Chapter 6 - Back To School

"You are… Literally the definition of a madman," Niva said as she staggered out of the dropship and onto the landing pad.

Her face had turned a concerning shade of green considering her species had bright pink skin and her normally perky elf ears were drooped downward at the tips.

"No idea what you mean," I replied with a smile, knowing full well that she meant the way I had whooped and yelled on the drop down to the moon's surface.

When you hear the term "surface of the moon", you'd probably think of a barren and inhospitable landscape.

Of course, that's what the moon is like where Earth is concerned.

This moon was not like that.

If anything, this moon was more like the forest moon of Endor from Star Wars.

Away from the landing pad our ship had dropped down onto there were lush forests stretching as far as the eye could see. Mountains with sparkling waterfalls tumbling down their sides.

It was paradise.

"Ah, yes, Niva and the Otherworlder, we were expecting you!" Came the high pitched nasally voice of a creature I couldn't help but think looked kind of like a gremlin or a gnome.

"Uh, you can just call me Adrian," I said, extending a hand in greeting.

He looked at my offered limb in confusion for a moment and then, seemingly remembering something, gripped my hand in his own much smaller one.

Clearly, handshaking was something unique to human customs, which were probably still frowned upon by most people.

"Yes well, Adrian then," The gremlin-like creature said, "I am Court master Hardwick, and I control all the goings-on of the academy grounds. If you'll just follow me we'll get you and Niva in your bunks in no time at all."

I glanced around, I couldn't see any sort of academy nearby, just the rolling hills covered in trees.

"I uh… Don't see any academy nearby," I said, "Are we going for a walk through the trees or?"

"Your bio-signature hasn't been keyed into the warding matrix yet," Niva explained, when you pass over the threshold for the first time the matrix will interface with the buddy AI that merged with you before… uh…."

She trailed off and I couldn't help the knowing smirk that played across my lips.

She didn't want to admit, in front of Court master Hardwick, that she had almost sent me straight to the brig the first time we had met. I'd be sure to keep that little fact in reserve if I ever wanted to embarrass her.

[I wouldn't advise embarrassing her, you've both got the same amount of magitech talent at the moment and she's the one with actual, you know, combat training,] the aforementioned AI buddy piped up.

I hated to say it, but he probably wasn't wrong.

Court master Hardwick led us on, and as we walked the world seemed to ripple and distort around me.

With every step more and more of the academy, building revealed itself to me.

It was a castle, built into the forest, with large pillars and battlements just like you would expect to find in a fairy tale.

It felt like I was walking through the grounds of Hogwarts.

However, unlike Hogwarts or any other kind of castle from back on my own Earth, heavy lines of circuitry fizzled and crackled with mana. They were laid into the brick in the shape of arcane runes that I couldn't understand in the slightest and glowed an eerie green.

"Okay, I can see the academy now," I stated, unable to keep the slight hint of awe out of my voice, "Why keep it invisible when it looks this… well… gorgeous?"

"Hmmm… As an Otherworlder I suppose you would not know the history of our greatest losses," Hardwick intoned gravely, "Our previous academys were kept on worlds that we thought were naturally safe. But then enemies from within our own walls emerged, and we realised that we had to keep these places of learning hidden away from prying eyes."

"It'd take a lot of magitechnical power to get through the wards on this place," Niva added on, "They're partially powered by the core of the moon, so it'd take at least that much energy to crack the matrix."

That was… a lot of power.

Clearly whatever had happened in the past had dealt a serious blow to the… empire? Confederacy? Republic? Federation?

There was so little I knew about the universe I'd been sent to.

All I really knew was that I had been summoned by the Astral Corps to help battle off against some ancient evil.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my stomach rumbling, loud enough that both Niva and Hardwick noticed.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly, "I haven't had a chance to eat anything yet today, things have been pretty hectic what with getting down here."

"No worries, no worries," Hardwick said, waving away my stomach rumbles, "The canteen is open all hours and there are matter replication units in your room. Humans have become more common across the United Systems so there should be some foods available for your tastes."

We passed through a courtyard, and then a series of winding hallways that led us deeper and deeper into the castle.

So deep that I was sure I would get lost if I had to navigate my way through it alone.

[Luckily for you I've got a photographic memory, which means you do too. Sort of,] The system said from the back of my mind.

"Your rooms are next to one another," Hardwick said, eventually coming to a stop in front of two wooden doors, "They have been charmed to open only when they sense your intent for them to open, please place your hand on the doorknob and give it a try."

Niva and I gave each other uncertain looks.

She had never been able to use magic of her own volition. I'd never attempted to before.

Nevertheless, we both put our hands on the doorknobs as instructed.

I felt a little surge of energy pass between the palm of my hand and the cool metal and then a click as the door unlocked itself.

It wasn't much, but I'd just managed to do my first bit of magic.

Niva, on the other hand? Her door stayed solidly shut.