Chereads / the garrett sisters the latest version / Chapter 25 - chapter i the conference

Chapter 25 - chapter i the conference

This is the year of 1900 and now we are an grown state now cities,towns, and counties is sprouting up fast, also massive train robbers hit Houston heavy, everyone is in an uproar I mean an complete up roar, , Governor Henry Darrel is holding an press confidence in the valley farmers, homesteads, cattle hands ranchers, mayor's people marshals and deputies, and train conductors is their, what is this world coming to. Back to the story. Marco walked into the bounty of law office, " gals we need you ! They walked out of the nursing. " before this confidential startv, I need a full out investigation and Searching, what you take on this, asked. Governor Darrnel, Jordan got the file folder and hand it to them," by the way thianks for the office, we did find evidence at the depot, not a gang, said. Jordan, They open up it, " tracks leading from the train ,you know where you got lead? Asked. Marco." We haven't been out yet we just got here with the kids, we telling you what we think, its two man or women or man and women, likely related to each other, we on our way ,said.Jessie," then I not only want you think, what you have think you can give still scale investigation? Asked. Darrnel, " morning ,evening afternoon we give it are all sir. "These are for you,when they of age give them, I got them. Head out, said, Marco. " we call if we had something, they kissed their kids by, put their hats on and got on their horses and left, " here I go. Said, Darrnel.They walked out of the office, everyone is in Morgan towm, Henry and Marco walked up on the crowd, " yes there is Marshall's and deputies in every town city and County, and U. S marshals seven miles, but but who want to wait seven days for them to come,and our law men can actively leave the down for long, that not why you here right you want to Know what is going to be done about the train Robbery, for that I leave that up to my chef of security and head of law enforcement. Said. Governor Darrnel, Marco looked at him. " epic we going to back them I need you not as a treasure , notary, or Mayor, but chef of state head of security, you and me are going to make this state great you with me Anderson?. Asked. Henry. Marco smile and they shake hands he step up to them, "this is from our new law team that we Patten for you, they will get to you on tome,help when needed,and if out Marshall's and deputies need to learn the law they teach, just send telegram to the office and offer or come to their office, the bounty of law queen of hearts is on the job now tracking, searching. Investigation the train robbery, they said: two could be siblings ,brothers, sisters, and brother and sisters, at the time we will have more to tell you when they got something, back to you Government, they like the way this going, now. So do I Marco is chef of Security and law enforcement now. Back to the story. . They arrived at the train yard, the train conductor got off the train, " who are you? Asked. the conductor," bounty of law queen of hearts, you mind asking few questions? Asked. Jordan, " sure about time we got state law team, said. The train conductor, " mind I take look around the train? Askrd. Jessie, " go ahead. Jessie walked on the train to look around the train, is there anything that will lead to the train robbers, back to the story. Back in Morgan town at the conference, " Back in Morgan town at the conference, " What is being done? Asked. An women, " we are on you have nothing to worry about he cut his receiver on.*( gals where we at?) Asked. Marco, " ( we are at the train station, I talking with the conducter.) Is this a steamer or coach? Asked. Jordan, *( I got horse tracks,) said. Jessie, " we got tracks , our team it, with in noon results will be shackled, trail and transfer to prison, said. Marco, that how we roll in the west, no outlaw stand in shackled if you know what I mean. Back to the story. After the confirmed people went home and they went in the office. * coach , said. The train conductor, there was a tracks leading. In the woods,"( catch up I got them going in the woods, proceed or fall back sir,) asked. Jessie, "( wait I heading your wayvJes,) said. Jordan,' thank you sir," ( wait forYour sister Jessie, I do not want you to go off on your home,) said. Marco, the Bells knocked on the door, Henry opened the door to let them in, what they want now, back to the story, they walked in the office, " we have questions about this law here, how good are they who are they, asked. John," my kids Jordan and Jessie Garrett, they still new at this but they faster the a Marshall and posey,and can go farther then a Marshall and posey," mommy, Mommy!! Cried Preston and Cameron, " shut! Yelled. Teeno and Frankie, " you shut! " excuse me grandpa have to go have a work with his little ones, clubd! He walked in the nursery, " they got kids? Asked. Josie," by their husbands, they not new to Houston they were born here, things happened he took them in to raised as his own, he did a great job, he walked in the door," what this all about boys, asked. Marco," he told me to shut! Cried. Preston and Cameron, " they wake me us with their crying, said. Teeno and Frankie, " you four giving me a headache! Cried. Heather, " you are a headache, !" Saddle mommy won't want their little ones at each other, (Jordan Jessie,)-**( do we have to have a talk latter Teeno Heather Cameron!?) Asked. Jessie, "( Frankie James Garrett and Preston Lee Garrett behave, when you going to act like a big brother?) Asked.jordan,she left the strain depot and rode up to Jessie, she looked at her," ( moms I think a song is in ordered,) as they rode in the woods following the trail of horse tracks, they start to sing the forever song, they starting to calm down, as they listen to their mothers song, they bounce around, in the office, " so they here to aid?" They here to give Justice ,they won't start when the marshal is on it, anymore questions? Asked. Henry, " so when can we meet them , we should throw an pride," hold up no they are full time mothers they only and can work day, so this morning while they can are working, evening and night they are off the clock and on as full time moms, they do not want to be worship or fuse over, because that not why they here for , understand. I have a ton of work to do, so do he, please see your way out, he answered your questions now make waves back to the story, as it getting late, they out of the woods, "( again mommy,) said, Dolton. " (please mommy ) said Greyson, "( will who can say no to that ,son, we at st@opping people dad,) said, Jordan," ( we pick up in the morning the trail lead east, they won't go on all night, could you put their cats on them and have them ready to go home, we see you in few minutes clubs, ) they turn around and head back in the woods, they sing to them agian, Marco put their coats on thethetake them out of the nursing, Henry loo at them,they are dancing to their mothers song," they sing to them, explain Marco, as it got pitch black they finally arrived in Morgan town, Josie walked up to them. " hi how it go? They since their mothers are back, and burst out of the door," opow, do not do that!snapped Marco,they crossed their arms and looked at them,they stopped, " mothers stirred," you know better said. Jessie, " you need to wait for adults to bring you out the door ckubs, either is us or grandpa understood? Asked. Jordan, they shake their heads, they bring up the wagons and tie up their horses to them, they let down the doors, and help them into the wagons," mommy ,Mommy,called. Dayton, " yes son what can I do for you? Askrd. Jessie, " babies have a seat please,, " forever please, said. Dayton. They Sat down, as they shut and locked the wagon door, "-please mommy, begged Daytona, " we see you at the house for dinner dad?" Would I miss out on my gals food now, after we done here I will be by, bye my grandkids,grandpa loves you, said. Marco, " bye bye grabdpa. They all way by,they got up in the wagons, ad left as they sing to them. " they didn't answer me? " that because they off the clock and on the clock as fill time mother's now theiy concern s are their kids, their priority is their children well being, their worries is their children, my grandkids is top priority now, not Houston, ask them when they back on the clock , now go home, he walked in the office, they far from Morgan town, in back in the west, they pull inside of the barn house, Jordan and Jessie, got off the wagons, take the saddles and harness of their horses,in put them in the stables and locked, they unchanged the house put them I their stables, they unlocked the wagons doors, and help their kids out of the wagons, walked them out they locked the doors, an cold burst of wind hit them," winters going to be here tomorrow, said. Jordan, " yeah we have to stock up now have the stock in the farm house, first bath first, everyone to the bathhouse go in, said. Jessie, they moan, " awe moment I don't want a bath, you all stinky we could smell you from the woods, said, Jordan. " I am not stinky mommy how? Asked. Cullen, " oh dear son you are, a wolf can smell long distance, size we good to have something new for dinner, said. Jordan, " the soon we all bathe the faster we can eat, they ran down to the bath house, Marco and Henry finished their work," winter is heat, we not sending them tomorrow, " good idea to dangerously, good thing we post about the winter and treats telling all of Houston to stock up now and stay inside tomorrow, I staying in the west, said. Marco," see you after everything old friend, Marco went into into his house to pack bags, they started to wash them, Marco shut his door and put his bags in the wagon and left out of town, yep I can even feel that, man winters is here, back to the story, after they got them washed and themselves washed up, they dried themselves and their kids off, and put their night clothes on them, they put their clothes on and walked them out the bath house , they walked in the house, Jessie locked the door, they ran into the family room start to play with their toys, they shut the door and start to cook dinnet, when Marco finally pulled at the house," dad is here, they unlocked the door and went to help him, " its cold, you off the clock during winter, said. Marco, " thank you we are plan doing that anyway, we tonight we stock up on meals, if you keep them busy in the family room, they got his bags in walked in the house, Jordan took his wagon into the barn house and put his horses in the stables and locked the door again, Jessie is the Celler setting up up the tents and beds, " grandpa!!! " there my little ones, you having fun?they shake their heads, " good looks like moms are getting to fix something new for dinner, said. Macro, Jordan walked back, the house and closed the door, and locked the door, she went to help Jessie to get the beds set up," what do you need sis, " everything, answer Jessie, she went to get their bed stuff," stay continued to play, he walked out of theroom,as they still playing, " gals?" Yeah? Asked, Jordan and Jessie, " you need help? Asked.Marco Jordan walked down the steps, * we good we getting the Celler set , they getting hungry we know, but the room need to be ready, she walk down the steps,she finished got the tents up and around the bed apps they dressed the beds with everything, they walked in the house, and they went out to put their live stocks in the farm houses and lock the doors, they got duck and chick and pig,they slaughtered all their and clean them up,they bring them inside seasoned them and put them on the turners to cooked,they gather t spices ans d herbs ans crops from the gardens put them in the storage cooker and locked the door, they got mustard greens, and sweet tators, and fkour, they walked in start to peel the Tators and cut them up, washing them and put them on the stove in the boiler, Jordan washed the mustard greens and put them in a pot on the stove, the wind just turn colder out, and in the dens in the valley eyes open up and yawning Winter leapers big, they eat up everything, they leave their calling card where they go by, in the west in abandon mine sheets red eyes start to open up , this why you should fear winter, back to the story, while everything is cooking, they walked in the room, " Olay guys dinner is beginning, so line up and lets head down to the celler, said. Jordan, " come on, babies, they stop playing and walked out the room and down the steps into the center, they sat down on their beds, the shut and locked the door, " I got them. Said, Marco, " mommy, called. Savannah, " yes Savannah. ," why we sleep here?' Because winter is coming tonight and we want you guys to sleep with us, said. Jordan, they walked up the steps and in the kitchen, ,the Duck is done cooking they got in cut it off the bone and pour into the pot , season and mix with the gravy, Jessie stirred it, something new, now the pig and and Chicken is ready, while dinner is cooking, they got the n meat off the turners, they wrapped it and take it down to the Celler, put them in the heat storage to keep warm, " mommy I hungry. Cried. Chessie, " we know dinner is cooking now Chess, said. Jessie, they walked out and up the steps, they start to make the cheddar biscuits rolls, they put them.on the cooking sheet in the oven, next they put the rice on. They put plates and bowls silverware on the trays and take them down to the Celler, they got off their beds," mom must have dinner ready .said. Marco, " almost everything is on the stove and oven, they bring up the tables and put the trays on them, the mustard greens and sweet Tators is done, they walked in the kitchen, they put them in to serving bowls they take them in the storage to, they walked back up the steps, they put the milk and tea and. Cups on it, they rake them to the Celler and put them on the table, dinner is ready, they walked up the steps and pour the duck soup into the pot,and Jordan put the. Pot and add the harmony gravy, to it, mmm smell that? Something new for dinner, back to the story, they locked up and cut the lights off, they walked down the steps closed the trap door in lock it, they walked into the they help everyone bowls, snaps hand it their kids, they sat down on their beds , they walked in the gates and locked it, they blessed the food, start to eat, " mm gals what you call this ask Marco. " Duck rice stew sometimes new, with Cheddar cheese biscuits also new, " moms die it again huh? They shake their heads , after they finished eating, they took up the dishes, and leftovers and put them in the storage, and the bows into a bucket,5They poured mothers milk in their cups and hand it to them, " after you get done lets head to the out house to pee and poo, said. Jordan, " mommy poo, laughed, Railey, ," know your body Trent yes definitely need to air out, tea dad? Asked. Jessie, " yes please dinner was wonderful, thanks putting up with your old man, said, Marco, *you always welcome here dad, she hand him the tea and pour themselves some, they finished their milk, they take their cups , sat their teas down on the tables," lets go to empty our little bodies, they walked out the side door into the out house, After they air out, they walked back in the center, they closed and licked the door and pulled the wall down and locked, they took the tent and locked the gates behind them and tuck them in their beds and kissed them good night, and blow out the lantern and got in their beds, " goodnight my family, said. Marco, " goodnight dad, hope it an peace night back to the story,