Chereads / Kid’s story book / cartoon By Morn kunthea+meng lu+ my cat / Chapter 70 - ニャーニャの世界 Episode four Author Morn kunthea

Chapter 70 - ニャーニャの世界 Episode four Author Morn kunthea

On the weekends, the seven cat siblings went for a movie at the Cat World theme park because they had a special ticket so they could sit in the front row seats. When they think of coming home, they meet their classmates who are having lunch near the cinema. So they sat down to eat together before continuing to play the balling , with their siblings getting the most points. They returned home late in the evening, forgot promising with their mother. Therefore, everyone sneaks back into the house in silence. But still their mother caught them and scolded them so much until their father came to help them. And they hurried up to the room to rest.



著者モン クンテイア

週末には,7人の猫の兄弟が最前列の席に座れるように特別なチケットを持っていたので,猫の世界のテーマパークに映画を見に行きました. 彼らが家に帰ることを考えるとき,彼らは映画館の近くで昼食をとっている彼らのクラスメートに会います. それで,彼らは一緒に食事をするために座ってから,ボールをプレーし続けました.そして,彼らの兄弟は最も多くのポイントを獲得しました. 彼らは夜遅く帰宅し,母親との約束を忘れたです. したがって,誰もが黙って家に忍び込みます. しかし,それでも彼らの母親は彼らを捕まえ,彼らの父親が彼らを助けに来るまで彼らをとても叱ったです. そして彼らは休むために部屋に急いだです.

នៅថ្ងៃចុងសប្តាហ៏បងប្អូនឆ្មាទាំង៧បានទៅដើរកំសាន្តមើលកុនក្នុងសួនកំសាន្តពិភពឆ្មាដោយសារពួកគេមានសំបុត្រពិសេសនោះទើបធ្វើអោយពួកគេអាចអង្គុយមើលកៅអុីជួរមុខបាន។ នៅពេលដែលពួកគេគិតថានិងត្រលប់មកផ្ទះវិញស្រាប់តែជួបមិត្តរួមថ្នាក់របស់ពួកគេដែលអង្គុយញុាំអាហរក្បែររោងកុន។ ដូច្នេះពួកគេក៏អង្គុយញុាំអាហាររួមគ្នាមុនបន្តដំនើរទៅលេងបោះballing ដោយបងប្អូនរបស់ពួកគេទទួលបានពិន្ទុច្រើនជាងគេ។ ពួកគេបានត្រលប់មកផ្ទះវិញនៅពេលល្ងាចដែលយឺតម៉ោងសន្យាជាមួយម្តាយរបស់ពួកគេ។ ដូច្នេះហើយម្នាក់ៗលបដើរចូលក្នុងផ្ទះវិញដោយភាពស្ងប់ស្ងាត់។ ប៉ុន្តែនៅតែម្តាយរបស់ពួកគេចាប់បានហើយស្តីបន្តោសពួកគេយ៉ាងខ្លាំងរហូតទាល់តែឱពុកពួកគេមកដល់ក៏ជួយពួកគេ។ ហើយពួកក៏ប្រញាប់រត់ឡើងទៅលើបន្ទប់ដើម្បីសំរាក។