Chapter 32 - U.A. Part 9

I come out from the bathroom with wet hair and wrap a towel around my head and walk outside into my balcony. Kacchan is there looking out. I pull off my cardigan and then walk to him and hug him from behind his back.

He turns around and then pushes me against the railing before kissing me. We kiss for a long time, and he wraps my legs around his waist. He's so pretty, it hurts me sometimes. As we kiss again my heart burns. I look into his eyes and he looks away.

Katsuki's POV

His eyes are so green and fierce. I feel my heart burn as I look into his eyes, then I look away.

- End of POV -

I kiss Kacchan and don't let go until he pulls away from me. I'm needy.. as an omega my heat was going to start soon. I slip back onto the balcony and into my room, before shutting my curtains. I lay down on the crisp sheets nearly falling asleep, then I hear a knock.

I open my door and Ochaco comes in with tears. I asked her what happened at then she screams into my arms. "Kimi... She... She committed suicide.." she said.

I fell to my knees. Kacchan runs in and then I cry like nothing ever happened. I cry like a baby. I crawl into a small ball, and then I lean against the wall, and cry in my arms till next morning until six am, when I wake up.

Kacchan is on the floor next to me with his hand in mine. I get up and then start packing my bags.


We finish packing and our stuff moves back to Kacchan's house. I walk down the stairs where Ochaco hands me an envelope labelled "My Last Note" from Kimi, to Izuku Midiyora. I tuck it carefully into my pocket and then hoisting my duffelbag, and dragging my suitcases out where Aunt Mitsuki was waiting.

I placed my suitcases into the booth and sit down in the back off the car with Kacchan, looking out with music in my earphones, then leaning against the cold glass of the car, I fall asleep in tears.

I wake up with a mix of emotions bubbling in my heart, head and stomach. We were five minutes from home and as we pull up into the drive way, the voices in my head started again and started yelling "SHE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU FUCKER".

I got out of the car with my bags and walked up the driveway, barging into the house and straight upstairs. I slammed the door shut and locked it, before opening my drawers and seeing a boxcutter blade.

I stood so clean for so long, but I couldn't give a fuck anymore. I grabbed hold of the blade and grazed it across the skin of my arms, before pressing it in hard.

Blood trickled down my arms, and then I moved further up. I did the same to my other arm, before wrapping my hands in bandages and gauze, holding it close with a pin. I walked downstairs and was met with Kacchan. He looked down my arms and then looked back at my face

"Why did you do this? You stood clean for so fucking long and you started again today?" he said. I tried finding my voice then, I burst out and yelled "I'm fucking sorry ok?!" I said. He stuttered and walked towards me, as I started crying.

He hugged me before searching my draws, and finding that blade. He threw it outside. "Don't you fucking dare do this again" he said before pulling me back out of the bathroom and into my room and then he pulled off my bandages, cleaned the scars I had just cut in, changed me pulled me onto the bed before faling deep into sleep.