With a flourish of my left hand, I controlled a sizable wave of water and sent it flying through the air, wrapping it around the neck of a leaping wolf and slamming it into the ground with a sickening crunch as its spine was snapped on the jagged, ore filled rocks below us.
Unwinding the water from the monster's now crooked neck, I sharpened it and used the water to eviscerate a second wolf, slicing cleanly through its stomach and causing its organs to splash along the bloodied ground with a wet thud that just made me shiver in joy...
Finally, I balled the water up and flung it swiftly towards the last monster - a reptile of some kind this time - and watched in amusement as the bullet slipped into its skull and blasted out the back of it, doing exactly what I wanted it to do as I killed the little lizard thing in a single hit, just like the others.