Chereads / Trickster: The Apostle of Loki / Chapter 21 - Let's go to class! [5]

Chapter 21 - Let's go to class! [5]

It was finally time to see what the last course I had picked had in store for me. A lot of students from both the A-class and the B-class had gathered in a big gymnasium.

Everyone except for Mike, John, Adriana, Arthur and Anna was there.

Thankfully the gymnasium was pretty big, meaning that even though we were 14 students here, it didn't feel crowded.

In front of us stood Ms. Turner, dressed up with the same kind of black skirt and white shirt combo as she seemed to like.

All of the young men were practically drooling when their eyes got to see the mature knockout, her hourglass body and incredible face creating the illusion of a succubus.

"Listen up! This will be the first lesson of the elemental alignment course where you will try to find out what element you have an affinity for. As soon as you awaken your element, this class will be replaced by one of the specific elemental manipulation courses."

Something was bugging me a lot about her explanation. What was the difference between mana manipulation and elemental manipulation? I had no idea, but hopefully, it wouldn't take long until I got an answer.


Putting her hands together she somehow summoned a row of different colored orbs, all sitting on their own pedestal behind her; The orbs being blue, red, brown, green, and black, symbolizing the five basic elements as well as the darkness element.

If I had paid closer attention to the game I might have known why the light element wasn't represented, but it wasn't something I really cared all too much about. Not that it was anything I could take for granted as this wasn't the game anyway.

"You will all now take turns to see what orb reacts to your touch. Remember that even though an orb might react, there is still a chance that you have a derivative element, meaning it might not be one of the basic four."

What she was talking about was the fact that elements like ice, metal, lightning, etc. were derivative elements that originated from the basic elements. Ice from water, metal from earth, and so forth.

"And even if you do have an affinity for a basic element, you still need to find the alignment inside of you before you awaken it. Also, do remember that elements aren't necessary for you to grow strong. There is no need to force yourselves to learn how to manipulate an element just for the sake of it. Now, let's begin! Sarah Lindt!"

She stepped up to the plate and touched the orbs, one at a time until she ended up on the wind orb which started glowing as she put her hand on it. "You have the wind element or a derivative of it. Bellatrix Rue!"

And like that, all of the students took a turn each to go through the process. The results from the A-class, who for some reason were the first ones to step up, weren't anything surprising really.

Bellatrix got a reaction from the earth orb, same as her brother, Adam, while the crazy guy, whom I didn't know the name of, got a reaction from the dark orb. It was pretty awkward to hear him go 'Kukuku! This is where my legend begins...!' like a complete edgelord.

The last to go out of the A-class was Sophie, and I was incredibly interested in seeing where she would get a reaction. I did think it was strange that the god didn't let us choose our elements when we made our 'character', but that also made it more exciting to see what we would get.

Just like our teacher had stated earlier, there was no actual need to master an element in order to grow stronger, so no matter what element I got it didn't matter much. Though it had to be said that my main body had stopped reading about my chosen animals to fantasize about sending out fireballs or wind blades toward my enemies, calling out a huge tsunami to drown an entire town...

"Sophie Red!"

'Oh, it's time!'

The one I got to meet first in this world walked steadily toward the orbs, though I imagined that she was incredibly nervous.

She walked to the water orb and put her hand on it. After a couple of seconds of no reactions, she pulled back her hand and, for some unknown reason, looked incredibly disappointed. There was no way for me to know that she was praying to god for her element to be either water or ice, as it would complement the color of her draconic transformation.

Putting her hand on the fire orb, there was instantly an intense reaction. When the other students had gotten their orbs to react they had just glowed in their respective colors, but when Sophie's orb reacted a wave of heat spread out like a ripple. "Wonderful, Sophie! You have an incredible connection to your elemental affinity!"

Walking back from the pedestals, she was wearing a flustered smile with accompanying flushed cheeks because of the sudden praise. After she had made her way back to the crowd, it was time for the students of the B-class to see what elements they had aligned.

Suzan had a reaction to the fire orb as well. Brad and Bradley got a reaction from the water and the earth orb respectively, making Brad feel a bit bad that he didn't get the earth element as well. In his mind, the water element wasn't as manly as the earth element. Then we had Trisha who made the wind orb spread its green glow.

"Sebastian Crawb!"


I could barely contain my laughter when I heard his name. The name Sebastian was for me a pretty cool name, incredibly suited to the aloof and few-worded youth that carried himself with pride. But the surname completely killed any sense of coolness that I had unconsciously attached to the man.

He just walk straight to the brown earth orb as if he was already sure what element he would awaken, something that was most likely the case judging by the reaction the orb had to his touch. Instead of glowing in brown, it changed color to a sleek gray, very reminiscent of metal.

"Oh, that's interesting! It seems like your affinity for the metal element that even the orb instantly switched its character. Nicely done, Mr. Crawb!"

Sebastian was one of the people that I was sure wasn't part of the game that we played on earth, his purple hair and hilarious last name were just too hard for me to have forgotten.

"James Jackson!"

Not letting me ponder anymore about the mystery that was Sebastian, my teacher called my name. Two different feelings struggled for supremacy inside of me. The first feeling was the excitement of finding out if I was going to be able to learn to rain thunder down on my enemies, while the other one was the urge to run away so I didn't have to stand in the spotlight in front of all the other students.

'I can do this!'

'Yes, we can do this!'

Now both of my bodies had their full attention on what was happening as I slowly made my way to the pedestals. "Haaa..."

Taking a deep breath, I put my hands on the water orb. Although I felt a slight tugging sensation, there was no reaction from it. Not wanting to stand here for longer than necessary I repeated the process with the fire orb, which ended with the same results. I felt a bit of a lump in my throat as I approached the earth element.

The earth element was probably the one element I didn't want to align with, and this was for one very good reason. It was super lame. Who wanted to be able to just throw stones? My eyes closed shut as I put my hand on the brown orb, praying to Theia, whom I had gotten to know was the main Goddess of this world, that I wouldn't align with it.


"Mr. Jackson? Are you alright?"

Ms. Turner's words made me open my eyes, forcing me to face reality once more. 'Thank you, Theia!' There had been no reaction from the orb in front of me, filling me with delight and relief. I wasn't forced to give up on learning elemental manipulation, which was the only solution I had come up with if I ended up with the earth element.

Turning my head and scratching it, I awkwardly answered my teacher, "Oh, yea. I'm fine, just a bit of a headache..."

She didn't carry the same prideful and imposing aura anymore as she looked at me with strange eyes, almost looking a bit sad, "Are you sure? You know that you can tell me anything, I'm your teacher after all?"

Suddenly my back started hurting a lot and, rotating my head, I saw the reason; All of the male students had eyes filled with envy and hate because of the words that the gorgeous lady had said with a completely different demeanor than what she showed the other students.

While scurrying along to the wind orb, and casually putting my hand on it, I repeated myself again, "Yes, I'm fine?!"


In a matter of less than a second, the wind orb had reacted to my touch and sent out a huge wave of mist, making me unable to see Ms. Turner who wasn't even two meters away from me. After a moment of surprise, I couldn't stop the reaction that followed.

Luckily my face was disguised by the mist so that no one could see the huge, sinister smile that had emerged.