Chereads / Psycopath throught Multiverse:Anime / Chapter 6 - Living as Yuhiro and the dangers

Chapter 6 - Living as Yuhiro and the dangers

After pushing the handle and going inside he saw that the lights were all off instead of a single bulb on top of the door and a butler was waiting, He is the oldest butler working for Yuhiro as he was doing this job from when he was born.

The butler seeing his master has returned the butler asked "Do u need something master?" With a slight bow.

Alex replied to the butler "Yes, can u please bring me a comfortable clothes to wear it for sleeping"

Hearing his master demand the butler nodded and quickly went to select the most comfortable clothes.

Alex looked around with his eyes without moving his head to get comfortable with his new living quarter went to go to sleep as he was tired of not getting enough rest.

Alex from Yuhiro's memories went to a guest room with a comfortable bed to sleep as he didn't want to go in the room where his wife and child is sleeping.

Alex changed his clothes given to him by his butler and he slid in the comfy bed and closed his eyes and was thinking about the next objective he can do.

Alex thought of eliminating his wife and daughter to not get in the family drama and to work like he want's as it will be a pain in the ass for looking out for someone he can just eliminate. So, if Alex eliminates both the daughter and the mother then

everyone will think that Yuhiro will go to depression and Alex could act as he likes without making anyone suspicious of him as everyone will think that he is try to forget them or something likewise.

After planning Alex went to sleep.

Next Day..

Alex woke up and followed the routine that Yuhiro would follow to not make anyone suspicious of him. Yuhiro routine was to walk up early before his wife and daughter and before he would put his feet on the floor a servant will keep a comfortable footwear to not let's his master's feet get dirty and uncomfortable, after that another servant will bring Yuhiro him the necessary materials to clean his face and wash his teeth to not make Yuhiro waste his time to go there, after that another servant will bring him a glass of mixed fruit juice to keep Yuhiro's mind and body healthy.

After Alex followed this routine he felt like a Young Master from a xianxia and weirdly Alex liked it. After that he went to his own industry which produce's from guns to toothpicks and they sell all this objects to the government of all over the world and heroes in front of public but also to Assession, Villlain organization and criminals around the world and no one can compete with his industry as he has one of the most useful quirks which gives him infinite rare ore and many other material and he sells them for a less price than any other industry.

Alex went to his private room from where he controlled everything and sat where Yuhiro used to sit. Alex then started executing his next objective.

Alex gave a call to one of the best assassination that is best in sniping from great distances and being known as untraceable.

Alex called him from a private mobile specially made by Yuhiro for making illegal deals that he could benefit from and getting Yuhiro's memories Alex used the same device.

The call connected and Alex told "Hello, are selling red birthday balloons" as this was the code for the assassian to know what he wants.

The assassian understanding this and replied "Who do u want killed and what are you willing to pay".

Yuhiro from the other side said " I want  Momo Yaoyorozu and Reika Yaoyorozu, I am willing to pay as much as you want"

The assassian told that "It's very dangerous as they have a very tricky quirk but it will be done for 40 million" and the assassian continued "20 million now and 20 million after the work is complete" the assassian told from the other side.

Yuhiro replied "It will be sent to all your foreign account in small quantities but I want them dead as fast as you can" Yuhiro told as it would delay his plans from succeeding.

Understanding this the assassian hanged up the call.

Yuhiro proceeded to send small amount of 100 thousand in the bank accounts of the assassian.

After sending the required money, he hoped that the assassian would kill both of them by tomorrow or day after tomorrow.

So Alex thought of eliminating the assassian after he is done with his job.

Yuhiro then went to the apartment where he first killed the old couple to release his stress with his bitch.

When he came to the industry a driver drove him there but to go to the apartment Alex went to the garage of the industry and told to drive that he has something to attend urgently. The driver hurriedly got in the driver seat at told that he will take him to the place but Yuhiro told that he will be going alone and sat in the driver seat and drove the car away to take it out of garage.

The driver called someone and told "The target is in the car alone" and was going to the other side of what was going to happen next.

And when he was just going to open the garage door and was going to drive out of there. Yuhiro felt that something was wrong his sixth sense was telling him to get out of the car and run and after absorbing four people Yuhiro knew it's not wise to not listen to his sixth sense and as fast as he could got out of the car and started running.

But he could not run that far as the car that his sixth sense told get out of blew up and he was in the radius of the blast and the car and all the things near it blew up.

The driver who saw the blast called again and reported "The target tried to escape but failed and died".

And the alarm started going off and the security and supervisors came and saw that something had blasted and when they saw the car they thought that there boss has been killed by someone but to there surprise when the smoke cleared he saw that a person was moving and the security rushed towards that person and saw that it was no one other than Yuhiro who had survived the blast.

And seeing this they were happy and took him to there personal medical room for his checkup. The doctor saw that there were small injuries and bruises and told that they will heal in somedays and the works were happy that the boss will be alerting and without making any noise the left as they didn't want there boss to wake up and distress him while he is injured.

You are all thinking how did Yuhiro now Alex survived, it's simple when he heard a *BIP* from under the car with his almost water downed version of super hearing he with the combined mind of five people figured that the car was going to blast and it was manually operated so before it went of he knew he will not be able to escape the radius without everyone knowing his true identity so he with the combined mind of five people created a blast prove sheet to cover all the important body parts.

And Alex was able to make it way faster that future Momo Yaoyorozu ever could and saved himself from revealing his identity.

But he also knew who could have done that and it can be no one ther than the driver as he is the only person that knew I was taking the car. Yuhiro was now thinking who could have ordered this hit and thought carefully but he gave up and thought that he will just absorb the driver and know for himself as well.

Thinking this he closed his eyes and took some rest so the healing process quicken.

And after taken rest for some hours Yuhiro told the head of the medical room that he wanted to go home so call the driver and get a car ready.

The medical head listening to his master ordered them to inform the driver to take him home with a car that is thoroughly checked.

And after some minutes the medical team assisted him with some help and took him to the car and helped him get inside it without damaging his body.

The driver was also inside the car and was ready to drive him home. Yuhiro saw the driver after the crash to look at the state his boss is in. And he was greatly surprised to see he was fine with some small injuries that would heal in some months max.

So the driver was a little worried if his boss found out about his betrayal and attempt of killing him and was sweating profusely.

And when they almost reached near the house Yuhiro made the move and put both his hand around the driver neck and pulling it to let let him breadth,killing him in the process. The driver tried to save himself but with the strength of five people he was not even a match. And Yuhiro used [Predator] on him and absorbed him in the process of healing all his injuries and getting all the memories, knowledge, components and quirk of the driver. And his quirk is  [Adrenaline] [which allows him to make his bodies reaction speed two or three times faster than a normal human so that he can see anything in a slow motion].

He was choose as the driver because of this quirk which allows him to see every slower so he can take decisions and save the life of the person if they are in a accident.

It is also a very useful quirk as if someone is stronger or as strong as him is fighting with him then every second will count in that fight.

Alex getting the memories found out who put a hit on him and it was no one other than...