Chapter 158 - Fighter x/1

Fighter X
Short anime 15minute
Mori = Time gold travel
Ryusu = Dragon power ring red
Doka = Green survive
Satoya = Orange electric thunder
Kotaro = Purple shield
Goto = Blue sky attack
by Morn kunthea

Episode 1

As the sun shines on the headquarters of the 11th generation of Fighter X fighters, with six members, one female , who recently took on the role of Fighter goldx, passed the exam and became a member of Ryusu's special team top Fighter. She climbed to the top of the tower, looked at the special report, according to Steal, curved cable, telescope package, found that part of the Xgo-destroyed hell pit has been half-repaired. Mori, whom she imagined as a schoolgirl guarding the area three months ago, saw Ryu help her as the Xgo11x monster grasped the area's energy1. When there was a broken pit near where she was standing just to help the children, she remembered that Ryu, who ran to help pull her from the pit and pulled the Lrtu1 card, dropped the key under the back of his palm into a cyberLrtu suit and transform amazingly, he pulled the rope to tie him and her to a safe place before flying to fight the enemy with his comrades, where the fight was a joint scene as DrangoX giant Kaman fired energy to penetrate the giant fish body to melt and save the city on the time too. When her team came up to the observation tower, they saw that the west zoom was leaking, with red suit form monsters on motorbikes attacking local shops. Ryu looked at Mori with a smile and ask her to fight defensively with the other members of the group waiting for them near the door as well.

アニメ 15分
りゅうす=ドラゴンパワーリング 赤
Doka = グリーンサバイバル


ファイターXファイターズ第11世代の本部に太陽が照りつける中,6人のメンバーがいる中,最近ファイターゴールドXの役割を担っていた1人の女性が試験に合格し,リュスの特別チームトップファイターのメンバーになりました. 彼女は塔の頂上に登り,特別レポートを見て,スティール,湾曲したケーブル,望遠鏡のパッケージによると,Xgo によって破壊されたヘル ピットの一部が半分修復されていることを発見しました. 3 か月前にこの地域を守っている女子高生として彼女が想像していた森は,Xgo11x モンスターがこの地域のエネルギーを把握したときにリュウが彼女を助けるのを見ました. 子供たちを助けるために立っていた場所の近くに壊れたピットがあったとき,彼女をピットから引き抜くのを手伝うために走ってLrtu1カードを引いたRyuが,手のひらの後ろに鍵をサイバーLrtuスーツに落としたことを思い出しました. そして驚くほど変身し,ロープを引っ張って彼と彼女を安全な場所に結び付けた後,仲間と敵と戦うために飛んだ.DrangoXの巨大なカマンがエネルギーを発射して巨大な魚の体を貫通して溶かして救う. 街もその時. 彼女のチームが観測塔に近づいたとき,彼らは西のズームが漏れていて,バイクに乗った赤いスーツの形のモンスターが地元の店を攻撃しているのを見ました. リュウは笑顔でモリを見て,ドアの近くで待っているグループの他のメンバーと防御的に戦うように頼んだ.

Fighter X
Short anime 15minute
Mori =Time gold travel
Ryusu= Dragon power ring red
Doka= Green survive
Satoya= Orange electric thunder
Kotaro= Purple shield
Goto =Blue sky attack

Episode 1

នៅពេលដែលព្រះអាទិត្យរះចាំងចំអាគារសំណាក់កណ្តាលនៃកំពូលអ្នកប្រយុទ្ធFighter Xដែលជាជំនាន់ទី១១ដែលមានសមាជិត៦នាក់ស្រីម្នាក់ជាអនុស្សនីយ៍ត្រីដែលទើបទទួលមុខងារជាFighter goldxប្រលងជាប់និងធ្វើជាសមាជិតក្រុមពិសេសរបស់Ryusuដែលជាកំពូលអ្នកប្រយុទ្ធ។ នាងបានឡើងទៅលើប៉មខ្ពស់ទីស្នាក់ការពួកគេមើលរបាយការណ៏ពិសេសតាមStealកោងខ្សែរកាបកញ្ជប់តេលេស្កូបឃើញថាមួយផ្នែកនៃរណ្តៅនរគដែលរងការបំផ្លាញពីពួកXgoត្រូវបានជួយជុលរួចពាក់កណ្តាលហើយ។ Moriដែលនាងស្រមៃពេលដែលនាងជាសិស្សសាលាដែលយាមនៅក្បែរតំបន់នោះកាលពី៣ខែមុខឃើញថាក្រុមRyuបានជួយនាងនៅពេលដែលបីសាចXgo11xបានស្រូបទាញទំនាញតំបន់នោះដែលជាEnergy១។ នៅពេលដែលមានរណ្តៅបាក់ក្បែរកន្លែងនាងឈរដែលទើបជួយក្រុមកុមាររួចនោះនាងចាំបានថាRyuដែលបានរត់ជួយទាញនាងពីរណ្តៅហើយទាញកាតLrtu1ដាក់ទំលាក់នៃគន្លិះក្រោមខ្នងបាតដៃរបស់គាត់ប្រែក្លាយជាឈុតcyberLrtuយ៉ាងអស្ចារ្យហើយគាត់ទាញខ្សែរកាបចងគាត់និងនាងទៅកន្លែងសុភវត្តិភាពមុនហោះទៅកំចាត់សត្រូវជាមួយសមាជិតរបស់គាត់ដែលការវាយគ្នាជាឈុតឆាករួមគ្នាជាDrangoXយក្សរ៉ូប៉ូតKamanបានបាញ់ថាមពលទំលុះខ្លួនយក្សត្រីអោយរលាយនិងជួយសង្គ្រោះទីក្រុងបានទាន់ពេលផងដែរ។ នៅពេលដែលក្រុមរបស់នាងដែលឡើងមកឃើញលើប៉មសង្កេតដែលនោះស្រាប់តែឃើញថាZoomភាគខាងលិចបានធ្លាយហើយដែលមានបីសាចក្រហមជិះម៉ូតូហោះវាយប្រហារហាងទំនិញរបស់ប្រជាជននៅតំបន់នោះRyuបានសំលឹងមើលMoriដោយស្នាមញញឹមនិងបបួលនាងទៅប្រយុទ្ធការពារជាមួយគេដែលសមាជិតក្រុមដទៃទៀតឈរចាំពួកគេក្បែរមាត់ទ្វារផងដែរ។