Chereads / The Masked Boy's System / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Next day, Han walking to his school and other students seeing him start gosip. Han didn't mind it after all "Han Zheng!" Hearing his full name get call from behind, Han turn around.

He see the chesnut hair boy run toward him 'Oh, school prince and If I not mistaken he same age as me. His name is.. wait, what is his name?' Han put his hand to his chin and close his eye while trying to remember school prince name.

"Hey, morning Zheng." Greeting the school prince and Han greet back "Morning." "Hey, I heard what you do to Liu Lu when I'm went to vacation with my parent. I must say you're awesome." Say school prince with star in his eye amazed at Han.

"Thanks, I guess." Say Han while scratched his hair at back. "Let's walk together to school." Offer school prince "Sure." Han accept the offer along the way to school.

Both of them walking to school in comfortable silent since morning wind make them feel easy. When they arrive at classroom door, Han look at school prince.

School prince look back at Han and say with chukle "Zheng, I'm your classmate remember. Haha." "Atleast, you remember my name." Say school prince with smile and slide the door. Unfortunately, Han not remember his name and say inside 'Sorry, but I'm not."

Upon see both famous pair, they swarmed at them. 'Human, why are you swarmed me?! Swarmed person beside me instead!' Say Han inside.

"Hey, Teng. How is your vacation?" "Zheng, where did you learn martial arts?" "Teng, how is Hawaii?" "Zheng, do you want to join martial arts club?"

Han don't know what to do up till Feng Teng the school prince speak for both of them sake. "Woah, woah. Let's calm down everyone. Han and I will answer you guys question one by one. Right Zheng?" Say Feng Teng with smile and glance toward Han only get a nod as an answer.

Feng Teng tell how his went with honest and Han Zheng telling the lie "Like I said, it only my relfex and I don't mean to make him flying to trash bin. I was about to put him down and I release he want to punch me so, I startled and accidentally throw him. " Lie Han.

"Also, human have amount of mysterious energy when they shoked or starled. That's what we learn yesterday in science class." Fact saying Han make everyone look at him.

'Let it work, I'm here feeling tired when talking too much.' Say Han inside. "You're right, Zheng. After all you're genius." Say his boy classmate and Han denied it "I'm not a genius." "Oh, come on you're." Say one girl with smile "No, really. I'm not." Denied Han again.

Feng Teng hearing it say "Yeah, she's right Zheng. You're genius." "No, I am really not a genius." Denied Han again with his hand waving. Everyone sigh and only nod "The genius person is always humble." Mutter Feng Teng and realise something.

"Hey, Zheng. This is first time you talk a lot about random stuff." Say Feng Teng make everyone look at him "What?! Are you serious?!" Ask shocked the girls meanwhile the boys 'They just know.'

"Yes." Answer Feng Teng "But, we see both of you always talk a lot with each other and sometime laughing." Say second girl. Feng Teng say "I ussually asking him to teach me about subject that I not understand or chatting with himsome random stuff when I'm feeling bored."

"Then, how he reply?" Ask third girl, this question make Feng Teng look at Han which seeing through window. Han answer the question without break a glance through window. "I ussually reply with 'Oh, okay, I guess, good, laugh and short explaining school material."

"Then, do you not feeling awkward?" Ask fourth girl "No." Say Feng Teng and some girl say "Love really not need a word to understand each other." Feng Teng eye wide same as Han Zheng while turn his head to Feng Teng. The situation becoming awkward and silent for awhile.

"Umm, nah. We're not into that stuff." Say Han while fic his mask to up his nose a bit. "His right." Agree Feng Teng while scratching his hair at back. The door slide by the teacher make everyone return back to their seat.

School hour pass and Han walk to his house with peace unlike yesterday. Han enter his house and see his big brother Wang at living room discussing something with Yue.

Wang notice Han at hallway and say "Han, go take a bath and wear a long white sleeve shirt with black long pant." Han nod and follow his big brother word.

Done doing what his brother say, he goes down to living room "Listen, Han. There's is client come booking VIP room at my restaurant and the client is a suspecting of drug dealer. Yue and I, want you to undercover as a waiter." Explaining Wang with serious look while hold Han shoulder.

"Han... Han.. Waku-waku!" Say Han excited the star can be seen in his eye. "He see to much anime." Say Wang with soft gaze toward excited Han and understand what he say.

"But does mum know?" Ask Han, Miss Zheng that just walk in to living room hear Han and say "Mum, allow it. Your father ring is always protect you."

"Woah! Ring, Spy, Adventure!" Say Han with excited face while jumping "Haha, okay calm down 'spy'. You need to eat first. Then, you can be the one like your anime spy." Say Yue smiling and Han storm to the kitchen to eat a food on theb table.

On that night, Han change to waiter clothe that lend by Wang. Han slide the curtain to left revealing him in waiter clothe. Wang stand up to tell him professional manner taking an order and Yue fix his bow.

Han nod understand Wang word and Yue give him small thing "We already stuck the recorder below table so, all you need to do just taking an order." Say Yue with worries. "Okay." Say Han and the screen appear.

Han put his mask "Big sis Yue, can I have one small recorder that you attach below table?" Ask Han, "Sure." Say Yue hand him small device and ask "What are you going to do with it?" Ask Yue curious. Han smile and answer "Something."

Han out from changing room and walk in to VIP room. Then, pull up table cover and see below it "Yare yare." Say Han and take device and crush it.

Meanwhile in Boss room, "Sargent, we lost the signal of device." Say the male police make Wang and Yue shocked.

"Sargent, the suspect already in the restaurant." Say second male police while monitor the scene. Yue and Wang walk to Cctv that just beside them.

"Han, what is he doing?" Ask Yue seeing Han walking toward suspect without look infront.

With Han, he bump the suspect "Watch where you going!" Say the first suspect angrily his gaze not leave the phone. "Sorry." Apolgize Han and continue walking pass the suspect. Han smile while walking back to main restaurant place using different path.

"Sargent, we get the device signal back." Say the first police man. "What?" Ask Yue not believe what she heard.

Han at main restaurant place. Then, see the second suspect walk to VIP room place. Han wait to 4 minute and in the VIP room.

"Hi, my name is Claude. And I will be you waiter for tonight." Say Han with his undercover name. "I would like one well done steak." Say the first suspect. Han write the order while saying "Nice choice sir." "Sir, what would you like?" Ask Han toward second suspect.

"What is your recommendation?" Ask the second suspect his gaze not leave the menu book. "I will recommend lasagna." Say Han "I will take that one." Say the second suspect "Okay, what would you want for drink sirs?" Ask Han "He and I will take one red wine." Say the second suspect.

"Sure, please wait for a minute. Yours food will arrive later." Say Han and bow before leave the room. "That kid is great for taking an order unlike last restaurant I went." Say the second suspect make Yue and Wang in boss room spurt their drink.