Anna took a while to reach the infirmary, she needed to prepare everything the queen had requested first. The bath was ready, clean clothes had been laid out, and dinner was already being prepared.
She felt relieved that her mistress had returned home safely, yet she still worried about the princess's injuries.
Hurrying along, Anna hoped to catch another glimpse of Liu Wei. When she arrived, she found the queen and Liu Wei talking and laughing together.
Liu Wei excitedly recalled the day she broke her arm when she was only ten, proudly mentioning that she hadn't shed a single tear. In Anna's eyes, that scene was both sweet and comforting, perhaps the princess had finally found someone who truly understood her. Anna sighed happily.
Taking a few steps forward as if to report for duty, Anna listened as Liu Wei and the queen continued their animated conversation, effortlessly including her in their discussion.
"... When I broke my arm, everyone cried and wondered what I had done to deserve such a punishment from heaven... My sister even fed me directly in my mouth for nearly a month."
Liu Wei was not the direct heir to the throne, yet she was the little princess of the household, the beloved daughter. Even her older sister spoiled her like a child who owned the world.
Despite her strong and dominant personality, the young omega would never rule the country merely by a trivial detail... Perhaps fate had destined her to be with Wang Zheng from the start. Or something.
Anna listened and chuckled softly; it seemed the royal family's bonds were quite close. "The future queen always does as the lady wishes," she observed.
"Well, maybe I'm just a really nice princess... By the way, is there a bathroom here?" Liu Wei addressed the queen.
"Yes..." the queen replied. "Anna, call the nurse to help her get to the bathroom, they're probably talking outside."
Anna stepped out through a small door leading to the garden. There, two nurses were chatting casually after being dismissed by the queen. They were simply waiting for Liu Wei to return to her room so they could go home.
The nurse on the night shift promptly appeared and began assisting Liu Wei into a wheelchair.
Since the palace had numerous employees and no wing was ever completely unattended, the staff worked in shifts.
Anna and the queen watched carefully as Liu Wei was carried to the bathroom until they were alone.
The queen let out a deep sigh. "Anna... Liu Wei went to a somewhat dangerous place today. Please make sure she isn't left alone again until she recovers."
Although Anna knew she couldn't control Liu Wei entirely, the queen's worry was evident.
Anna obediently nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."
"I'm not sure what she's planning, but I'll have my secretary send the coordinates of where she went today. The main road may be longer, but it's safer, and we can arrange for guards to accompany her."
Wang Zheng usually wore a serious, tired expression, yet whenever Liu Wei was around, she seemed noticeably lighter.
There was never any hint of carelessness in the queen's demeanor, though she did struggle to hide her weariness and irritation.
Anna paused thoughtfully, then smiled. "You look happy, Your Majesty."
Surprised, a slight blush appeared on the queen's face. "Do I?"
"Yes. I rarely see you smile so genuinely..." Anna replied.
The queen smiled shyly. "Maybe that's just the effect Liu Wei has on people."
Anna agreed. "Liu Wei is like a radiant sun, bright and warm. It really is."
Soon, Liu Wei returned in her temporary wheelchair, chatting excitedly with the nurse. The queen, watching the interaction, could only nod in agreement.
Noticing her secretary standing at the infirmary door, Wang Zheng checked her watch. It was already late. She had to leave. Stepping forward, she gently touched Liu Wei's shoulder.
"Anna, her injured foot needs this remedy to reduce pain and swelling. I also recommend applying ice to the area. And her knees are injured too, avoid hot baths or using hot water on the wounds. Use this ointment before bedtime to prevent scarring..."
Anna listened intently, committing every instruction to memory.
"... If she still experiences significant pain tomorrow or if the swelling increases, please take her to the hospital for an X-ray."
The queen's initial plan had been to transfer Liu Wei directly from the infirmary to the hospital for further tests. But since the young omega didn't seem to be in severe pain, Wang Zheng decided to keep her under observation for now.
Anna nodded in relief and positioned herself behind the wheelchair to push it.
"Certainly, Your Majesty."
In a subtle gesture, the queen touched Liu Wei's cheek, a longing kiss she nearly reserved for herself, but she restrained her. The comforting scent of mint soothed her, and she allowed herself a small, private smile.
"Very well... I'll be right there. Take care," she murmured.
Liu Wei returned the smile beautifully. "Thank you for all your hard work."
The queen smiled as she began to leave, accompanied by Huan Yang.
Taking advantage of the queen's departure, Anna gathered all the medicines and carefully placed them in her bag to deliver to Liu Wei's room.
Meanwhile, the young princess seized a moment of distraction to approach the lab coat still leaning against a chair. She caressed the fabric, drawing it close to her face to savor its sweet, soapy aroma mingled with a hint of pineapple.
Later, in her room after a long shower, Liu Wei stood before the mirror, studying her reflection. She sighed wearily, her body was covered in bruises, and she felt a surge of anger.
Anna noticed the sour expression on the girl's face.
"Is something bothering you?" she asked gently.
"Tomorrow I'll be completely purple..." Liu Wei replied with a wry smile.
"That should pass with time. We're fortunate nothing worse happened, you could have broken a leg..."
"Well, it was worth it. I found what I was looking for and made a good friend."
"The Queen?" Anna inquired.
While helping Liu Wei get dressed, Anna continued heard the princess what she was saying, "Chun Lei..."
Although Anna wasn't entirely sure who Chun Lei was, if she was friends with the princess, she must be a good person.
Liu Wei paused to moisturize her lips before continuing, "... Despite my great bond with the queen, I still must keep trying to win her over."
Anna remembered that there were many wedding dresses in storage and that a princess was preparing to wear a long gown. The thought of her getting married brought a small smile to Anna's face.
"Well, I'm here to help. Do you need anything specific?" Anna asked.
The young omega smiled thoughtfully. "I need a cleaning crew... No, not just a cleaning crew, we'll need a lot of manpower."
Anna nodded; it wouldn't be hard to secure an urgent job if they were paid well.
"Alright, I'll contact a cleaning company."
"Fine. I also need woodworkers and electricians," Liu Wei added excitedly, her voice growing animated as she paced the room. She had something big in mind, it was going to be unforgettable and perfect.
Anna frowned slightly. "Wheelmakers? Electricians? Princess, what are you planning?"
Liu Wei laughed, a light, genuine sound. "I can explain tomorrow. Just trust me: we need all three tomorrow. It's a lot of work, but you'll understand when we get there."
"Very well... As you wish."
"Has the wine I ordered arrived?" Liu Wei asked.
"Yes. It's already being chilled, according to the Queen Mother's instructions," Anna replied.
Liu Wei slowly sat at her table, watching dinner finally being served. She was so hungry.
"Excellent," she said with a satisfied smile. The wines produced by her family were renowned, and she was sure the queen would appreciate them.
Meanwhile, the queen lay in bed, ready for sleep. Yet for over an hour, she had stared at her ceiling, rolling from side to side, unable to believe she had actually kissed Liu Wei.
She touched her lips with her fingertips, still recalling the taste of mint and the muffled moans. It felt like madness. Nervous and curious, she wondered what the princess had in store for her next.
Before daybreak, Wang Zheng was already awake. Her third appointment of the day was early, and she had to leave before sunrise. Li Zhang was waiting for her. This time, the queen dared not gaze at the view, she was so exhausted she had slept through most of the night.
Wang Zheng had a troubled sleep, filled with vivid dreams of Liu Wei. So intense was her pheromone release that Huan Yang couldn't even enter her room without noticing. It was rare for Huan Yang to react so strongly, the Huan family was known for having descendants with spicy, peppery pheromones.
Due to this unusual trait, they usually managed any type of pheromone with the help of protectors and inhibitors.
For convenience, however, their reactions were always closely monitored.
Huan Yang himself had a potent cinnamon pheromone, as if someone had sprinkled a spoonful of cinnamon powder, an extremely uncomfortable scent until inhibitors softened it, though it never fully dissipated.
The Huan family had served the Wang royals for years. Though they didn't oppose pheromones, they were never truly compatible. There were never any major conflicts, and the Huan family had become an essential part of the complex royal system.
When an omega king or queen reigned, constant vigilance was required around the alphas. Often, an alpha in a vulnerable moment could overpower two or three betas alone. Thus, a strong alpha was needed to protect the one on the throne, free from any second intentions.
Few things were forbidden for the king, and one was an omega king being branded. There was no possibility that an omega marked in such a way would ever rule Wang's country.
After all, a branded omega tended to become submissive and overly eager to please their alpha, sometimes to the point of losing themselves.
A king needed to remain sober and conscious, as his word was law.
The queen wasn't worried about being branded, she never entertained that possibility, but she did worry about entering estrus and making things uncomfortable for her servants.
The alpha's reaction heightened the queen's alertness, and she requested that suppressors and protective barriers be prepared. She suspected she was very close to estrus.
While the queen dozed inside her small vehicle, Liu Wei rested comfortably on her large bed.
Before long, the sun finally rose.
Early in the morning, Anna secured all the professionals Liu Wei had requested. Just before lunch, they were all expected to be at the designated location. The queen had asked Secretary Huan to provide an address, a regional map, and a list of recommendations. Anna couldn't help but laugh softly, the queen truly worried about Liu Wei.
Initially, there was some reluctance among the workers to accept the job, as they weren't normally allowed to roam royal territories without permission. After some prodding, it became clear that they were indeed permitted to serve.
Just before the second dawn, Anna entered Liu Wei's room and found her fiddling with her cell phone, a rare sight, as the young omega seldom touched hers. Her eyes were still puffy, and she looked exhausted.
"Miss, your breakfast," Anna said.
Liu Wei nodded and slowly stood up. When she touched her foot to the ground, she noticed that the pain had diminished considerably, a change that filled her with happiness.
"Do you still feel any pain?" Anna asked.
"Very little. Maybe by tomorrow I'll be completely pain-free."
"That's good to hear."
Liu Wei sat down at the table and began to eat. As she chewed, Anna briefed her on the details regarding the queen's old address.
The young omega also asked about other matters, like which recipe should be prepared for her first date.
"I found plenty of ideas online. Some seemed rather outdated, but I discovered information that I think you'll like."
Liu Wei laughed at Anna's tone. It was amusing to hear such a beautiful, youthful woman speak as if she were older, even as Anna's clothes reminded her of those worn by her great-grandmother Liu.
Excited by their conversation, her first attempt at winning someone over, Liu Wei leaned in.
"And what did you find?"
After a moment of thought, Anna sat opposite Liu Wei to speak more comfortably. For a while, they talked like best friends rather than princess and maid.
"I think duck is very romantic."
Liu Wei nearly spit out her coffee as she laughed, trying to swallow the hot drink. Anna almost jumped up in alarm, fearing the princess was choking.
Liu Wei's face flushed red, and she chuckled, "Duck?"
To Liu Wei, duck had never seemed romantic, she had no experience cooking it. But what she didn't realize was that Anna had spent a sleepless night researching various dishes and their benefits. Duck, with its positive effects on the immune system, muscle building, and even skin, hair, and eyes, seemed perfect.
Liu Wei was not hard to please when it came to food, she would eat and cook anything. "But why duck? Isn't chicken sufficient?"
Anna's eyes widened in mock indignation. Liu Wei laughed even harder.
"It's not the same!"
Liu Wei couldn't recall the last time she laughed so heartily. "Well... it's almost the same."
"No, it isn't..."
Anna sighed loudly. The princess was so stubborn.
"I prefer a sandwich..."
"So, a duck sandwich then," Liu Wei concluded.
Although Liu Wei wasn't planning to make duck right away, she resolved that one day she would prepare the perfect duck dish for her and the beta.
"Right, and what else besides duck?"
"Strawberry pie and wine."
Liu Wei seemed to agree with Anna's suggestion. "Strawberry cake is the queen's favorite, but pie is different from cake."
Anna, well aware of the princess's preference for sour and citrus flavors, added, "You don't care much for sweets… Perhaps a more sour strawberry syrup would be ideal?"
Liu Wei's eyes lit up. "That's a brilliant idea."
Anna laughed contentedly. "Do you have a menu in mind?"
"Strawberry cake, fresh fruit, sautéed potatoes, a sweet and sour pork sandwich, and wine."
Anna smiled proudly, though she wasn't much of a cook, she was delighted to see her princess articulate her plans so clearly. "Looks good..."
After finishing breakfast, Liu Wei got up and walked toward the bathroom. "If one day I can recreate this picnic, we'll have a whole duck for the four of us: me, the queen, you, and your omega. How about that?"
Anna blushed at the proposal. "We certainly don't need that much..."
Liu Wei chuckled gently. "Oh, but you do, I've never seen you so excited about food."
"Thank you, princess."
Glancing at her watch, Liu Wei noted they still had plenty of time, but she wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Help me get undressed, I'm going to shower, and then we're off. Call the guards."
"Sure," Anna replied, rising to the task. Today promised to be a long day.