The king alpine and dignitaries cheered the princess and her artworks; prince Patrik was impressed by the skills of Princess Clara. He felt amazed how princess Clara got appreciation from his father and officers. At the same time, the king's and dignitaries moved to the fort. King luiwen and his family moved to their chambers, whereas king alpine and his officials guided them to the guest palace for leisure. The prime minister led them to the guest palace. In the evening, the king luiwen and ministers arrived at the royal court. King luiwen waited for the king alpine and his officials; after a while, the king alpine and his officials arrived at the royal court. Everyone in the court stood up as the king of drudora came. The drudora officials sat opposite the drunaite ministers, and the king alpine sat beside the king luiwen. The conference started, and they discussed the combined policies of both the kingdoms. While the conference was going on, the prince came out from the guest palace escaping the guards and looking for the princess; after a while, prince Patrik saw the princess walking in the garden, the prince went to the princess and stood before the princess.

"Hello princess," the prince wished by kissing her hand.

"Hello, prince Patrik," Clara replied.

"What are you doing here," Clara asked.

"Nothing, princess, looking your beautiful fort," prince Patrik replied.

"I think you are looking for someone," Clara asked.

"Yes, princess," prince Patrik replied.

"Who? Do you want me to assist," Clara said?

"I am looking for an exceptionally talented girl, and I found her; thank you," prince Patrik replied.

"So, the prince of drudora knows how to impress a girl," Clara said with a smile.

The prince smiled, and princess Clara smiled.

"You are so gorgeous than what I heard princess, I have never seen a girl more stunning than you," prince Patrik said.

"Thanks for your commendation, prince Patrik," Clara said.

Prince Patrik starring at the princess and glanced at her eyes which were blue in color with a round shape; the prince looked at her eyebrows which were like a thin line, looked at her lips which were in baby pink color in slim form. Prince Patrik is stunned by her attractiveness. Clara detected that he was impressed by her beauty, and she felt precious and smiled little.

"Prince, are you pondering about something," Clara asked.

"Yes, princess," prince Patrik replied.

"About? What" Clara asked.

"I wish I would be in drunaite so that I would watch your loveliness every day," prince Patrik said.

Princess Clara stood mute after listening to prince Patrik's comments. Prince gave a diamond ring to the princess.

"Here, take as a small gift, princess," prince Patrik said.

"No thanks, being a goddess servant, we won't carry jeweler gifts," Clara said.

"it's, ok? I know what to do then.," the prince replied.

"Ok," Clara replied.

"I wish you could exhibit me your fort," prince Patrik asked.

"Sorry, prince Patrik, I must attend the prayers in the temple," Clara said.

"Ok, no concerns, next time we can proceed," prince Patrik said.

"Next time? Have you already prepared for the next schedule?" Clara asked.

"Yes, of course, one day I will prepare to stay here permanently," prince Patrik said with a smile.

"Ho, ok, prince Patrik it's a wonderful time with you, now I must take a leave," Clara said.

"it's a great honor to meet you, princess," prince Patrik said.

Clara walked away towards the temple, and prince Patrik proceeded to the guest palace. Clara moved to the temple and went to the high priest chamber.

"Hello, sir," Clara called.

"Come, Princess Clara," the high priest replied.

"How has the festival happened? Are you satisfied," Clara asked.

"Yes, Clara, I am so pleased it went well," the high priest replied.

"Ok, sir, I am leaving. I need to attend the royal feast," Clara said.

"Ok may the gods be with you; enjoy the feast," the high priest replied.

Clara came out of the high priest chamber; princess personal guard Nicholas went to the princess.

"Everything is prepared, your highness," Nicholas said.

"Good, ok, wait for me," Clara said.

"As you say, your highness," Nicholas replied.

Nicholas bowed and went away. Clara went to the prayer hall and assembled all the girls.

"Where is Hera, Brisilla, and iris? Come ahead," Clara said.

Hera, Brisilla, and iris came ahead.

"I have communicated to the high priest, and he is satisfied with festival arrangements; thank you, everyone, for making the event victorious," Clara said.

Everyone smiled at each other, but they looked tired. Clara observed them.

"I am looking at the exhausted face; go and get dressed up. I have organized a special royal feast for the children of Athena; enjoy your meal," Clara said.

Everyone smiled at Clara with joy as they had never had at a royal feast.

"You are so kind, thank you, your highness," the girls replied.

"My guard Nichols will guide you to the feat; enjoy your meal," Clara said.

Clara left the temple and went to the fort to join the king for the feast. Clara went to her chamber, dressed up, and came to the queen chamber. Their queen maids are making queen-ready; the queen told Clara to wear some Jewelry for the traditional party for the royal guest. The maid's decorated the princess with jewels. The conference has ended between the two kingdoms both the kings hugged each other, both the kingdom officials greeted each other, and the prime ministers guided the king alpine towards the guest palace; everyone stood up and cheered the king alpine. King alpine went to the guest palace and his officials. King luiwen went to his chamber.

The Athena servants went to their boardinghouse behind the temple and got dressed. They have attended the evening prayer in the boardinghouse prayer hall and prayed together.

After a while, the king luiwen and his officials gathered at the great hall and waited for the king alpine and his officials; after a time, the king Alpine and his officials joined the feast in the great hall. The great hall was lighted up with glass lamps with different artwork shapes. The king luiwen and king alpine posed side by side, and both royal families accoupled the royal table, whereas the officials of both the kingdoms were seated at the long table.

The king luiwen stood up.

"I am so delighted to have you all in this gorgeous night; enjoy the feast with the gods blessing, let both kingdoms be allies forever, let the feast begin," the king said. The king alpine stood up.

"We are amazed by your hospitality; you are amazing people; it's a great time here, as the king said let the gods blessed both kingdoms with peace and prosperity," the king luiwen said.

After the king's alpine speech ended, the commandeered clapped the feat begin; the long wooden doors opened the white and black dressed waiters served the delicious food. The musicians played classical drunaite traditional music, and the king danced along with the princess Clara the king alpine, and the queen of drudora danced. The officials in the hall are cheering both the kings. The feast ended with a beautiful devotional song sung by the court musician.

The princess personal guard Nicholas guided the Athena temple servants to the tent arranged in the garden of the Athena; the girls were amazed by looking at the royal arrangements as soon the girls entered the tent the stunned by many verities of food which they had never seen, the seafood, traditional drunaite food, and many desserts are placed on the table. The pure grape wine made in virile made the day special as the virile vine is only served for the royal family members. The girls murmured about princess Clara.

"Hail Princess Clara, the daughter of Athena, thank you for your feast," the girls shouted.

The girls enjoy the feast tasting the variety of food; everyone is joyed and thrilled. Nicholas ordered to serve Hera and Brisilla with a virile grape wine; as soon as the princess personal guard signaled, the waiter mixed a few drops of liquid in the glasses and served to Hera and Brasilia.

After a while, Hera and Brisilla went to sleep. The feast ended with a prayer, and all the girls who were thrilled by the feast walked to their hostel, and no one noticed Hera and Brisilla.

The royal feast ended; king luiwen and king alpine hugged each other, the officials of both the kingdoms greeted each other, king luiwen went to his chamber, and the king alpine with officials went to the guest palace.

Clara woke up escaping through the guards at midnight, walked throw the lawn, and entered the feast tent. Nicholas placed the girls on the table; Clara moved the girl's hand and slapped on the face as they had no movement; she confirmed that they were in unconscious taste. Now princess Clara confirmed that the truth serum is working. Clara went to the Hera.

"what's your name," Clara asked.

"Hera," the girl replied in an unconscious state.

"Who is the man within the chamber of the eastern tower? With whom did you have sex," Clara asked.