Chereads / Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators / Chapter 189 - Ch 204: Positive Results

Chapter 189 - Ch 204: Positive Results

"Relax Victoria, she's far too little to kill you," Mia clarified.

Everyone chuckled as Kai came in from behind. He stood at the end of the bar and looked at the vamp baby wiggling like an octopus in Mia's arms.

"Somebody's quite energetic and alert," he said, watching the vamp baby from the side end of the bar between me and his sister.

"I know," Veronica commented. "Isn't she the cutest little princess?"

"Indeed, your brother is going to have his hands full with her," Kai told Ivan and he couldn't help but laugh in agreement.

While they were laughing, I got out of the seat from feeling sick again. I left the room and heard Kai trailing behind me. Until he caught up and ambled alongside me.

"Feeling nauseous," Kai asked when we got on the elevator.

"Yes, I should probably lie down," I said, feebly.

Once I got in the room. I laid down on the bed and Kai lied next to me and caressed my stomach. His soothing touch was working until it came. I flew to the bathroom and barfed. After I was done, Kai helped me clean up and I brushed my teeth. Once done, he gave me this strange unexpected smile. Then he came over and touched my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling awkward.

"Take a pregnancy test," is all he said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I sense our baby, so take one. If it shows a positive result we can get an ultrasound today," Kai told me.

"But it's the weekend, Dr. Riley's office won't be open," I argued otherwise but Kai gave me those begging eyes.

"Alright, I'll take the test," defeated by those dazzling eyes, I agreed and he stepped out so I could do that.

Once I was done he came back in and we waited. Little to behold, my doubt smacked me in the face to read a positive result.

"M-maybe I-I should take another test to be sure," I staggered my words, not believing this to be the final result.

Kai chuckled when he took out his phone. "You do that while I call Dr. Riley."

He dialed her number and walked out to give me privacy. I took my urine sample from the cup and tested it on four more tests and waited. Sure again, all four results were the same.

"This can't be," I told myself, still in disbelief.

Everything I made myself believe was wrong. It didn't matter if I knew all along. This was the first time results showed real evidence. There wasn't any rebutting it.

Soft tapping came on the door before I saw Kai's reflection in the mirror behind me. He kissed the back of my hair and then glanced below my shoulder to see the line of positive test results.

"Dr. Riley will see us once you're ready to go," he whispered into my left ear. Then he tenderly kissed my nape from around my hair. I gestured a slow head motion to let him know I was ready.

Kai's dad provided us with one of his cars to drive there. Shortly, we arrived at the closed office and Dr. Riley was here and more than ready to take us back.

"Are you both ready?" She asked us, smiling.

"I believe, I am ready," I supposed.

She smiled and led us back to the room. She did the same preparation and then we watched the screen. Thereupon staring at the image, we saw this tiny baby that resembles a jelly bean.

"There you are little one," Dr. Riley shimmered a smile and moved her hand around my belly to focus on the heartbeat. The tiny heart flickered with life that you could faintly see.

Kai held my hand and he leaned down to kiss my head. I breathed a dull exhale to take this all in.

Dr. Riley told us, "I'm going to do some measurements and determine how far along you are."

"I can't wait to know," Kai replied, heartily.

Then she started doing that as I watched our baby move and wiggle.

"This little angel is being quite active," Dr. Riley chuckled with Kai.

My memory was jarred to reminisce my mom's spirit said something about my Angels. Perhaps she knew. Yet, she said angels, not angel.

"Is there only one baby?" I ask, mulling.

Dr. Riley stopped and cocked her head at me. "From what I see there is only one," she told but then questioned. "Why do you ask?"

"I was only wondering," I replied and left it at that. I didn't feel there was any need to explain what my dead mother told me.

"According to the measurements, I've determined you will be nine weeks pregnant after Sunday," Dr. Riley verified.

Kai proudly said, "That lines up with the Blood Moon, which is when our baby was conceived."

"With that being declared, I'd say your baby's due date will be May 1st," Dr. Riley said, which felt like it was going to be a forever wait. Since I was two months pregnant.

Deep in my heart, I smiled to watch my baby move about. The baby looked no different than a tiny bean that wiggled its tiny arms and legs while worming its entire body. Having such a life growing inside me didn't seem possible. Yet, I am in awe to watch him or her move about so lively.

"Are you ready for me to clean up?" Dr. Riley asked, and I took one last look at the vamp baby to always remember this moment. Vamp or not, surely I loved this baby as any loving mother would.

"I'm ready," I muffled extremely softly.

Dr. Riley took some memorable photos of the ultrasound. Afterward, she cleaned up the gel over my belly and we went back into another room to talk.

"Now that I know how far along you are. Your sickness might be severe in the first trimester. So eat what you can and get a lot of rest. Please keep that stress level down. It's never good for any baby," she advised me and then gave me more nauseous pills and prenatal meds.

"Thank you for seeing us," Kai shook her hand.

"It's not a problem, I've been expecting this call," she smiled and waved us goodbye before we left. "Take care now."