I adored this little one too much, she had become my world and I showered her with love. no one had the right to hurt him. it was my lucky charm. I love him too much. I trained Annita to be there best of all and strangely, she had the behavior of someone familiar to me.
At only four years old, Annita had this notion of listening that I didn't even know. She behaved clearly like Marlène Dietrich. Happiness is established at home, and I had a second daughter, a second lucky charm from Miss Laura. She was named France. It was Miss Laura who gave her this first name. I also loved this little one.
One day, Annita had a slight accident at her school, she hit her head violently and she completely lost consciousness. the doctors after obstruction decided that it was good that the little one received blood. this blood group was rare in this hospital and all the hospitals in partnership with this one. my wife and I were not of this group either.
I was madly desperate. but miss Mehra said her brother could help us. she dialed a number and called this brother. on the phone, I thought I heard the voice of James Marlene's brother since we were still in contact. as soon as she finished on the phone, she reassured me that the one would arrive in forty-five minutes.
Those minutes that felt like an eternity James arrived at our hospital, and I couldn't believe it. but he seems not to have recognized me. He arrived close to me and gave me a description of my wife calling her Marlene that he was looking for her sister. I showed him to the emergency room where he went directly to help the little one.
After a few minutes the doctor came to tell me that Annita was out of shock but needed a psychologist after leaving the hospital.
my wife went with James and then the nurse brought me back the recognition documents to sign. I took the document and began to read; what was written the aba gave me a fit of indigestion. ''I ,Marlene Dietrich, younger sister of James Dietrich, allowed the transfusion on the person of Anita Frey Mehra by my big brother who was in perfect health and distribution.''
I could not believe my eyes anymore. I quickly signed the document and handed it to the nurse. she told him directly that the little one was ready to go. I took the little one and quickly took her in my car to the psychologist for her first aid. I made a quick call to miss Mehra to find me at home with the one who helped our daughter.
she answered with an ok and hung up. I couldn't help asking myself these questions. why did she marry me? why did she change her face and name?
Why didn't she ever tell me that? asking me these questions, she made her entrance with her brother. I put her at ease and to her great surprise, I called her:Marlene and not Miss Laura.
_ "Marlene Dietrich and James Dietrich. I'm Erick Varon". did I declare. she was speechless.
His brother too but decided to break the silence:
_ "waouh Erick it's made a precious lease. how did you become Samy Frey? " Asked James
_ "after my second disappointment in love, I sank and my psychologist opted for this so that I could get up and as you can see, it worked. I am more vibrant now than ever."
_ "congratulations Erick I'm sorry, but Marlene has suffered worse. Bear yourself that on the day of her departure, she had a serious accident that destroyed her. it was a reputable doctor who took him under his wing, operated on his face, and changed her.
After the operation, she didn't remember anything and the doctor adopted her, giving her the name Laura Mehra. a few days later, the doctor died, and Laura, as her only child, inherited her property.
That's why she is your partner today with the company Mehra. After a few moments, she remembered me and called me. she told me her story and I was alarmed and thankful to heaven.'' he told me.
_ "so you're Erick? Erick Varon?" she asked me abruptly.
_ "yes yes my sweet sweetheart'' I replied, holding her hand. She brutalized me and pronounced that she wants a divorce. Because she had sworn never to love me.
According to her, I had taken advantage of her ignorance to fall in love with her and obliged this love to her.
_ "But Marlène you are already his wife, there is nothing more to do. '' explained his brother.
_ "I don't care. that's why divorces exist''. she said heading to the bedroom to pack her bags. Directly, entered the little one and the doctor Kanisha. the doctor asked to speak to miss Mehra. James went to call him. We were sitting in my office.
The doctor explained Annita's psychological report and specified the fact that we must support each other to help her. Laura/Marlène said the word divorce. The doctor confesses to her the fact that she is a big part of the little one's recovery and that the divorce will not help her at this time. She understood and lowered her arms.
For several months, we took care of Anita, and little by little, Marlène learned to accept me Erick Varon as Samy Frey her husband. After the recovery of the little one, she announced to me that she was not going to leave anymore and was going to continue and support her family because if something happens one day on this earth, it is for a valid reason. There I recognized my friends and my madwoman, my crush was back and it was Marlène Dietrich.