Chapter 25 - U.A. : Part 2

We caught the next bus to the main town in central Tokyo. Kacchan had splitted up to go his own way and I searched for a haircut salon. I found one in middle Tokyo and went inside.

There was a short wait so after fifteen minutes I head to the open seat and sit down, then I show them the photo of the haircut and sat down in the seat. I was getting my hair dyed red from the front as well.

They completed the haircut immediately and then told me to move to the dying station. I showed them another photo of the color and style. After it was dyed I walked out of the shop and called Kacchan. He told me he was at an ramen restaurant south of where the barber shop was.

I walked down the street and then after a few minutes I reached the ramen store. I pulled on my hoodie and walked in. I was nervous to show Kacchan my new haircut.

I walked in and saw him in a corner booth and sat down with him. He looked up at me and said "What's up with the hood? You embarrassed of your haircut or something?"

I pulled down my hoodie and showed him what it looked like. "Holy shit you look hot" he said. My face turned red and my heart thumped loudly in my ears.

We were interrupted by the waitress who asked us what we wanted and at the moment she mentioned we have a devils ramen contest, who ever finishes the bowl wins an all might plushie, then she left.

I gave Kacchan my puppy eyes and he scoffed. "Fine" he said. We called the waitress back and she came back with two small bowls of the devils ramen and our booth crowded up. "Let the challenge begin!"


Kacchan ended up winning, and I ended up dying of spice. He handed me the all might plushie and I hugged him tightly. The booth was crowded with people clapping and we both got up and left. We walked down and back to the bus stand and then took the U.A. bus home. We walked up the U.A. driveway and walked into the school were there was huge commotion.

There was a crowd and as soon as we got in we were pushed into the front. They were jeering at us and I was so confused. "They're gay! Beat them up!" they yelled. I was pushed back and forward and I turned my head, Kacchan was already bleeding from the nose and hands.

I was pushed onto the ground and I fell face forwards, breaking my nose's inside. I teared up in sorrow. It was highschool all over again and this time Kacchan was getting more blamed. I fell unconcious after what felt like an hour of being beat up.

I woke up in a hospital bed, with Kacchan next to my bed all bandaged up. I turned my side and then tears started pouring down my face. My phone was next to me and then I plugged in my headphones and turned on cardigan. "I knew I'd curse you for the longest time... you'd come back to me.."

I felt an hand graze my face, it was Kacchan and as soon as he pulled me into a hug I exploded into tears and I just screamed till my voice was hoarse.

"What are we doing wrong?" I said. "We need to break up. Promise me, it'll work out at the end Izuku" he said. I nodded and pulled off my ring and gave it to him. "Keep it safe" I said. "I love you and I'll promise to be the best I can" he said.