Chereads / Kid’s story book / cartoon By Morn kunthea+meng lu+ my cat / Chapter 9 - Caught between a rock and a hard place

Chapter 9 - Caught between a rock and a hard place

* Short film: Education

* Author: Morn kunthea

* As the rainy season approaches, the rectangular animals live in tunnels in the ground and move to the highlands to stay there. There is a hedgehog family with around five members, two older sons and two twin daughters. While their mother was lighting the fire for cooking, their father arrived and told them that in the next couple of days we could move to a dead tree stump tunnel on a grassy hill near Grandma's house rabbit. According to the grandmother, Rabbit said the original owner of the locust family had moved to another village since the middle of last year. Hedgehog's father had already entered the tunnel. he thought they could live in this tunnel. because it could protect them from the rain. In particular, there are many tools that the last owner keeps there. we can go live temporarily, just bring food, clothing and essential supplies on demand during the rainy season.

* Moving day has arrived. Their father told them to hurry up. Because the sky began to darken, the wind blew like rain. His wife and eldest son holding a basket of food. They walked halfway, and all of a sudden it started to rain as he was respecting. their father told them to take shelter under a tree by the side of the road to protect the rain, and he picked up the fallen leaves from the trees and picked them up like umbrellas to cover the rain. While waiting for the rain to stop falling, the oldest son took a small leaf and put it on his head and ran to play outside near his parents and siblings. Seeing this, the mother shouted, "Be careful, you will get wet and catch a cold." Because a small leaf cannot protect well. the older son was not listening, he also invited his second brother to come and play with him. The second son was holding the drop of water that fell from the leaves his father was holding. He thought that if he went out to play like the first brother, he would be happy too. Because the rain that was falling was not so strong, he ran to play with his older brother without wearing a leaf on his head to protect him from the rain like everyone else. It rained for a while, the sky was clear and there was a rainbow shining on the trees along the way. The twin girls fell asleep. So their mother and father hugged them on their chest, letting their two sons carry baskets of food instead. Then they continue to walk to their new home.

* The mother put the twin daughters asleep on the mattress and told her sons to hurry up, change their clothes, and come help her prepare their luggage. As for their father, they went to get the dead wood near the house to use it. After preparation, their mother made apple soup and made apple pie for dinner. she brought an apple pie for Grandma Bunny's neighbors to be friends with each other. They spoke happily for a while, then heard her husband call her to hurry home. their houses are close to each other, her husband can shout at them through the window of the house and hear clear voices. He told his wife that our two sons had started to cough, have fever and chills. After hearing her husband's report. she showed angry face and whispered that she had told them not to play in the rain, beware of getting sick. But not everyone pays attention to listening to me. Especially their father, who indulged his son too much. The grandma rabbit listened and laughed , she said kids always played a lot like that. "The more it is forbidden, the more they want to do it. " they will learn to follow a lesson as they did and they will know later that when they are sick it is not easy and it is difficult for their parents to take care of them. she said goodbye to grandma rabbit so that she would hurry home to take care of her sons. the rabbit grandmother gave her nuts and ginger to prepare a cold medicine. she thanked and accepted with a smile. When she returned home, she saw that her husband was taking wet towels to sponge her son's body to reduce the fever. She also helped her husband and told her twin daughters to eat apple pies and watch TV in the living room downstairs, pretending to catch the flu from their two siblings. Then she grinds the ginger, filters it with water and mixes it with the nuts and adds a little sugar to make it sweet taste and easy to eat. When she was already cooking, she took a plate of ginger soup for her sons to eat, but they both refused and did not eat. Because they hate ginger so much. Their mother comforted them by saying it didn't taste the same as it used to. It is very tasty and effective in treating your disease. They were caught between a rock and a hard place. If they would not agree to eat it, they would have to stay in bed for several days cannot go outside to play, if they would agree to eat, they would have to eat something they hated the most.

* After thinking for a while, they also agree to eat, close their eyes and hold their breath. But suddenly the drug soup went through their tongue and throat and it was delicious. It's sweet, flavorful, a bit spicy, and has almost no ginger smell. Their mother laughs and says it's not bad and doesn't seem to taste like it did before. Overcome your fear of what you don't like and everything will work. The choice we don't want to make is that this is the only way to achieve our goals. Particularly difficult roads can be broken with determination and patience, even if few people want to walk. After listening to her mother's advice, her sons gave her a hug and said they will change bad habits and solutions on a variety of problems that they always avoids and uses as excuses. Their mother smiles at them that it is precious because the amount of love between mother and child is so priceless. Then she sang a lullaby and put them to sleep, she went to prepare dinner for her husband and twin daughters. Her husband asked about the situation of theirs sons. His wife replied that their temperature had dropped and when they woke up they would be recovering from the flu. They answer endlessly their daughters' questions and continue to eat with joy.