Chereads / Transformers: Heat glare / Chapter 7 - Chapters 8: P.R.I.M.E. or should I say… (1)

Chapter 7 - Chapters 8: P.R.I.M.E. or should I say… (1)

(A/n: Warning, mc is going to go crazy for the short duration of this chapter.)

[Shanghai, China.]

People were evacuated with false alarm in advance in order to prepare a proper battlefield to fight and hunt down the decepticon.

The autobots were currently brought to China in helli-carriers, I didn't need to because I had the F22 raptor form.

But flying a Raptor to China would raise several flags in several different countries so I modified the form to be capable of stealth.

And so, I flew as escort for the helli-carriers to enter China, Shanghai. I was excited this time around with hunting the decepticons.

The time for the fallen to rise again had come and Megatron was being most likely being resurrected right now.

Back to hunting the cons, we had arrived in shanghai and approached an abandoned construction building that had the decepticon beside it.

N.E.S.T. had cautiously approached the constructicon as I made my way towards a building that had a clear view of the con.

I transformed back into my normal form and transformed my arm into my signature sniper railgun and knelt down into shooting position.

I flicked the thermal shade on the scope, and I immediately saw several soldiers in mid-range proximity on the suspected con.

I focused on the constructicon and spoke through the coms connected to all N.E.S.T. soldiers in the proximity and the base and the other bots.

"It's a decepticon alright. Check your thermo gogles and confirm." One the soldiers put them on and, as expected of his reaction. "Oh, my God. So, we're hunting down a giant huh?"

I readied a bullet that was recently developed and was purely made for destructive piercing insta-kill or immobilizing whatever it was shot at by releasing an equivalent of 300 million volts, sounds impossible? Well not anymore now that I have the cube's power.

"Permission to fire." I asked for command as I notice that the constructicon was heating up and most likely preparing for a surprise for us.

The N.E.S.T. soldiers took my words as a form of warning that the con was about to transform and readied themselves for any outcome, may it be glorious death or victory's tomorrow.

And then suddenly the decepticon transformed and threw the concrete tubes around it towards the soldiers and roared.

"Permission granted." I heard the command and aimed at the decepticon's main body, or just what held the body together.

I shot immediately and electricity sparked all over and thunder bellowed out as the decepticon went down to the ground with one of its 2 spines supporting its body tore and broke apart as the bullet collapsed some of the pillars of the building behind the decepticon as collateral damage.

"Curse you!" It screamed in an angry, broken voice. It stood up back again and as I was about to fire again Optimus came in and spoke. "Let me finish this."

I looked up to the sky and saw Optimus falling down and shoot at the decepticon. The decepticon ran away rampaging through the streets as Optimus repeatedly shot at the con.

I then got alerted through the comms, "Alert! Heat-Glare, another decepticon spotted on your 10!"

I turned towards a little to my left and immediately saw the decepticon being chased by mudflap and his twin, to which whose name I still don't know.

The twins had lost the con and the Arcee triplets went for the chase and pursued the decepticon while occasionally shooting.

I readied for another round of Zues bullets to kill the con, and once again, the Acree triplets had also lost the con and Sideswipe was now in pursuit.

I charged the railgun and prepared to shoot; Sideswipe was about to confront the con, but I shot first and again-

Lightning sprawled out as the bullet travelled towards the con and split it apart and releasing shocks of thunder afterwards as bolts and scraps rained down from the sky.

Sideswipe transformed and looked towards my direction with… I don't know(?). Competitiveness? I couldn't confirm it though.

One thing was for sure that what I did could be considered as kill stealing and that really isn't something jolly.

Anyways, back with Optimus and Iron-Hide, I sent out a quick pulse of x-ray and found them on the bottom of the bridge.

I transformed to my jet form again and landed beside them.

I let out blades from my left arm to show that I wasn't here as spectator and spoke. "So, this was our prey…"

The decepticon let out a grunt before speaking with its broken jaw, "So you were the one that shot me." | "Yes" I answered.

Optimus charged up his arm-gun and aimed at the decepticon's face. "Any last words?" Optimus asked.

The decepticon's eyes flared alive as it looked at Optimus, "T-the fallen sh-all rise again."

Confidence evident in its voice. Optimus shot the con multiple times, ending its life.

After that was done for a total of 1 hour hunt duration, I went back to my home that was beside the Witwicky family home.

It was a long and tiresome trip back and forth, so I quickly opened the door and was greeted by the usual silence in the house.

Well, there was no one home besides me so I guess it's safe to say that it would be silent and always would be silent.

Should I create someone to accompany me?

Someone with skills and power like me. But how will I trust that created being with that power?

I looked towards the ceiling and spoke. "P.R.I.M.E." The light in the house lit up as the all-familiar voice that had accompanied me for 2 years since I reincarnated in this world. "Evening, Heat-Glare

I felt nostalgia roll over my matrix, the memories that were never written down. (A/n: Okay, okay! Stop! I know you're sad but let's stop breaking the 3rd wall!)

"Yes?" A voice came out of seemingly nowhere and echoed around the house. "Do… do you want to be in a physical body where you could interact with the world and not just the internet?" I asked "her".

P.R.I.M.E. had gone through several upgrades and buffs in intelligence and operational abillity, becoming more than simple A.I. designed to help me at the start of my new life.

She was capable of thinking for her own, and even feel emotions. The only person I could trust with power like mine.

"I… I only wish to help you grow as it is my original purpose, I was made to do so." P.R.I.M.E. spoke in a somewhat conflicted tone and I noticed it.

I sighed and spoke again. "P.R.I.M.E., I know that you want to touch and feel, eat and taste, smell the same as the others do, the same as I do."

P.R.I.M.E. grew silent all of a sudden as she thought of several things. Things that I might not know.

A few minutes had passed, but I patiently waited and finally heard her voice again. "To be honest… I also want to do be able to do what you said."

This time I smiled and spoke, "I'll ask again, would you like to have a physical body where you could interact with the world, and not just what you could do on the internet?"

"Yes," P.R.I.M.E. spoke with small hesitation. "But before you make a body for me, could I ask about why you wanted to make me one."

I feel like I would sigh a lot in the days to come. *sigh* "Well, to put it simply, because I was starved of the feeling of having someone I could come back to when I return home."

And there goes my rabbit hole… "As might already know, and if you don't, in my first life as a female human, my parents died when I was 12. Ever since then, I lived passively and wasn't much active, and then I died when I was travelling the world to somehow find solace in seeing the various people and culture, in a plane crash at the age of 32."

I sighed for the 4rth time today, "And then colour me surprised when I found out that I reincarnated. But my situation was even worse, I was and orphan at the age of 12. It was a restart of sorts, but only as a male human.

Again, I was parentless and starved what it felt to return home and have someone happily welcome you back. I was successful in terms of money, but even that couldn't buy what I wanted to feel. So, I gave up on that and lived a somewhat stagnant life. I again, died, and at the age of 40 without touching a single woman.

And then, another surprise had happened, I was reincarnated, for the 2nd time. I was excited to enter the world at first, and then again, slowly. Very slowly at the course of 2 years, I was reminded of it again. The sense of loneliness in my home, or should I say our home? *sigh*

Of course, this life I had five times as many friends compared to both my last lives in total. And more importantly, I had you. But something seemed to be lacking, and I was seeking for it." I sighed again for the 6th time.

"And so, I thought that giving you a body that would be a variant replica of mine would be the easiest and fastest solution I could do right now. I hope that would be enough to explain."

P.R.I.M.E. was silent for the most part, maybe it was a lot to take in in terms of emotional spectrum? I don't have an answer to that right now.

And so, I began building the necessary things I needed in order to replicate my body.

The problem was, I didn't know how to exactly replicate my body. Someone might ask, why can't I just build a normal cybertronian body based of mine?

Well, I want P.R.I.M.E. to actually survive all the events that will transpire because if "she" doesn't, I will return back into the same state as before and I don't want to lose the one person I really put my trust on.

I know I will be able to tether my powers and attributes over to P.R.I.M.E. but the time needed in order to do that was about a couple thousand years due to how intangible they are.

And the only thing I could do was turn back towards the cube, its power would certainly help me in creating a perfect replica of my body together with my abilities.

To start off, I started by first transforming into my normal mode and then rip my body apart as it quickly regenerates over time with my ability, adaption which makes me partially immortal unless every single atom of me is gone I will live.

Thought the process was painful and I have figured out how cybertronians feels pain like humans, the body sends signals to the brain(matrix) which is what we call pain.

After I had gathered enough adamantium and parts of me to build a body, I had started to draw the power of the cube.

And with the help of the cube's power, I had begun to shape the body and once I was satisfied, I started to then upgrade the technological capabilities of the body.

I inputted all the knowledge I had on the body and made it, self-evolving like my own body and I was finished, but then I felt something was wrong.

I mused over it for a few minutes and then finally, the light bulb lit up my mind. It was missing the abilities that I have; it wasn't the perfect clone I had envisioned.

And then, finally, I was so desperate that something apparently very painful had crossed my mind: splitting myself in half.

It was crazy, very crazy in fact and I was willing to do it, I… I don't know why I was willing to go so far to create P.R.I.M.E. a body.

And so, in my 1000x1000x110 meter cube basement composing of several floors that I had asked of the military to create for me very deep underground in a very confidential manner, I had begun the process of splitting my body in half.

The way I would do it was of course having something pull me apart with the help of being sawed in half, it would be painful, but certainly quick and sure method.

I was right now in between a chainsaw whose technological prowess I had improved and was made of adamantium, only adamantium could cut adamantium.

My legs and arms being clamped and was ready to be pulled on by command. I prepared myself for the pain I was about to feel.

"P.R.I.M.E. start the operation." I voiced out in all nervousness; I was about to experience what people in the medieval era experienced for Primus' sake!

P.R.I.M.E was silent for a second before as I had requested, the machines had whirred to life as the chainsaw started to cut at me and I full blow screamed at the pain.

Coupling that feeling with getting pulled apart by force was excruciatingly painful and almost unbearable, and I had to hold on till the end process for my plan to work.

The feeling of getting slowly cut apart, the feeling of getting pulled apart to keep me from regenerating was what I could describe as; "very painful" in understatement.

And boy would I like to tell the world and make them title it as the understatement of the century.

Finally, after a gruelling 1 hour cutting and pulling, my body had been put into separated spaces so that they won't join together and would just regenerate the left/right half.

And as I thought, both halves started to regenerate, all according to keikaku. Hehehe....

The right body, which was where my consciousness resides, successfully regenerated.

I went to the cams and checked the other body, only to find that the other body had no separate consciousness, according to my calculations.

I entered the separate room and checked the body; it was the exact replica of my body!

It even holds the power of the cube, my adaptability, and even all my forms and weapons!

It was a successful perfect replication of my body, now, all I had to was transfer P.R.I.M.E. into the body.

I override the body and make it transform into its female form, never thought that this was actually needed. *Flashbacks of chapter 1*

I laid the body into the table and stabbed a cable into it and then P.R.I.M.E. started to transfer over into the body silently.

The body's eyes open up and ejected the cable, looks like P.R.I.M.E. had successfully transferred into the body.

P.R.I.M.E. stood up silently and I just observed, she slowly walked towards me with now words coming out of her mouth, and I spoke. "Prime! How does it feel to finally have a physical body-"

I stopped my words since I was in a loop of surprises, I felt a tight grip around my lower chest and soft sniffling noises. I was completely frozen over as I cranked my neck to see what was gripping my body so hard. It was P.R.I.M.E.

I did what would almost everyone would do when they have someone crying on their chest, gently patting her back to give her comfort.

After she had finally had somewhat calmed down, she spoke gibberishly full of stutters. "I-I… *sniffles* l-lo-ve y-you s-so m-much… *sniffles* … f-for giv-ng me a-a b-body..."

We stayed like this the quarter of the night with her scolding me, and me spouting sorry once in a while, her saying that she loves me because I did so much for her. and me just saying; "yeah".

Me sharing stories and explaining why I went so far for her, and her telling me that I didn't have had to go that far. Overall, the night was spent with her adjusting to the body, doing thing she couldn't do in the virtual world, and me helping and comforting her the whole process.


Allrighty! I stayed awake till 10:04pm to make this... now tell me what you think of this chapter?

Did everything make sense? Was the fight scene a bit off?

But anyways... thanks for the support my online friends (if i could call you that).

Also, additional stuff. I have come back now! With new ideas, and I still have yet to update the chapters of chapter 3 though I did update chapter 2, also there was a change with the flow of the chapters.

Also comment down if you want to involve mc at the time of King Arthur. In other words, contact with the knights of Iacon.


[Join The Knights]

[Stay in Japan or Travel around the world 'til original plot line]


Creation is hard, cheer me up to keep my motivation sky high!

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