Chapter 293 - Death game 2

When they think of a group of celebrities who share their wealth for attention, the people are a secret criminal group. Thing, who was the voice controller, made the game rules hot, made 100 million bankers and they had to cross the hot barrier, what a sinful culture they share with each other and this lie is the life of men and women, if they do not collect enough money in a special cupboard with only 100 million to put on the scales and scales in front of the rope, which is the limit and explode their heads. No matter how many special super natural powers or tricks magic they have, there is no effect in this prison. Especially God can not free them from suffering. Pornography, a group of betrayed stars who used to use satellites to oppress, monitor and put pressure on their neighbors have been destroyed, and now the real-life tactics are being shown live all over the world as they did and despised. The lives of others by killing each other have happened horribly. Thing dropped the heat even more in the prison, causing them to burn and be in great pain. Now they really need a view in order to earn extra money from the guests, see what they do, follow the game they do to the girls, because jealousy is harder than the dungeon they used to joke about, even if the kingdom falls is fun in hell, that's what they's going to happen, so friends turn into worms eating their friends. And this's risk goes to a transgender actor because he's not like a fake actor and cheated on money and tricks, and he/she was caught winner because he was not in the block of the game scam team went on him, but because he was too excited and insulted the dead star defamed for only 1 dollar, he pulled Insufficiently torn, the head exploded dead with melted coins. The voice of the another group pushing into the next game, Brand Phone / Brand show Twins.