Ranks least to greatest:
-infiti (fire demon)
-Kishi (water demon)
-Wendigo (wind demon)
-Botis (earth demon)
-fallen angels (gray area)
Pets- a mythical creature of any rank that is contracted to you from either their birth or through their consent
Soulbounds- a bond that owner and pet can have in which their are meant to be together as one
Hounds- like a pet but the are pets that come from another world, that are bound to its owner through speacials means.
( to know that they are owns, they have a brand of sorts on either their neck or heart [really anywhere]. )
Magis- powers that everyone has when their come of a certain age.
Hybrids- normals people are called this when they are able to do more than one thing such as: do magis and have pets.