Teeno, Heather, Cameron, Weston. Joshua, Trent, Chessie, Warren, Warner, Francesca, Trevino, Tiffany, Renshaw, Cora,Renskin, Rico, Brett,Dayton, Jayden, Dolton Levette, Jessup. And Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Tonia, Tanner, Aaron,Savannah, Asher, Dain, Portor , Daytona, Ralex, Nano, Clayton, Greyson, Kendra, Kendrick, Yonetta, Yohan, and Jesse are in their beds fast asleep, Jordan and Jessie walk up , knowing their twenty birthdays is today and they would want to leave home, maybe they won't guys maybe they would stay. Back to the story they still asleep, Jordan and Jessie got out the beds ad put their clothes on and walked into the kitchen, like the rest of their birthday the give them a birthday breakfast which is their favourite breakfast Jordan put the kettle on the burners, and they start to set the tables and cooling, back in Morgan town Marco is birthday shopping for his fifty five littles, " how old Marco?asked.henry," can't believe they turn twentyone, twenty,nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen and fifteen, said. Marco, " lets hope our law family stay home, want to stay on with their mothers, " morning Mr Darrnel, and Marco, I didn't know you had kids," his kids has kids those for his grandkids, " speaking you coming to the feast latter on Henry? Asked. Marco, " me and the wife be their, see you latter on, he walked down to the diner for chow, Marco loaded up the wagons, what a strange moment, " how loving a grandfather how old are the little ones? Askrd. Jean, " my grandkids is teenagers ma am but that doesn't mean grandpa can't stop spoiling them even my queens had a fit, thank you that is it, said. Marco, " what are you celebrating sir," their birthday moms is throwing them a birthday dinner, I know my gals is cooking heavily, today, they call asking to bring goods, but also grandpa is going to bring gifts for his little ones, " wait the queens of Kiiirion to you?" Really son he his their uncle spy father, Alexa be so pleased how they turned out, said. The shop owner, " the most beautiful gals you never see why they had to have their deadbeat fathers eyes," Marco those eyes are exotic , she told him. " yes that attracts those judges to them, thank you. Said, Marco. He got up in the carriage, " ( dad you on the way you want us to meet you?)-(" now Jordan I on the way is the fifty five birthdays boys and gals up?) Asked. Marco, "( no let them sleep we still setting up size they wake up when they sends you coming.) Said, Jessie. " ( I know they do they take after mom, see you soon.) He left out of the town heading to the west, as he were fifteen miles away, he heard gun fire, so went faster beating the horss, stuff fly out of the carriages, the * Cowboys * is gang on him. Losing control of the carriages, he crashed, he ft out of the carriage trying to crawl to get away, they rode up circling him, " what you want?" He not the Governor. " no he the head of Security and law enforcement, with him law stop and the security will be down. Get him tie him up, said. The head, he hand him the telephone from the telephone pole, "( if you want to security chef Anderson alive and will stand down do not send the U. S Marshall, marshal and Posey or bounty hunters, let us cross you will get him back Alive, ) he hand it back to him HR hang it up they tie him up and grab him, throw him on a horse, and left, oh no oh gosh Marco! What is going to happen now to him, back to the story, Henry heard, he did send for anyone, Jordan and Jessie wake them up they got dressed," heard us we will get grandpa back alive and now, said. Jordan, " happy birthday guys considering this you gift from us you get to go your first manhunt, said. Jessie, they hand them their rifles that they already loaf, "( we on it sir, we get him back.) Said, Jordan, " ( they didn't say Queen of hearts get those S. O. Bs gals I will address the state at this time from here, keep me post,) said. Henry, " ( we will.) Said, Jessie. They load up and left, "( are beloved Chef Marco Anderson of Security and law enforcement has been captured by * the outlaw gang known as the cowboys, no send in law art their request ,but they didn't say anything about the Queen of hearts, go get them gals!) Every rally in Morgan town , to support him, Roger and carol is on their way to Houston what an sad day this is , meanwhile they cut across lands," I thought I said no law, something. Doesn't feel right!" This is Houston law team this not Marshall's and osey, or bounty hunters, and not u. S. Marshals, he said with a smiled, one hit him hard in the face knocking out blood," shut up." No I want to know what is this law, if they want you alive you will tell them back off! Right? " I raise the since they were little, I started their careers for them , I brand and Patten them, even got them well of known here, the bounty of law queen of hearts, you don't have a chance in earth at this point, he point his gun at him," make the called old man , or go to your grave early. Said, the leader, he signed and call to them,"( gals how much you love dad?) Said. Marco."( you okay dad we are comig!m)-("grandpa!) Called. Yohan. "( I love you all grandpa and dad is good but I need you to eat ogf, wait for my signal, one Black hawk he call all leapers of the blackfeet and sign out smokes signs go find him gals, ) said. Marco, * ( what about you not chance we letting them take you across the board,) said. Jessie," ( Jes long as you do it they won't kill me, find him. I love you my bear clubs, see you latter on.) Said, marco. " you cleat but not very long longer you be out her you being watch by Blackfeet= black nation, Navajo= red nation, and Cheyenne= white nation,all three hate the white man do it want us on their lands, you be better of west , the tribe leaders give us fair play, the others will just killed us without mercy, so they headed west ," what about your kids!?" They track until you are dead, I told them to easy off and go home, Marco told him, " good, Marco that is not good idea, they met up with Black hawk in the whole black nation, " grandpa! they cried. " we will get him back guys black hawk, said. Jordan, " we found this what is mother wolves move, aske, blac