Chereads / Kid’s story book / cartoon By Morn kunthea+meng lu+ my cat / Chapter 68 - ニャーニャの世界 Episode two Author Morn kunthea

Chapter 68 - ニャーニャの世界 Episode two Author Morn kunthea

The seven kittens were told by their mothers to go shopping, as they crossed the street according to the rules they had learned so well from school, especially helping the kittens cross the street. Arriving at the mall, the older brother told his younger siblings to look for food ingredients in different locations. He went to buy the fish that the fishmonger gave him, the biggest fish, because the seller was his uncle. After shopping as scheduled, they return home without forgetting to buy ice cream at the street. Their mother was so proud of them that she went to the mall successful for the first time.



著者 モンクンテイア

7匹の子猫は,学校でよく学んだ規則に従って通りを渡ったとき,特に子猫が通りを渡るのを手伝ったので,母親から買い物に行くように言われました. モールに到着した兄は,弟にさまざまな場所で食材を探すように言いました. 売り手が叔父だったので,彼は魚屋が彼に与えた最大の魚である魚を買いに行きました. 予定通り買い物をした後,路上でアイスクリームを買うのを忘れずに帰宅です. 彼らの母親は彼らをとても誇りに思っていたので,彼女は初めてモールに成功しました.

បងប្អូនឆ្មាទាំង៧ត្រូវបានម្តាយប្រើអោយទៅផ្សារទិញឥវ៉ាន់ដោយពួកគេបានដើរឆ្លងផ្លូវតាមច្បាប់ដែលពួកគេបានរៀនពីសាលាបានយ៉ាងល្អ។ជាពិសេសពួកគេក៏បានជួយក្រុមកូនឆ្មាតូចឆ្លងផ្លូវផងដែរ។ មកដល់ផ្សារទំនើបកូនបងបានប្រាប់អោយប្អូនៗរបស់គាត់ស្វែងរកគ្រឿងផ្សំម្ហូបដែលនៅទីតាំងខុសពីគ្នា ។ បន្ទាប់មកគាត់ក៏ដើរទៅទិញត្រីដែលអ្នកលក់ត្រីបានអោយត្រីដែលធំជាគេអោយគាត់ពីព្រោះអ្នកលក់ត្រីនោះគឺជាលោកពូរបស់គាត់។ បន្ទាប់ពីទិញឥវ៉ាន់តាមការកំនត់រួចពួកគេក៏ត្រលប់មកផ្ទះវិញដោយមិនភ្លេចទិញការ៉េមញុាំតាមផ្លូវនោះទេ។ ម្តាយរបស់ពួកគេមោតភាពចំពោះពួកគេជាខ្លាំងដែលទៅផ្សារទិញឥវ៉ាន់លើកដំបូងបានសំរេច។