon continues, "Then you got captured."

Alev nods, "Yes, my timing was off, but execution was great. Your timing was on point. but execution was terrible."

Hakon: "I've had help from Ronin and now my timing is as good as ever. If we wait any longer, we won't even have the resources to do this. We have to strike NOW while morale is high, and we all are together. We will spend one week to search for Eyre and if it doesn't work then we'll move onto the next phase."

Alev: "Eyre has been off the radar for some time. Even if his location is confirmed, he obviously hasn't wanted to return for a reason. How do you think you think you can get him onboard this time?"

Hakon: "I am going to give him an offer he can't refuse. I know what he likes, what he values. Eyre values power, authority, and order. The leadership we've had recently just hasn't been good enough. But I know how to bring things back and how to do so quickly with what we have. I know a name that will rally many ranks and how to get that name back in the game. The answer is a lot simpler than most would guess."

Alev bites her lips, "Alright Hakon, you've got my interest in your idea. So where can we find him?"