While growing up, the princess became more and more attractive. As the king vowed, the princess took her vows in Athena temple at age 10 to serve the goddess by offering her virginity until her marriage. That day onwards, princess Clara served Athena with complete devotedness, serving needy ones and sick people in the name of Athena.

At the age of 16, she became the most charming girl in the kingdom; the word about her beauty extended to many kingdoms. The king loved her daughter more than anything. The princess had become prominent then king because of her altruistic character and social services.

Although serving in the temple, princess Clara learned sword fight and horse riding at instructor Turin. Clara loved to ride along with the kingdom through grasslands and waterfalls; she loved to bring flowers for rituals in the temple, every day Clara used to ride along with her horse and sword lonely to the north of the capital to the mountain waterfall; the grassland is covered with a thick blanket of fog, the grass is slippery because of dewdrops. in that thick fog, there was no visibility but the sound of waterfalls and humming of birds altogether causing a pleasant atmosphere .while

Clara picking up a flower for rituals she noticed that someone was following her she laid a hand on her sword and listened to footsteps then suddenly she drew her sword cutting the fog and placed it on the neck of a person,

"don't kill me highness" cried with fear,

Clara noticed he is a peasant boy who brings fruits and flowers to the temple.

"What are you doing here, why are you following me," Clara asked.

"I have never seen any royal members so I just want to see u, your highness, "he replied.

"Go away I have work to do," Clara said with a loud voice.

"Your highness I know a place where the pink water lily will grow, you and your goddess will love them. Especially their scent has a lot of positive aura," he replied.

"Ok then show me the place," Clara asked.

The boy is walking in front of Clara, Clara is following him .he went through a cave, the ground is filled with water. After walking for a while, they watched a pond where the pond is filled with pink water lilies and pink swans; Clara loved the views so much, watching it with enthusiasm.

"Wow, what a wonderful view," Clara said with joy.

The boy smiled.

"Thanks for showing me this wonderful place, "Clara said.

"It's my pleasure your highness, can I grab some flowers for you" he replied.

"No, I will take them on my own," Clara said.

Clara removed her coat, the peasant boy watching her beauty. He had never seen a girl, well-structured. Clara dived into the pond and swam along with swans; she plucked up a handful of pink lilies after some time. They both came out of the caves. Clara tied the bag to the horse and jumped on a horse with wet clothes.

"What is your name," Clara asked.

"Argus your highness," he replied.

"Ok, Argus bye," Clara said.

"Long live princess "he replied. Clara went away riding the horse.

In the evening Clara went to the temple to decorate the temple for morning rituals, she started decorating along with other girls by completing her works it became late, Clara started to went to her room then she noticed a girl who was in clothes of goddess servant going into the tower with a small lantern Clara followed her to the top of the turret. The girl went into a room and locked the door. Clara watched through the keyhole; the girl removed her dress and bent nudely before a man whose face was hidden; she observed that the girl was doing this unwillingly with tears in her eyes; Clara ran away with fear and rage as a servant of Athena girl breaking her vows. Clara went to her room and locked the room; she was sweating heavily, she slept on the bed, and her mind was stuck with many questions she slept while thinking about the incident. After a few minutes, door knocks, after a few knocks Clara woke up suddenly and watched around in fear she noticed that someone was knocking on the door and then she went and opened the door it was the maid " your highness everyone is waiting for you in the royal hall for dinner" she said.

"ok I will come, you can go," Clara replied.

Clara quickly got a bath and groomed and entered the royal hall for dinner. She sat between king and queen; everyone started to eat, but Clara was still thinking about the incident.

"Eat Clara, why are you looking so upset," the queen asked.

"Nothing mother, just tired," Clara replied.

Clara finished her dinner quickly and went to her room and locked the door, and thought about that incident.

" your highness," knocking on the door. Clara opened the door. It was the maid again.

" your highness I felt you have tired so much today please drink this milk," the maid said.

Clara took the milk, drank, and gave a glass to the maid when the maid was ready to leave.

"Anny just a minute," Clara called.

"Yes your highness," the maid replied.

"Close the door and come here," Clara said.

The maid closed the door and stood beside the princess. "sit anny," Clara said.

"Thanks for your humbleness your highness, but a maid can't sit beside a princess," the maid replied.

"I just want to ask you something which I have witnessed," Clara said.

"yes your highness, tell me," the maid replied.

"I just followed a girl who is my fellow servant, she went into the top of the eastern tower and locked the door removed her clothes I see a man there," Clara said.

"sorry her highness I am just a maid I can't discuss this thing with you," the maid replied with fear.

"Why are you worrying its just me here, it's my order to help me to understand the situation," Clara said.

The maid stayed silently. "Why she removes her clothes, why she bends in front of a man, why she is moaning," Clara asked.

The maid went nervous; her hand became cold. "answer me," Clara shouted.

"it is called sex your highness," the maid said.

"what that for," Clara asked.

"it's the process to make children, it will give pleasure your highness," the maid said.

Clara thinks, "so this is what we vowed about to goddess Athena we will not have sex and become impure until marriage," Clara asked.

"yes her highness this is the thing which breaks your virginity and will make you impure that's the thing every girl in the temple will vow," the maid replied.

"then how dare she break her vows, I just need to discuss this thing with my father," Clara said.

"no your highness, king kill me for discussing these things with you," the maid said.

"I won't say anything about you, I just want her to be punished for breaking the vows," Clara said.

"Please think twice your highness, the king will kill her if he knows that," the maid said.

"let her suffer, I vowed to maintain purity and tradition of the temple, this is a shame to our goddesses," Clara said.

"but your highness, Athena servent will never make her goddesses impure, everyone has a weak situation which will make her do things against her will if she is innocent and committed a mistake by someone pressure you just accused a poor girl," the maid replied.

Clara went silent for a minute; she kept thinking about what she witnessed "ok you go," Clara said.

"all ways at your service, sleep well your highness," the maid said.

Maid went out and closed the door. Clara went to sleep by thinking about the girl she followed. In the morning, the sun kissing Clara through the window sparrows are making sound a cool breezy Is coming through the window, slowly Clara woke up and sat on the floor and prayed to the goddess Athena. Then she stood near the window and remembered the conversation with the maid. Clara wants to tell this situation with her father. Clara freshened up and went to his father. King luiwen is sitting on his throne and discussing with commanders. Clara stood beside the king.

"father I want to tell you one thing," Clara said.

"yes, dear what's that," the king asked.

Clara stood silent for a while; she was thinking about the girl and her sad face,

"nothing father I just want to visit Athena temple in the south," Clara asked.

"not now dear not alone, I will take you after a while," the king said.

"ok father as you say," Clara replied.

King stood up and kissed Clara on the forehead "may the god be with you," the king said.

Clara left the hall, and the king continued his meeting. Clara went to her room and thought to delve into this situation by herself.