As he was a leader of labour group so he has to coordinate with the chief officer and one day the chief officer had transfer from their and new lady chief officer appointed in the factory.
At the first day of her appointment he meet with the man and she is attracted to him,and told him to make familiar with the labour. She meet with the labours and she told him to get know about factory all previous activities. Also she visit factory with him and she is getting closer with him day by day and after some day the man also get attracted to her as she was beautiful. Slowly he started to ignore his wife and his son who was only 6 years old and has started to lie with his wife. He always used to bring his son from school but one day he told his wife to bring their son always from school because he had alot of work in factory.
One day the lady officer took him for shopping and his saw them while bringing their son from school. When he came to home he gave a saree to her telling his boos gifted her.But she refused to take that but he forced her to take that and told her to wear the next morning. Next day she wear that saree and show her husband and he praised her. The phone rang and the call was from lady officer and the lady officer told tim to come to the office immediately. He immediately reach to the office even without having breakfast.
When he reach office....