Previously on The Vampire Cat System
{After seeing who it was, Bernard greeted him with respect, earning him a soft smile and a nod from Quzin.
"This weapon is really interesting, it's not many symbiote user choices, and most even walk away after a glance. With a weapon like this, you will have to be fearless and get close to your opponent or at least be able to land a swift lethal attack on your opponent. However, that is also the reason it is an assassination weapon because you must be swift and be able to land a one-kill blow less you suffer the consequences."
Quzin said, with a soft smile as he slowly explained the beast weapon that he was looking at, he seemed like a grandpa telling his little grandson an interesting tale.}
After staring at it, for a while Bernard looked at Quzin and asked the question that was on his mind. "Do you mind if I try it out?"