Pink light covered the sky on the horizon with fluffy clouds just ahead. The moon making its descent to the west with its last traces of white beams illuminating hills in the distance.
Roosters sang their morning songs as the town folk prepared for a busy day. Some struggled to get out of their houses while others are already hard at work. Even the elderly folk were hard at it.
Chickens ran around as the farmers tried to get them back in the coup. Feathers spread everywhere as a sea of chickens caused chaos. Not even the children could continue to sleep from all the noise. Some even joined in the chicken hunt.
It felt good watching this every morning. It makes my heart feel so full, so warm. My hair swayed, covering my face and getting into my mouth. I tried to pull it out only for a stronger breeze to put more in. God, I must look so stupid.
Nonetheless, this was a beautiful morning. And nothing was going to ruin it. Not even a little bit of a breeze. The water from the stream trickled down the long canal carrying fish along.
''Neth! Come over here for a minute!'' A girlish voice reached out to me from across the bridge. Her hand waved high above her head beckoning for me to walk to her.
As I walked closer I could see her features more clearly. Bright green eyes with long brown hair. She was quite short but it was amusing to tease her by holding stuff over her head. Her cheeks were rosy and spotted with freckles. She was wearing a frilly little dress with a floral pattern that radiated a sense of purity. Yup, this is the girl I fell in love with.
''Hey there Myra, lovely morning isn't it?''
She looked at me for a second. Her eyes scanned me up and down. ''I would have expected you to dress a little nicer on your birthday. Then again you really have no fashion sense.''
Her quip stung a little. '' For such a short girl you like to make fun of people don't you!'' I tried to keep a smile but my lips quivered as I held back raising my hand against her. What a little devil she is, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
She grabbed for my hand and practically dragged me along. The town folk stared as we passed by. I could feel the blood rise to my head and my cheeks warm up. ''I uh...I can walk by myself Myra.''
Her gaze shifted down at our intertwined hands and turned away. I could see her ears turning slightly red as she let go of my hand. It's nice being able to see this side of her sometimes.
We continued walking along to the edge of the town. Her pace was quite quick at the start but got tired fast, she has never been the most athletic person. I offered to give her a piggyback ride but she turned it down instantly.
The buildings got newer as we neared the gate of the town. It originally had been just a settlement meant to deal with animals but it quickly became a hotspot for people from all three kingdoms. Elves, dwarves, and humans co-exist here in peace. You could go as far as to say that this would be the capital of intercultural trade.
It is so important that all three kingdoms pour fortunes into building up the town. There is a little bit of competition, of course, trying to create the best image out of the three kingdoms.
Issues arise sometimes due to different beliefs but they are quickly quelled by the elder generations. Truly a paradise for the three races.
''-you hear me-?'' Myra was jumping around trying to get my attention. She bounced up and down, flailing her short arms around. ''Were you ignoring me on purpose?'' She seemed a little annoyed as a vein throbbed on her forehead.
''Sorry, I was just daydreaming. Don't be too upset, please.'' I tried to sound as sincere as possible. Why is it so hard to hold a smile back? A smirk slowly spread across my face which lit a match in Myra. A punch flew toward my face, landing squarely on my jaw. A bit of blood trickled down from my lip.
A look of horror replaced the anger in Myra. She frantically reached in her bag for a napkin. A hand hurriedly searched through the contents looking for the piece of cloth. I couldn't help but let out a snicker forcing her face to shift towards me breaking into a laugh, ''I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it Neth. Please forgive me!''
''Pfft. I know you didn't mean it. You can calm down Myra. It was my fault to begin with.'' All I could do was reassure her. I placed my hand on her back and pulled her close into a hug. I am a bit embarrassed to do this but if it calms her down it's worth it.
Her arms wrapped around my torso, squeezing me tightly. I could feel her warmth against my chest. In moments like these, I realise she is a girl too, even if she acts like a complete asshole. Her small frame was completely enveloped by my arms.
After a few seconds, she pushed away and took in a deep breath. Her exhale led to her turning to face me. ''We are here!''
''What are you talking about-'' My gaze fixated on the large wooden sign that read 'Hunter's Guild'. The building was mainly built of red bricks with wood support beams. The quality of the wood was quite high, considering the importance of the town.
We walked towards the large wooden door. It had intricate designs carved into it. That might've been very pricey to do but I'm sure it made up with the merchants trading around here.
It took a bit of force to push it open, I made sure not to show my struggle to Myra, it would have been quite embarrassing. Inside it was bustling with people. Some of them were relieving the stress of the overnight travel back here with some booze. While others were looking to take on some quests to earn their wages.
We beelined straight for the desk through the dozens of muscle-men and ripped women. Some mages were hanging around the stairs talking about their recent adventures. Some even shared the loot with each other. No atmosphere could beat something as lively as this.
Myra stepped in front of me and tapped the desk for the consultant. ''Ma'am, would we be able to speak with the Guildmaster? Neth here just reached fifteen and he would like to sign up.'' The consultant looked in my direction. Her face looked confused as she saw me sweating and wearing a shocked expression. Why did Myra bring me here for this?!?
''Alright, follow me. The Guildmaster should be free at this time.'' She stood up and stepped from behind the counter. Her blond hair swayed revealing her long elven ears. Her beauty could put anyone to shame. Sadly Myra caught me looking and stomped her foot down on my own. Note to self, don't admire someone else's beauty when she is around.
The elf guided us around the corner which led to a flight of stairs. Each step let out a unique creak and with three pairs of feet walking on them it was like a symphony of ear-piercing noises.
My hand glided along the glazed wooden railing. The coolness spread over the palm of my hand, it was kind of satisfying.
The elven consultant knocked on the door. A few seconds pass before a strong feminine voice reached through the door '' Come in.''.
The door slowly opened to a bright light blinding me and Myra. ''Welcome, Neth!''