Chapter 7 - Young Master Zhang

PangFua watched her in amazement, sometimes offering to help her chop a few things or set the pan on the gas cooker, just to see the outcome of the food.

Soon, the delicious aroma of the food flooded the entire house. It was almost like a magic spell cast in the air enchanting everyone around.

As Jiang Meiying stirred the food she had made, Zhang Hien stopped the silent reading he had indulged himself in and meekly sniffed the air.

His stomach rumbled a bit, but he bore it, and kept on reading. How he wished he was the one eating such an enchantingly aromatic food.

Even after a hearty meal, the family of three couldn't resist the salivating sensation the aroma of food had caused to tingle on their tongues.

Jiang Ming spoke up.

"Mummy... Daddy, do you think Jiang Meiying could have defiled our orders, and had asked the maid to prepare dinner for her?"

"If so, she really has some guts to go contrary to my orders." The man stuttered, but there was a look of longing on their faces. It was obvious that they wanted to try out whatever delicacy that was being prepared.

"PangFua. PangFua." Jiang Chu suddenly starts calling out in an angry voice.

Jiang Meiying smirked as PangFua dutifully left the kitchen, but since she was done cooking and was just placing a large piece of steak over the food in the dinner pot, she carried it out with a calm look on her face.

Before she could arrive, she heard Jiang Chu shamelessly say.

"... she's been given strict instructions not to have dinner tonight, and we didn't inform you about it. The food mustn't go to waste so I suggest you bring it here to... "

Everyone paused as Jiang Meiying placed the dinner pot on the table, and quietly ordered PangFua upstairs,

"Get my husband downstairs."

PangFua quickly left, and the others had their mouths open like a stunned goldfish.

Jiang Chu got up from her chair ln a state of anger.

"Do you really think we'll let you have dinner after all you've done to your sister. You haven't apologized nor returned her money, but you went along to ask the maid to prepare dinner because... "

"I don't recall asking PangFua to make dinner. She did help in chopping most of the ingredients, but I'm well aware of my cuisine skills. Why would I need someone to cook for me?"

Everyone* "!!!"

"You can't even chop an onion; much rather cook. What makes you think we'll believe your petty lie." Her father snorted after they had stared at her in disbelief.

Once PangFua rushed into the room, Zhang Hien tensed up. When a maid decided to walk in, it was either to grumpily bring in meagre looking dishes or drag Jiang Meiying out of the room to do some work.

What was she doing here?

"Young Miss asked me to get you." She said, her look, sombre.

He curiously let her push him out, the words she just uttered, travelling back to his mind like an unwavering thought.

Young Miss?

Did she mean Jiang Ming?

Had they been bullying Jiang Meiying?

He tensed up at the thought, and wished the elevator ride would be faster this time. However, the smell of food weakened him, and he wished he could have some. But he didn't want trouble, and would prefer sleeping hungry with Jiang Meiying, than troubling her scary family.

Jiang Meiying saw them approaching, and choose that moment to lift the lid off the pot. Jiang Ming who was closest to it, almost fell back as the salivating steam flooded her nostrils which soon spread around the entire living room and dining room.

Their shame and dignity left them for a moment as they almost buried their head in the pot, in a bid to get a smell of what was in there.

Zhang Hien felt weakened at the scent of the food, and his stomach rumbled loudly.

He felt embarrassed since PangFua was behind him, but she suddenly said to him in an excited voice.

"You're very lucky Young Master Zhang ..."

He stiffened at the name. It was a name of respect, but he didn't remember the last time someone had called him In that matter.

"... Your wife had prepared a very sumptuous meal for you..."

"Jiang Meiying?" He couldn't stop himself from asking.

It happened that they were close enough, so Jiang Meiying heard her name and turned.

"You said you were hungry." She didn't let him say anything. "I've prepared a simple dish for you. Come and eat."

At first, he was speechless. He didn't want to believe it, yet if Jiang Meiying hadn't cooked, who would have thoughtfully cooked for him so late at night?

His heart swelled, and he could feel his eyes get moist from too many emotions.

He didn't even remember the last time he had a proper meal like this, not to talk of the last time someone did something so thoughtful for him.

"How foolish of you to think she could actually cook this." Jiang Ming lashed out at him, her hands landing hard on the table as she got up. "Jiang Meiying, you can't even boil a simple kettle of hot water for tea!"

"Have you asked me to?" Jiang Meiying asked, and Jiang Ming was left the stupid one as she fell silent, speechless.

As PangFua walked towards the kitchen, excited about the secret dish of food Jiang Meiying had left for her, she froze when Jiang Chu called her back.

"Did she hit you or force you to cook this? You can tell us, and not let this girl take credit for your hard work!"

"Mrs. Jiang, she prepared the meal. I only offered a measly help."

Not wanting to entertain any questions, she left, leaving the older woman looking flabbergasted.

They stared at the couple, mouth salivating as Jiang Meiying dished some food onto a plate, placing a piece of steak on his food, and fondly handing him his cutleries to eat.

She turned to the others who pretended they were looking somewhere else, their pride not letting them admit they wanted even a morsel of the food.

When Zhang Hien placed a spoonful of food In his mouth, he almost teared up as he closed his eyes, relishing the taste of the food.

The taste of real food.

He didn't hesitate to turn to Jiang Meiying.

"This is so delicious, Jiang Meiying!!!"

Jiang Meiying beamed, but frowned when Jiang Ming snapped.

"How are we sure she didn't cook absolute garbage, and you're just covering up for her?"

Zhang Hien made to reply, but Jiang Meiying held him back, and he meekly looked down as he wolfed down his food.

"Do you want to have a taste then?"

Jiang Ming's eyes widened, but the surprise in her eyes was overcome with greed as Jiang Meiying began taking the lid off the dinner pot again.

"You have to give us all a sample." Jiang Chu ordered, Jiang Tao nodding along with her.

"Okay." Jiang Meiying simply said, and the family exchanged hungry glances.

Zhang Hien paused, unsure of what Jiang Meiying was up to. He continued eating after, wondering how he was going to ask for more. This was delicious!

Once Jiang Meiying had brought three dishes, and had filled them with some food, they all held up their cultlerires, shameless hunger and desperation dancing in their eyes.

However, just as Jiang Meiying picked a bowl, she stretched her hand towards them, and they all looked at it in irritation, all the way to her face.

"Forty dollars for a taste of my food. Each."

Zhang Hien choked on his food at her words.