Winter is coming as it start to snow, You know what that means winter Dire Wolves will be waking up, not good to be out in this. Back to the story, in the West in the house, Jordan and Jessie is at the transition stage of their burying, all three walked in the kitchen, " winter is here, we need to get you both in town before it gets to bad, " we got a celler dad, we won't making they carrying soon to come, said. Jessie," they are on the way, best we stay here, we do need to go in town to get suppiles, and see if we can get an barn house or farm house built. " okay lets go but you are on retire gals no work, said. Marco, he help them out of the house and into the carriages ,he got in the. Drive seat they left the house, everyone needs to get everything dine before it gets bad out, back to the story. The wind just turn cold, "