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To every good looking person, or a happy happening - evil eyes off, they say... But could the evil eye be actually kept at bay ? Held back, - stopped from not causing damage, from ruining lives ? For once Nazar is inflicted, life would be worse than just miserable, aggravated, or plainly psychopathic perhaps … Read how IT sat at a distance - waited, watched, prepared to strike … at the expense of Izaiah - IT could cost him more than just physiological damage, lives maybe and perhaps its next target could be...

Chapter 1 - Salems Brood (1)

It was a winter afternoon in Northern Cyprus. The sun was high up in the sky and the wind blew slowly, moving the clouds with its tiny breaths.

A brown-haired girl of about ten ran up the street on the pavement wearing a huge mischievous smile on her face, swinging her water bottle with one hand and holding her school bag with the other. A small, crying boy scrambled behind her, tripping and stumbling over his feet, screaming at the top of his lungs " Mannah !, wait for me ! " he wailed.

"Mannnahh !!" he stopped and screamed.

The running girl paused, turned around, folded her arms, and gazed at her younger brother at a distance. He frowned and threw his bottle and bag to the ground. When Mannah gave no response, he huffed loudly and sat on top of his bag, and tucked his head down into his folded hands. The cool breeze gently ruffled up his already messed up hair and the trees whispered in the silence again. Mannah couldn't help but smile at the chubby figure throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street. Slowly she walked down towards him, picked up his water bottle and bag, clasped his hand and pulled him to his feet. Izaiah resisted, and sat down back again, curling up into a tight ball. "come on now, clumsy-feet" she pulled at her brothers shirt. Again she bent down and gripped his hand, dragging the boy behind her. "wait !" he shouted. Mannah turned around, annoyed. " My chain came undone..." he muttered, bending down to pick up the small oval blue, black bead that hung from the sleek thin chain and had slipped from his neck. "Don't you dare ever lose it !" she wagged her finger at him, the way her mother did. "let's go now" she pulled the smirking Izaiah by the collar and dragged him into their pretty brown house in the middle of the block.

Anissa was out tending to the lawn, spraying pesticides mixed with two parts of water at the flowering plants. She could see her six-year-old daughter staring out of the living room window at the street, and smiled, thinking the day wasn't far when she'd be gone to primary school along with her siblings as well. Observing all the neighboring houses, Anissa's gaze rested on the house exactly in front of her own, across the street. A sad feeling crept over her heart as she recalled the miserable fate of the family.

Her mother-in-law had told her many times about the incident that tore a beautiful family apart. At first everything was fine, the father went to work and the mother waved him and her children good bye from the doorstep. She did groceries and house chores during the week, and at the weekend the family went away to a picnic or to visit relatives. It was all roses and honey till the children grew older and left the nest. They lived far away, settled abroad and didn't want to come back - quite a big dispute the family had. The couple got distressed and seldom left the house. Their doors had been closed for more than eight years now since part of the ceiling and back walls collapsed in the blasting, raging thunderstorm that wrecked the house. The elderly man had died in his room, lying down in bed during the accident, while the older woman survived, for she sat alone by the fireside while the winds blasted.

The children did show up, but the doors were slammed shut at their faces - thus they left. Never again did the doors open again, except once a week, when the house worker left to buy groceries or when the maintenance people were summoned. Although Anissa felt sympathy for the old woman living there, she never actually liked her. The tragic happenings had toughened her heart, and she became known for being ill-tempered and unkind.

How many times has Anissa wandered out into the lawn to check on her kids, and find to her surprise, the old woman staring haughtily at all three of her kids, as if just about to slap them and scream till her lungs burst. At first, she didn't mind, but when on every outing Anissa would catch a pair of angry eyes gleaming from the curtains behind the glass window, she grew more and more irritated. Seldom did she now allow her kids to play out on the lawn and looked out for them even more strictly.

The thud of the water can as it slipped from her hands brought Anissa back to present time, she shrugged and shook her head, throwing all the thoughts away. Humming a soft tune of an old song her mother used to hum, she continued to slowly caress the leaves and pull out weeds.

Glancing at her watch Anissa noticed it was almost a quarter past two, and felt satisfied that she had already finished making lunch. Upon hearing the familiar sound of pattering feet on the driveway and the loud panting of the kids, she left the gardening items in the dirt and stood up.

"They're here !" Mohira ran out of the house squealing. Anissa grabbed her arm firmly " wait!" to stop her from running out on the street. As the children entered through the gate, Anissa caught a glimpse of the old woman observing them from the window. "wonderful" thought Anissa, she seems to have memorized our whole timetable. As soon as Izaiah saw his mother, he left Mannah's hand and leaped towards her.

"Mother! Mannah left me in the middle of the road, all alone, and a car was about to hit me, and then she ran over here and I cried for her to stop and she didn't, I …" Izaiah wailed, rubbing his eyes again and again while no tears seemed to appear ." Shut up LIAR". Mannah hissed at him while cuddling six-year-old Mohira "Mannah mind your words", her mother scolded "but mother I never … " she started. "Ok, enough both of you,". Anissa gazed into her daughter's eyes with an understanding look on her face and took the young Mohira into her arms. "Now I want both of you to go and wash up, I've got a surprise to tell you over lunch. " she winked at Izaiah, patted him on the cheek and ushered both of them into the house. She bent down and picked up all the tools, placing them back in the shed built at the corner of the front lawn. Walking behind her kids toward the house, Anissa glanced one last time behind her at the house. The staring face was still there. She sighed and shook her head.

Mannah darted off towards her room after dropping off her water bottle and shoes in their place. What would the surprise be? After they'd both bathed and changed and were devouring a warm meal of vegetable gravy, rice, and lentils, Anissa pushed her plate forward which touched the glass in front and gave a small clinking sound. The older two children looked up eagerly, while Mohira still played with her bowl of peas and rice. "So I got an unexpected call, from an unexpected someone," she smiled and continued "and I invited them over for dinner. Now that school is off for the vacation, I thought it'd be nice if they would be able to arrange an adventurous vacation for all of us, which both of you have been looking forward to... " woohoo !" Izaiah cheered and clapped Mannah a high-five.

Mohira squealed and clapped her hands seeing both of them happy "wait, do let me finish !" Their mother gave them a stern look, "both of you first need to finish off your holiday homework, as much as you can, and sweep up your rooms, make 'em nice and shiny before our guest arrives, and as he's arriving at dinner so you too might want to hurry up... " she raised her eyebrows at the scowling Mannah. "ugh! can't I skip cleaning my room mother ?" she argued, "well then darling, I would say you skip meeting our guest as well". Anissa replied. Mannah sighed and picked up her plate to drop it in the sink. "eight hours is all you got kids, and that's a lot of time to finish all the work.." Anissa announced. "Come on now Mohira, finish eating and run along ". She turned to the toddler playing with her food.

At eight-thirty Anissa finished arranging the dining table and changed Mohira into a fresh pair of clothes. After a quick shower, she went up to check on her kids. Their rooms were sparkling clean as she had expected and the homework was done, but the two children were nowhere to be seen. "Mannah !" Anissa called out aloud. No response, so she called out louder. " Izaiah, Mannah, come down here at once". her voice echoed around the empty hallway and rooms. Mohira trotted towards the staircase, stretched her neck to look up and screamed their names like her mother.

"strange" Anissa thought and opened the sliding door leading to her backyard. She peeped outside, it was slowly darkening, the blue blending to black, no one was there. As she was turning around, she caught sight of a woman gazing at her from across the road through the grill of the back gate. Anissa squinted, but the moment her eyes blinked the figure was gone. Anissa shrugged and closed the door, drawing up the curtains as well this time. Making her way towards the dining room, Anissa thought she heard someone giggling. Slowly crouching down, she bent her head to look beneath the dining table. " Got you both !" she shouted. Mannah and Izaiah squealed and giggled, trying to scramble out as quick as they could to avoid their mother's tickling fingers. "momma stop !" Izaiah laughed and snorted, which made the kids double up with more laughter. Their mother beamed at them and had opened her mouth to say something when the doorbell rang. Izaiah and Mannah looked at each other. "who is it ?" Mohira sang out. Their mother winked and whispered "that must be our guest right now." she hurried off to open the door, and the kids trailed behind her. "oh no children, you both go off and fix the dining table, see if everything is alright and in place. Mohira you come with me". Izaiah and Mannah nodded and ran off. Anissa walked to the front door and whispered to Mohira "ready ?", she nodded, and as soon as the door opened, Mohira gasped.

" I wonder who the guest is... "Mannah frowned while laying down the cutlery. "I just hope it isn't one of those bossy, fat ladies who visit mother all the time" Izaiah scowled. "Eww, they're old and grey and creepy... and wear such odd perfumes, hugging and suffocating me, and pinching my cheeks so hard, I just don't like them !" he pushed in all the chairs properly. "kids !" Anissa appeared in the doorway, her eyes sparkling, "meet our guest for tonight..."

She slid to one side and did a sweeping gesture with her hands. "PAPAA !!" the children screamed and ran forward towards the tall, tough-looking man emerging from the doorway. Mohira appeared from behind, squealing and jumping up and down in excitement. Their father He enveloped them both together in a bear hug and lifted them off their feet "my cubs are heavy now ! " he grunted joyfully.

Carrying each child in one arm he slowly sat at the nearest chair. "Oh god ! anyone would've thought I was away for ten years, not six months, the way you all are clinging to me". he chuckled "And how tall you both have grown !" his eyes glittered at the sight of his daughters. "taller than I ever remember. And you Izaiah, " Salem punched his son playfully in the stomach, " my young man has grown strong and tough now, I see !" he laughed and separated them away from him.

" Now now, stand firm my soldiers, no more hugging. Have a heart of stone for once, I'm not going to be around forever" he lectured. Mohira giggled, and Izaiah smiled. They'd learned long ago from their father, who reinforced the idea now and then that the sand of time in the hourglass of a soldier's life ran out pretty quickly, and was always more unpredictable than a normal citizen's.

Anissa came in the room with a big pot which she placed on the table, and clinked the glass with a spoon, announcing "Dinners ready". "Oh Anissa !, how'd you cook so much food on such short notice," Salem chuckled. Anissa smiled and winked "magic". There was lamb roast, warm buns, barbequed spare ribs, gravy, soft and fresh flatbread, casseroles, sautéed vegetables, fried potatoes, and hot soup. "Ahh I missed you.. " Izaiah exclaimed, and Salem smiled, turned around to hug his little son when he saw that Izaiah had been talking to the roast. Salem burst out laughing, "Its not that much of a wait my child, you just have to refrain from it for two days, and more when you grow older," he smiled. " But for now, come on, lets eat !".

During the dinner, Salem was happily chatting with his kids, catching up with their education, their interests and any new friends they had made recently. He conveyed snippets of tales at what happened at the Land war, and how he was grateful for this meal and the children should be too, as the only thing he got in the trenches was tasteless watery gravy and stale bread." Eww, I'd never eat stale bread again" Mohira frowned. " I ate some from the kitchen yesterday and then my stomach started to hurt..." She murmured. " Well, you do get used to it, in my situation". Her father replied, and reflected upon the contrast between the warzone and the serenity in his home. He stared at each of his child's face in turn, and then at his wife's, lost in the beauty of his family and grateful for the love and bond they had - all of them glowed differently showing signs of true happiness and joy.

"Anyways, where do you all wanna go this time ?" Salem inquired struck back to reality and smiled at them. "Disneyland !" Izaiah shouted. "Slowly young man," Salem smiled. " Noo, not Disneyland again!, We went there last year and the year before as well !" Mannah argued. " All up to you guys, give me a solid, consensual, final decision" Salem shrugged. "I was thinking..." Anissa started, when Izaiah cut her off "NO ! please NO summer-camps or book clubs "he pressed his hands together and pleaded, "I just wanna have some fun..." he moaned. Mannah and Mohira giggled at him. "I do like book clubs, whats wrong with going to book clubs..." Mannah inquired, folding her arms and demanding an answer from her brother. 'okay, okay kids - lets just listen to what mother has to say, shall we ?" Salem said. Anissa continued " how about... we pay a visit to your grand parents house this time, they'll be so happy to see us, we haven't met them in such a long..."

"Yes !" The girls squealed excitedly "We'll give them a surprise !" Izaiah quipped in, and Mohira nodded her head vigorously, a handful of potato stuffed in her mouth.

"Well I guess it's decided then" Salem announced "We'll spend these vacations with my parents". Anissa nodded in affirmative, " I'll start packing from tomorrow, though when do you plan to leave ?" She questioned Salem. " Next week ?" He questioned, amongst the cheers from his daughters. " Next week it is then !" Anissa declared and stood up to get desserts. "ahh I'm so full now!" Mohira mumbled sleepily and nearly laid her head down on her plate. Salem laughed. He knew Mohira wanted to be carried to bed and get tucked in by her father. Anissa called aloud, "I wonder who's going to eat all the ice cream, fruit trifle and caramel pudding I made for dessert ?". Immediately the little girl opened her eyes, "Did someone say ice cream ?". Mohira jerked up, cocked her head to a side, and hurriedly gobbled up all the remaining food amidst the hearty laughter.

That night, Anissa washed up the dishes and asked Salem to accompany the kids to their rooms. " it's been long since you did that..." she smiled. As Salem tucked in bed all the three kids, Mohira insisted that he stay with her, and sleep in her room, on her tiny bed. Salem laughed and told her he wouldn't fit, but Mohira dragged her father beside her in the bed, demanding him to at least read her favorite story, "Mother always reads this one and I love it" she snuggled close. Salem smiled and opened the book, propping it up on his stomach "The Giraffe, the Pelly, and Me" he began. Mohira giggled, " the Pelly is so funny" she whispered. ''well don't tell me now, no spoilers, I wanna read this with you" Salem whispered, tickled his daughter and continued with the story. He went on and on until the grandfather clock struck twelve in the distant hallway.

He noticed that Mohira had fallen asleep. Salem slowly slid away from her and tucked her in her blankets, then kissed her forehead. He got up and stretched his muscles which were aching due to lying in an awkward position for so long. "Father ?" came a small whisper. He turned around, and his daughter was lying awake in bed, clutching the blankets. Salem chuckled, "well well, you do know how to pretend sleeping don't you" he bent down to cuddle his daughter. " Father could you check under the bed for the one eyed monster ?" Salem opened his mouth to say something, but just nodded, surprised at first and thought it would be usual with kids her age. " Watching Monster University again haven't you ?" He bent down to peek under the bed. There wasn't anything, but another Mohira peeking from the other side and whispered " father, there's someone lying ON my bed " she said. Salem gasped and fell back in shock. His mind stopped working. His heart beat faster, and he quickly stood up and shook the thing lying on the bed, his hands trembling as he removed the sheets with a sudden tug.

There was nothing, and Mohira stood behind him, frightened by his expression. Salem gulped "now I'm seeing things" he thought and chuckled nervously. He fell on his knees again and searched beneath the bed, then again on top of the bed. Salem scratched his head and looked here and there, baffled. His heart was racing and pounding ferociously as if just about to burst out. " What happened father ?" Mohira asked him. "Nothing child," he stuttered a little and smiled at his daughter, eyeing her nervously and put his shivering hands in his pockets to stop them from moving too much, "there isn't anything here, have a look..." Again he lay down beside his daughter, patting her head as she fell asleep. This time he stayed back for a good half an hour and observed the surroundings, never taking his eyes off his daughter. At last, struck by fatigue he dimmed the lights and left the door half open for the little child, and made his way towards his own room. At second thoughts, he came back, slowly went down on his knees and peeped under the bed.

Nothing. Salem bit his lip, not knowing what to do, he stood up and made his way towards his own room again. Halfway through the corridor, he glanced back casually and stopped in his tracks, the door was fully closed. Salem frowned and was about to go to Mohira's room again, when he realized that it might've been the wind. Little did he realize that Mohira's window had been shut and locked earlier that day by Anissa herself.

Anissa was lying down when Salem entered his room. "Today was a weirdly exhausting day" he exclaimed and collapsed on the bed. Anissa half opened her eyes and smiled. " I'm just grateful you're home safely," she mumbled "at least this time they give you half a year off, and you can rest properly and spend time with us, we missed you,". "Plus the children would love to have you around a lot more " Salem closed his eyes, smiling he whispered " I know..., I'm happy to be home" he sighed. He didn't think Anissa should know about it, it was too imaginary. She probably wouldn't believe him, and plus Anissa had fallen asleep. Salem bent over her to close the lamps. In the darkness he lay awake and thought about the incident, half wanting to go and wake up Mohira, bring the child to sleep in his bed. " Oh no, she's old enough to sleep alone" Salem shook off the thoughts " now I'm tired to the greatest extent, maybe I'm hallucinating " He grinned and tried to forget everything that happened. Of course, every child had a fear of monsters at this age. Better not make it a big issue, he thought and decided to not tell Anissa. The bed was comfortable and soft, and soon Salem was snoring in a deep sleep.

Anissa woke up with a start and found Mohira staring at her with eyes wide open. She blinked her eyes squinted to see her properly in the dark "what happened dear ?" Anissa whispered and glanced at the clock. It gleamed 3:50. "I had a bad dream" Mohira replied. "Oh come here, you wanna sleep with me ?" Anissa sat up a little bit and reached out her arms for Mohira to climb in, still not fully awaken. To her surprise she backed up, moved her head from side to side and motioned Anissa to come closer. Anissa frowned, she was wide awake now, and startled by Mohira's peculiar behaviour. She leaned closer to her daughter's pale figure and Mohira whispered softly "someone was knocking on my window, and I climbed on the stool to open it " she stepped closer with a teary face to her mother, and Anissa opened the bed side lamp. Mohira pointed to her cheek and whispered " I didn't see them, they laughed and slapped me, then went out of the window, closing it ". Anissa gasped and froze; a big red spot was on her daughters cheek. She stared at Mohira as if she didn't recognize her, and Mohira stared back at her mother. Suddenly Salem mumbled in his sleep and turned towards Anissa, and her heart raced. Without thinking, she got out of bed, closed her door and picked up her toddler, bringing her in the bed. Anissa closed the lamp, and whispered " there Mohira, you're safe now, if anyone shows up here, Daddy and I are here for you." Mohira smiled and cuddled with her mother, closing her eyes to sleep. Anissa's heart was beating fast, and she poured out a little water from the jug on the table to calm her nerves. She gazed at the peacefully sleeping little girl, and for a moment believed her, when it struck her that she may have been lying face down upon her book, which explains the bright red mark on her cheek. Anissa sighed "the stories kids can create in these moments" she thought and eventually she too fell asleep. The beige coloured curtain blew slightly from the breeze coming from the open window, and a silhouette reached forward to pull it aside. It gripped the curtain, fingers - more like claws protruding from behind the cloth, stopped and stayed in its place for good long while. Mohira opened her eyes and turned around in the bed. She saw the thing and froze, her tiny heart trembling and she clutched Salem's shirt tight. The next instant the silhouette dropped silently like a stone from the window out in the yard.