In the early civilization people were not able to distinguish anything that they has got or anything that they don't have with them. With the change and knowledge in their mindset they started to discover things that are not known to anyone and declared them as father of anything they discovered. The metals ,non metals , plastics, golds , diamonds everything they discovered.
In the early period there were nothing on this planet just the apes and some chimpanzees around the world and it's recorded that evolution has changed from chimpanzees to human being and has got more thinking power then those animals which are living now in this era. The people were in the verse of discovering of new things and places that they don't know and still some places and things are not yet being discovered since they are unknown to everyone and still people are trying to find them. Human beings created everything on earth they learned everything and with the mindset on their head they started of increasing popularity and population as well. There fore there are different countries and different people around the world arguing about their religion, sex, and independence.
When great minded people started thinking that since there are lots of countries around the globe and if we talk about the people there are lots of species around the world which they are bifurcated by different races and religion. So in order to mark people as one religion and one citizen they thought of forming government in their own country and with their own rules. Later with the development in world again they made complicated by forming Constitution within the country. In that case higher authority people thought of making some prove to be as one pure citizenship and formed mandatory decision to have citizen card and in that time more of people were uneducated and didn't know what to do with that so some people got late making these cards which is impacting now in this modern era to so many people.
This people are suffering now since those who don't have cards are not given any special jobs and and cannot fly overseas where ever they want even though they have got lots of money. The reason because of these it seems like people are not getting right justice within the country and suffering from many rejection in so many ways like discriminating from some friends and down look by some body. The countries Constitution is so strong that they stated to have one nation and one people but nation seems one but people are being many and different since they are suffering with this things.