-Where I am, everything is dark
Raising my hand to see if I can grab something and all I find is nothing
-Calm down, I told myself, first analyze the situation, I was in the car with my parents if
you can call them that and my brother (Alex) then a light suddenly came to the side and
from there I don't remember anything...
-HAHAHAHAHAHA this is not the kind of cliche situation where he gets run over and
reincarnated, I laughed at myself with my thoughts, I'm scared very scared
-Brother, where are you? I hope you are good.
While I was in my thoughts a light came from my head and something told me to follow it
so I followed my instincts and everything became a blur.
POV Alex
My twin brother and I were in the back seat while my parents argued as usual that we were
a burden to them, if that was what they had us for hahaha I laughed to myself suddenly a
light came from the side.
That's the last I remember of the incident I guess, while I was lost in thought a voice came
into my mind
(Brother?, where are you? I hope you are well).
I screamed and screamed and screamed but I couldn't do anything but suddenly a light
came above my head and my instincts told me to follow the light and I did, and everything
went blurry
POV Helios
I hear screams I wanted them to shut up, but I couldn't say a word the only thing I did was
cry, I see a woman with strange clothes lifts me up and seems to say something, but I don't
understand her and she puts me back where I was that looked like a basket, I start to move
and I see that someone is next to me and it is a baby who looks at me without saying
He had silver hair with black eyes, very cute, but because he looks at me, I don't know
why, but I felt like I knew him, even so, I left that thought and looked at me, and if it was a
-AHHHHHHHH I wanted to scream, but I couldn't so I cried and cried
While I was doing my drama, a woman in maid clothes came and lifted me and the baby
out of the basket and took us inside the building. There were many children looking at us.
-They are new?
-They look so cute
Children's voices around, the maid looks at them with a terrifying look and the children
run to their rooms scared
After that we got to a room, when we entered there was a big crib and the maid put me and
the baby inside
-I know it's not much but now we're family, I'll take care of you, grow healthy and strong
now sleep, she said while she kissed our foreheads.
As he walks away and closes the door, the room falls silent and I look at the baby on my
side, who is also looking at me unconsciously. I raised my hand and greeted him. From
that, he opened his eyes in astonishment and raised his hand, returning the greeting, which
left me petrified.
I wanted to try something that in my previous world I had with my brother so I did it using
telepathy that only Alex and I had
Helios: (brother?)
He stunned baby he began to cry, but they were not tears of sadness they were of joy when
I saw that I smiled
Helios: (Calm down, here I am Alex, now we don't know where we are, if these people are
good or bad, we have to take care of each other, to know what to do next)
Alex: (Ok brother helios) he said still sobbin