Chereads / Surviving A Doomsday Apocalypse / Chapter 6 - Chapter-6

Chapter 6 - Chapter-6


A heavy metal collision caused a trap that was concealed beneath a splintered wooden board to spring into action and snap shut.

When the iron mouth containing the metal sawtooth was handed over to the boss, the wooden stick that was in the boss's hand was also crushed, and the wood chips splashed on the fat man's shocked face.

If you step on this foot, you might find yourself eating trotter soup for dinner tonight...

"Huh, surely someone is inside. This little kid's trick is easy for you to be fooled by," the man said. "This is only easy for you to be fooled by."

The little boss with hunting experience hummed as he used the other half of the stick to pick out the rusty mottled trap and then tossed it to his followers, which is another positive development.

"Boss... Boss, thank you..." "Boss... Boss, thank you..."

As soon as the panicked, overweight man had regained his composure, the other men in the back pulled out their own weapons and prepared to charge forward.

The guy who can get such a trap is unquestionably a nomad who has lived in the wilderness for a significant amount of time, and the booty is not likely to be of low value.

The fat man couldn't support his heavy body by standing on one foot, and the fat man leaned forward habitually, stepping out with his right foot. He had raised it for a long time. This was because the fat man's right foot was raised for such a long time.


The fat man's right foot seemed to trip over a thin rope whenever he stepped on it, and before he could respond, he noticed a thin white thread in front of him bouncing!


Everyone became aware of something distinct and stopped moving forward.

I can just about make out, in the crimson glow of the moonlight that has made its way into the room, what appears to be a thin metal wire dangling behind the rotund man's neck.

The rotund man stopped moving all of a sudden, appearing to be a doll that had been held still.

"Hey you."

Finally, the underling boss showed his impatience by advancing toward him and kicking him. These guys were as slow as donkeys, and a quick crack with the whip was required before they could proceed.

The obese man was able to move after being stung. His fat body started to fall to the ground, and the first head to fall to the ground faster was his enormous skull.

Everyone looked at the blood that was flowing from the fat man's neck as the round head rolled down to the feet of his head.

The individual on the inside has laid a double ambush?!!!


Wei waited for everyone to respond to the scene, and all of a sudden, a high-pitched whistling sound emanated from within the space once more!

The final four individuals are, in point of fact, seasoned professionals in the hunting industry. They quickly regained their composure and were almost trained to collapse to the ground when they stood up!

At this point in time, a arrow just scratched the top of his head, and it brought up several hairs that had turned yellow due to nutritional deficiencies. If the response had been a few seconds or ten seconds slower, then that arrow would have gone right through his head.

"That on the inside! I must kill you! Shield! "

Nobody in this region has the audacity to put themselves in such danger before. Since it has been transformed into prey in his eyes, there is nothing left to do but submit to its fate.

You have no right to fight so fiercely. You have nothing but unending suffering in store for you!

The subordinate manager flashed a sly smile. The three deformed men who were standing behind him immediately took out a few splints made of asbestos, iron, metal wires, and other materials using his "shield."

They worked quickly to assemble these plywood sheets into the shape of a temporary "blockhouse," which was approximately 2 meters in height and had a triangular footprint. Despite its apparent lack of complexity, the structure made of robust material is capable of withstanding the repeated fire of the pistol.

In addition to that, the surface of the "bunker" was welded with numerous dense spikes. If it strikes the adversary at the speed at which it is charging, it has the potential to cause a great deal of lethality and to punch a lot of holes in the adversary.

Initially, with enough people who are overweight, it was possible to form a square bunker with four sides, but now it is safe to eliminate one.

When it came to their leader and guide, they gripped an iron-sharpened steel knife tightly in their hands. Judging by the size of his bulging muscles, they were confident that they could easily cut the enemy in half.

This square is their unavoidable ace in the hole when they're trapped inside the cramped building!

"Boy, you're dead, and if I take your cervical vertebra out alive, I will definitely use it as my belt!"

The man who was in charge of the square formation gave a friendly smile before leading the other three men in the array in a methodical march towards an unexplored part of the room.

In this confined space, there will soon be fierce fighting taking place between different hunters.