The king's guard hector riding towards the northern command speedily along with a few kings' guards, the king's guard hanging in a line to obstruct the arrows firing from livanait Calvary to strike the hector and the king. The king's guard's set their shield to their back's so that the arrows won't wound them, but the specialist rider and archer's hit the helmets of the king's guard, making them wound; after travelling miles from the battlefield, the livaint soldiers have already killed tens of king's guards only a few left. The king's guards and hector were alarmed that they would lose their king to the livanait soldier, but still, without losing hope, the hector and king's guards rode with immense speed to save the king. The livaint strikes continued towards the king, still hundreds of miles lefts to reach the northern command.

The soldiers mark their victory by chatting on the battlefields of the finger five; some soldiers check the bodies to see whether any causalities were left.

"We need to rush to the northern command. I am apprehensive about the king's life," commander Jonas said.

"Yes, I am also tense; what castor said is right; this is a trap to kill the king," lord Calix replied.

"Why is castor not here along with the king," commander Jonas asked.

"I knew him from childhood; he is the bravest man I had ever seen; I think he did it for a purpose," lord Calix replied.

"Ok, let's ride quickly to the king," commander Jonas said.

Jonas and lord Calix rode horses quickly, leaving the soldier's behind to see the king.

The strikes went accurate, and the more significant number of king's guards were wounded. As the king is near to the northern command, only ten royal guards are left alive to protect the king; if the count goes on like this, the king can't survive; think about the king's life hector riding the horse in terror by shock from the few miles a group of soldiers appeared holding banners of druinate. Hector was shocked by seeing soldiers of lord Zeon miles away from the northern command. Then hector increased the speed of his horse and waved a banner for help.

Lord Zeon watched the horse coming with immense speed towards them by waving red colour druinate banner; in a short time, he realized he was hector the king's guard and also watched the king tied to another horse next to him and also watched the Calvary of livanit following him by launching arrow's, quickly lord Zeon signalled his archer's to fire on the livanit soldier's they have launched arrow's into skies hitting the Calvary of livanait, the livanait soldier's stopped as they were in the range of druinate archer's. The king's guard, hector, along with the king and a few Calvary soldiers, crossed the shallow river of yang and moved towards the northern command. Zeon, with Calvary's men, rushed towards the soldiers of livanait as they had no other choice rather than to fight. The soldiers of livanit moved toward them to fight, and both forces collided at the riverbanks.

Hector moved inside the castle, carried the wounded king to his chamber, and started cleaning his wound; then, he saw the poison spread from the injury.

"Quickly find the master lasonas, tell him that the king is poisoned," hector shouted.

The king's guards rushed to find the master lasonas, but they couldn't find him in his chamber; suddenly, the mob of blacksmiths, some banner men's and servants flooded toward the soldier; the soldiers turned around and started to run to the king's chamber. Because of the sounds of the mob, the hector took his sword and came outside, closing the door of the king's room. Hector sees the soldier's ruining towards him, signalling danger; then hector stoops at the door holding his sword, looking confused, feeling sorry and in agony that he can't save his king. The king's chamber has corridors on three sides; from the front side, the mob is rushing towards them with axes and knives, and the hector and a few guards holding their swords, sweating as a barrage to the king's cabin. As the mob inches closer, the marching sounds of soldiers holding swords came from all the three sides; the mob stopped and stood in terror then the king's hand appeared from the back side with his men. The mob is surrounded on three sides, and then the master lasonas and his men came out from the soldiers and moved to the king's chamber.

"Surrender or die," the king's hand castor shouted in rage.

Master lasonas and his men started to treat the king. Some people left their swords, but some rushed towards the king's hand and hector, and then soldiers attacked them, killing them brutally. Castor and hector killed dozens of men within a short time and reaming bending heel shouted, "we yield".

Orion arrived at the princess Clara in terror and knocked on her door.

"Who is it? "Clara shouted.

"Orion, your highness," Orion replied. Clara opened the door quickly.

"Come in fast," Clara said.

Orion came inside and looked so worried.

"Why are you here? If someone watches, you will be trouble," Clara asked.

"Sorry, your highness, but I am sacred. I want to see you at any cost, so I am here; please pardon me," Orion replied in terror.

"What happened, Orion," princess Clara asked.

"I have read that these books were cursed, but I didn't believe it until my grandmother was dead, and I too had an injury early in the morning; a wild dog attacked me, leaving these scars," Orion said and showed his injured leg.

Knock... knock. Door sound.

"Who is it," Clara shouted.

"I am master Zoe's assistant Calliope. I carried a message," Calliope replied.

"Wait," Clara said.

"Orion goes and hides behind my wardrobe," Clara whispered.

Orion quietly went and hid behind the wardrobe.

"Come in," Clara shouted.

"Sorry to bother you, your highness, I had an urgent message for you," Calliope said.

"What is it," Clara asked.

"Master Zoe told me to convey this message to you privately; the king is wounded and poisoned in battle. He is in grave danger," Calliope said.

Clara was shocked and started to weep.

"Sorry, your highness, the master said it is a confidential matter not to reveal to anyone except the royal family members," Calliope said and her chamber.

As soon as Calliope left the chamber, Clara started to sweep, sitting on her bed. Orion came and consoled her not to cry.

"don't cry, your highness; our king is a good man mother Athena will save him," Orion said.

But still, Clara went weeping.

"What I said is true, your highness; the curse is real. Let's stop reading the book; please return the books to their original place", Orion said.

Clara stopped weeping and stood up, turning towards Orion.

"Ok, then give the books to me. Let me have the curse; you're afraid of the curse, right? I am afraid of the evil spirit. We don't know how many are there and how to stop them. If they came out, they would destroy our entire kingdom, killing several innocent people, including your friends, family, and neighbours; you are worried about yourself. I am worried about the lives of innocent people; if there is a necessity to save my people, I will sacrifice my life happily," Clara said.

"We are so lucky to have a princess like you, your highness; I will sacrifice my life to save our people and find the truth about the dark power," Orion replied. Orion left the chamber; Clara left the chamber and went to meet her mother, stegella.

While northern commander lord calix and his general's coming back, they are shocked by seeing the dead bodies of the king's guards and feel tense about the king's life. After reaching they have seen the blood bath of livanait soldier's they have no idea who have killed them while they have entered the castle, they have seen bodies of blacksmith's, bannerman and servant's castle is looking like a graveyard they moved into the castle and the great hall where the king's hand castor and Zeon along with his men were drinking wine, every soldier is wet with blood.

"What happened here," the northern commander asked.

"it's a long story, commander, my dear lord's, general's and commander's meet me at war room at dawn," castor replied and left the place.

The lords, generals, and commander's assembled in the war room; they were waiting with tension to listen to what had happened; the king's hand castor arrived and stood at the war table.

"What are causalities," the king's hand castor asked.

"We have lost half of our men," the northern commander replied.

"Fuck, we should have been a little more conscious," the king's hand castor shouted.

"What happened here," lord calix asked.

"it's a trap, a perfect trap but what excites me more is it is executed perfectly; I repeat inch perfectly we are lucky to pass through," the king's hand replied.

"We need to discuss this in detail," commander Jonas replied.

"Before that, we need to move the king," castor said.

"Move? It is too risky for him the need's rest," Zeon said.

"We can't hold him here; it is much riskier; this place is strange, not any older one which we used to know, don't let the news about king spread through," castor said.

Everyone agreed.

"In the absence of the king, now you have the command; you are the ruler know lead us in the right way," general Kate said.

Everyone bends their knee.

"Prepare for the journey we are moving to the capital tomorrow, commander Jonas's call addition army from the allies to the north," castor said.

"As you command your grace," Jonas replied.