As I continued running endlessly trying to find my real father aimlessly I get to a tree finding a note and it reads "hello son I know you've been looking for me don't worry you'll be able to see me soon you'll be asleep for a little while but when you wake up we will be together son".
I finished reading it and something told me to look behind me as I looked behind and saw a rag that was trying to cover my mouth a person with shining bright red eyes was trying to drug me I try to send a punch to his stomach but he dodged it and sends punch to me hitting me In the face making me hold my face and yelp in pain.
I felt something grow from my hand it looks sharp so I slash at the person hitting his face as well as he steps back with a growl " fight" something in my head said I obliged and get into a fighting stance.
The unknown person smirks and gets in his fighting stance as well "looks like you are his son after all" he says as I keep my stance I didn't notice he was a bit taller than me maybe 2 inches taller but still about the same height I take the first punch to his face as he dodges easily and swipes me at my chest with what seems like claws where did he get those.?
I barely dodge as some of my clothing gets torn to some pieces falling to the ground I get angrier and throw punches after punches but they all seem to miss as he dodges gracefully he sends a punch to my stomach I try to dodge it by the side-stepping but he ends up hitting my ribs instead as I hear something crack a little making me yelp in pain "Ah!" I yelled out in pain and hissed tears falling from my eyes.
"Tch you're still weak pathetic," he says as he throws a powerful kick to my chest sending me to the tree and hitting it harshly I gasped for air some blood coming from my mouth in the process he quickly runs up to me and puts the rag that has the drug on it putting it over my mouth while tears fell from my eyes as I weakly called out the name I know of "J-Jack" before I blacked out.
"Shit I have to find him, where Is he?" I thought as I was looking for clues around the area and sniffing around trying to get a track for Liam's scent I had been out here for at least 2 minutes sniffing around and searching for clues then I looked at the street and it hits me. I dash towards to tree and take a sniff smelling his scent within it catching a trail.
I already told his mother and stepfather they were worried but I told them I'll find him no matter what the cost even if it cost me my life so be it I can't be without him has changed me and I won't accept that he won't be beside me. I started to mind link my pack telling them for an emergency meeting "All members come to the meeting room I repeat all members come to the meeting room this is an emergency" I say through the mind link and I get response "Yes Alpha" they all say as I shapeshift and run towards my packhouse. Don't worry sunshine your Alpha will be there to save you soon just please hang on.
I wake up in a room looking around taking in my surroundings to find out where I am I continue to look and see that it looks like a room but I look down at my own body and I'm tied down to a chair in a room that seems nice but why am I tied up what's even happening right now.
I struggle with the ties squirming trying to break free but I'm too weak to even do so that's not the only thing that's wrong though I'm also gaged with a rope over my mouth as I try to scream to get out buts it's nothing but muffled sounds coming out. A figure comes in the room smirking at me evilly, I shiver "who in the hell is that" I thought, his tall and bulky he seems to be pretty young but at least older than me maybe 30?
He then speaks to me and when the tears came falling "Hello...son" he said greeting me in this type of situation but I couldn't believe this, my actual father was here talking to me but why does he have me tied up what's going why I'm I tired up to a chair. I squirm trying to get out of the bindings again as who I think is my father laughs pretty evilly "don't worry boy you're going to be just like your father soon you will carry on the name of being the most dangerous werewolf".
" W-what what does he even mean by that," I thought frantically as he came close to me and puts a hand on my head patting it " I finally was able to find you and nothing will stop me from making you into what I want you to be," my father said as he then gets a needle making my eyes widen and my fear rising I didn't notice I was sacred until I felt my legs tremble beneath me he noticed my reaction then says "Oh don't worry this isn't anything serious.. yet" he chuckles darkly making shivers go up to my spine feeling cornered and helpless " no please Jack save me I'm sorry"
I finish speaking with my pack for a plan of attack to get my mate back from his father once his mother told me how dangerous he was I got even more worried, mad at myself that I didn't just go alone but I need a plan of attack to make sure my mate comes back safely in my arms. Don't worry babe I'm coming.