Chapter 278 - Agowilt 7


ep 7

Misa has to climb between the ropes with the help of Kata and Roi to resist the force of gravity that drops up and down, and she tells her junior students to take turns backwards to get out and back upstairs. Also have to compete with everyone such as exams, etc., and it is not easy that she fell like twice, seriously injured, but fortunately, there is help to help each other, and then they came out and bowed to the shadow of their teacher and said goodbye to find their own dream. Finally, she closes the screen with her chain sword, shatters the glass of the memory class and restores everyone dreams. When they thought it was over, the sound of the cinema machine closed the door, creating a direct battle between all her memories. And also a movie that she does not want to go through again and again. But she has no choice, even though Roi and Kata know what is going to happen, but she need to performs because it is her own story, and the screen jumps on the screen and waits for them to help alert her from the outside. Screen color without image. Misa's brain early to explode in the shadows of memory and she has to swim deep, change family members and people she knows from childhood to adulthood, throw them back to their real world, say goodbye and let's it go and see each other again when things get better. Remaining memories of her ex-boyfriend left only her soul after the limit of an accident happened to her and that is why she has special energy. She could not see Karim Fouch, but she pushed him in order to fall in love beautiful sea and hope with the dream he wanted in the real world, as she did not know if she could forget or erase her memory again or not. She gave him the answer that she had rediscovered and found herself who she was and loved him and the people she could not talk about in the past, like the most meaningful record bitter sweet for her. And Misa was able to overcome and kill pain all the nightmares, was seriously injured and had to return, this time Kata as her bodyguard and holding her who fainted after the film exploded. With Misa of all colors appearing and using the Skill Attack Reset that resists fear as a sword force, the Bloom dance movement rotates into a 7-color dance. Machine film melt away with Smiles and warmth that it has never met because people always create a lot of bad thoughts that make it so bad. Roi also shut down the old ScreenSkill to fix it. In the outside world, it only takes a second rolate count down when thing turn the same for everyone and sent her to an emergency surgery room as well.



ミサはカタとロイの助けを借りて,上下に落ちる重力に抵抗するためにロープの間を登らなければなりません. また,試験などでみんなと競争しなければならず,二度も転んで重傷を負ってしまうことは容易ではありませんでしたが,幸いなことにお互いに助け合う助けがあり,彼らは出てきて彼らの影に頭を下げました. 先生とさよならを言って,自分の夢を見つけました. 最後に,彼女はチェーンソードで画面を閉じ,メモリクラスのガラスを粉砕し,すべての夢を復元します. 終わったと思ったとき,シネママシンの音がドアを閉め,彼女のすべての記憶の間で直接の戦いが起こったです. そして,彼女が何度も見たくない映画でもあります. しかし,ロイとカタが何が起こるかを知っていても,彼女は選択の余地がありませんが,それは彼女自身の物語であるため,彼女は実行する必要があり,画面が画面上でジャンプし,外から彼女に警告するのを助けるのを待ちます. 画像のない画面の色です. ミサの脳は早い段階で記憶の影で爆発し,彼女は深く泳ぎ,家族や知り合いを子供時代から大人に変え,彼らを現実の世界に戻し,さよならを言って,もう一度会って よくなります. 元カレとの思い出は,ある事故で限界を迎えた彼女の魂だけを残しており,それゆえに彼女は特別なエネルギーを持っています. 彼女はカリム・フーチを見ることはできませんでしたが,彼女が再び記憶を忘れたり消したりできるかどうかわからなかったので,美しい海に恋をし,現実の世界で彼が望んでいた夢に希望を抱くように彼を押しました. 彼女は彼に,自分が誰であるかを再発見し,彼と過去に話すことができなかった人々を愛していることを発見したという答えを彼に与えました. そして,ミサはすべての悪夢を克服して痛みを殺すことができ,重傷を負い,帰らなければなりませんでした. 今回はカタがボディーガードとして,フィルムが爆発した後に気絶した彼女を抱きしめました. 全色のミサが登場し,恐怖に抵抗するスキルアタックリセットを剣の力として,ブルームダンスの動きが七色のダンスに回転します. マシン フィルムは,人々がいつもそれを非常に悪くする多くの悪い考えを作成するため,出会ったことのない笑顔と暖かさで溶けてしまいます. また,Roi は古い ScreenSkill をシャットダウンして修正しました. 外の世界では,すべての人が同じようになり,彼女も緊急手術室に送られたときに,2回目のロレートカウントダウンが必要です.


ep 7

Misa ត្រូវឡើងតាមចន្លោះខ្សែរដោយជំនួយពីKataនិង Roiដើម្បីទប់ទល់ថាមពលដែលកំលាំងទំនាញដែលទំលាក់ចុះនិងក្រោមហើយនាងប្រាប់សិស្សប្អូនៗរបស់នាងអោយដាក់វេនគ្នាឡើងតាមក្រោយដើម្បីឆ្លងចេញមកក្រៅហើយនៅជាន់លើនោះវិញនាងក៏ត្រូវឡើងប្រកួតនិងបង

សមត្តិភាពដូចជាការប្រលងជាដើមហើយក៏មិនងាយស្រួលនោះដែលនាងវាយធ្លាក់ដូចដល់ទៅ២ដងរបួសធ្ងន់តែសំណាងដែលមានការឡើងជួយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមកហើយទើបពួកគេចេញផុតហើយអោនគរពស្រមោលគ្រូរបស់ពួកនិងលាគ្នាជាលើចុងក្រោយដោយនាងបិទវគ្គScreenដោយដាវច្រវ៉ាក់របស់នាងគប់នឹងបំបែកGlassនៃថ្នាក់ការចងចាំហើយកែប្រែសុបិន្តឡើងវិញ។ នៅពេលដែលពួកគេគិតថាចប់ស្រាប់សំលេងម៉ាសុីនកុនបានបិទរនាំងបង្កើតច្រកមួយដោយជាការប្រយុទ្ធដោយគ្នាផ្ទាល់ពីការចងចាំរបស់នាងទាំងអស់ឡើងវិញ។ ហើយក៏ជាកុនដែលនាងមិនចង់ឆ្លងចូលដដែលៗផងដែរ។ ប៉ុន្តែនាងគ្មានជំរើសទោះបីជាRoiនិងKataដឹងថានិងមានអ្វីកើតឡើងប៉ុន្តែតែសំដែងពីព្រោះជាសាច់រឿងរបស់នាងផ្ទាល់ហើយScreenក៏លោតផ្ទាំងសនិងចាំអោយពួកគេជួយផ្តល់សញ្ញាដាស់ស្មារតីរំលឹងនាងពីខាងក្រៅតាមកំរិតអារម្មណ៏ដែលចេញជាពណ៍Screen ដែលគ្មានរូបភាពនោះទេ។ Misaខួរក្បាលចង់ផ្ទុះពេលវិទៅស្រមោលចាស់ហើយត្រូវហែលទឹកកំហាប់ជ្រៅប្តូរសមាជិតគ្រួសារនិងមនុស្សជុំវិញដែលស្គាល់តាំងពីតូចដល់ធំបោះទៅពិភពពិតរបស់ពួកគេវិញដោយលាគ្នាចាំជួបគ្នាជាថ្មីនៅពេលដែលអ្វីល្អប្រសើរ។ នៅសល់ការចងចាំអតីសង្សាររបស់នាងដែលៅសល់តែព្រលឹងរបស់នាងបន្ទាប់ដែនកំណត់នៃគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍មួយកើតឡើងសំរាប់នាងហើយជាមូលហេតុដែលនាងមានថាមពលពិសេសផងដែរ។ នាងមិនអាចមើលឃើញKari Fouchនោះទេប៉ុន្តែនាងក៏រុញគាត់ចង់ក្នុងបំនងការស្រលាញក្តីស្រមៃដែលគាត់ចង់បានក្នុងពិភពពិតវិញដោយនាងមិនដឹងថានិងអាចភ្លេចរឺក៏រលុបការចងចាំទៀតដែលរឺទេ។ នាងបានផ្តល់ចំលើយទៅគាត់ថានាងបានស្វែងរកខ្លួនរបស់នាងឃើញវិញហើយថានាងជានរណាហើយក៏ស្រលាញ់គាត់និងមនុស្សគ្នាដែលនាងមិនអាចនិយាយបានការពីអតីតកាលនោះដូចជាកំណត់ត្រាដែលមានអត្ថន័យបំផុតសំរាប់នាង។ ហើយMisaអាចឈ្នះសុបិន្តអាក្រក់ទាំងអស់បានក៏របួសធ្ងន់និងត្រូចត្រឡប់មកវិញដោយលើកនេះKataជាអ្នករក្សារាងកាយរបស់នាងដែលសន្លប់បន្ទាប់ពីការម៉ាសុីនកុនបានផ្ទុះ។ ដោយMisaមានពន្លឺគ្រប់ពណ៍ដែលបាត់និងបាន់ប្រើSkill Attack Resetដែលទប់នឹងភាពភ័យខ្លាចជាកំលាំងដាវចលនាBloom danceបង្វិលជាក្បាច់រាំពណ៍៧បំបែកម៉ាសុីនបីសាចបានសំរេចចាក់ចំប្រអប់បេះដូងរបស់វាដែលវារលាយទៅដោយប្តូរជាស្នាមញញឹមនិងភាពកក់ក្តៅដែលវាមិនដែលបានជួបពីព្រោះមនុស្សតែងតែបង្កើតគំនិតអាក្រក់ជាច្រើនដែលធ្វើអោយវាប្រែជាអាក្រក់បែបនេះ។ ហើយRoiក៏បិទScreenSkillចាស់ដើម្បីជួសជុលជាថ្មីផងដែរ។ នៅពិភពខាងក្រៅចំនាយពេលត្រឹមមួយនាទីដោយនាងត្រូវបញ្ជូលទៅព្យាបាលបន្ទប់ពិសេសបន្ទាន់ផងដែរ។