Ariana: Those 3 are...
Ray: Hi Felipe-San, Subaru-Kun, Touken-Kun.
Subaru: Well well if it's not Ray and Ariana.
Felipe: He thought I had been tricked that day.
Ariana: What are you talking about?
Touken: We researched Ariana, that's her mother's name.
Subaru: her real name...
Felipe: Her real name is Emily CloudWolf.
Subaru: You stole my speech.
Philip: Sorry.
Emily: How did they find out?
Felipe: We suspect precisely because Ray never calls you by name and you look down every time we say your name.
Emily: It wasn't intentional, I didn't know you guys so I lied.
Felipe: Glad you are part of the Oraculun family, but you carry your father's surname.
Emily: So even that you guys figured out.
Ray: Emily, you can't be the center of attention.
Emily: I'm sorry Ray.
Felipe: I feel a great power emanating from you Ray.
Ray: I've trained this whole time to catch up with you and be able to fight powerful enemies and defeat you.
Subaru: While you were training, last year Felipe defeated a member of the Order.
Ray: How amazing.
Emily: You're kidding right?
They are very strong.
Felipe: I don't know what happened, I was about to die, I felt different and I was on my feet again fighting and destroying the chances of that damn man killing someone else.
Ray: I want a fight against you Felipe.
Felipe: Ray, this was unexpected but I will accept your challenge.
school combat arena
Felipe: Are you ready Ray?
Ray: I'm always ready.
Emily: Ray, why all of a sudden?
You were never like that.
Ray: Emily when this is over I'll ask you out on a date.
Emily: Ray, we're kids.
Emily was completely embarrassed by this situation.
Felipe: Well, I see you have a not-so-secret admirer.
Ray: I know how you looked at Emily when we first met, I'm going to win, this is going to be over fast and then I'm going to ask Emily out on a date before you do.
Felipe: Not that I want to date so soon, but this fight is important for you so it's for me too.
Ray: I'll prove I've changed.
Philip: Come with everything.
Ray: Teleport Attack.
Philip: A mirror.
Ray teleported through a mirror and appeared not even in front of Felipe and gave several blows with his bare hand as if it were a sword, Felipe could not attack with his sword so as not to injure him, he could only dodge for now.
Kushiba: Very good that prediction, it managed to escape quickly.
Ray: Mirror cut.
Felipe: I was waiting for this, the guard is down.
I will reveal the name of my sword.
Felipe took his sword out of its sheath and dodged the blow from the right side and attacked him from the left side.
Felipe: Sword of the Phoenix blue flames: Cut of the blue moon.
Ray defended with his left arm, a mirrored mana reflection like a yellowish shield took shape and protected him.
Felipe: That's not how Ray works.
Ray: What?
Ray was blasted into shape by tiny blades that were previously just smoky energy.
Ray: I'm not done yet.
Mana Blade.
A blade appeared in his hand as if it were a real sword and he redirected it towards Felipe's arm.
Felipe: I haven't finished it either.
Ray: He's quick to both attack and dodge.
Felipe: Kushiba's Strike.
Ray: It's in the back.
Felipe attacked vertically with his sword, if it wasn't for Ray's teleport to activate at the right time, it could be his defeat there
Felipe: We are fighting on equal terms.
Ray: Not really, you still have the upper hand.
Philip: Is it?
Ray: Even so, I will win.
Blade Random.
Several light bladers were created and launched towards Felipe who cut each one of them and Ray would go up with the teleport and attack almost like a dance trying to get an advantage and cut Felipe, some Felipe dodged and others defended, but nothing shook him. and the fight was still in a draw
Felipe: I will end this fight.
Ray: Me too.
Felipe passed under Ray's left arm and kicked him in the back making him fall to the ground and thus defeating him with the sword aimed at Ray for a few seconds.
Felipe: Not this time, right Ray.
Ray: It was a good fight, but it just shows that I still have a lot to train to reach you.
Emily, are you willing to date someone weak like me?
Emily: Ray, you're not weak, you proved that you've changed a lot, if you were the you of 1 year ago I wouldn't date you, I just wanted to be a big sister, but seeing that you've matured a lot in 1 year, even though we have the same age I must say...not yet, we are very young, but when we grow up and you ask me again, I will accept.
At least let's wait until we're 12.
Ray: Okay, Emily-chan.
Emily: Ray.
???: Time to start the plan.
???: Do as you wish.