Chapter 112 - Game Over

Episode 9

Part 2

Mad clung to the ropes to escape the bombs that exploded underneath, injuring his leg but recovering quickly. He looked at the next target, who had a large number of terrorists hiding near the tank, so he took the risk of running at high speed, punching his partner in the chest and stabbing him to death. Each of his teammates, who looked at the screen, thought the game was like tricking a very hungry lion.

The leader, seeing that Mei's team won too easily, tricks of the villain who sniped Snap into the field. And sat laughing, thinking that this time her team must have lost when looking at Snap pulling a gun aimed 20 members to Mads from the valley, but something unexpected happened. Mei, she knows and turn gun shoot themselves, is a special skill that she can do, no matter how far away. Unable to resist Mad, they raised the white flag, waving from their underwear in surrender, which was Game over. The money winner increase and next round is Mei that battle at tower of sea.



マッドは,その下に爆発し,彼の足を傷つけたが急速に回復する爆弾を脱出するためにロープに腹を立てた. 彼は,タンクの近くに隠れている多数のテロリストを持っていた次のターゲットを見ました. 彼のチームメイトは,画面を見た,ゲームは非常に空腹のライオンをトリックするようなものだと思っていました. リーダーは,Meiのチームがあまりにも簡単に勝ったことを見て,フィールドにスナップした悪役のトリック. 笑って,笑って座って,彼女のチームは銃を引っ張っているときに失われたことを考えなければならないと考えていましたが,20人のメンバーが谷から怒っていましたが,予期しないことが起こりました. Mei,彼女は銃を知って曲を変えて,それ自体ができることに関係なく,彼女ができる特別なスキルです. 怒って怒って照らされず,彼らは白い旗を育て,降伏の下着から手を振っていた. お金の勝者が増え,次のラウンドは,海の塔で戦うMEIです.

Episode 9

Part 2

Mad បានតោងឡើងតាមខ្សែរគេចពីគ្រាប់បែកដែលផ្ទុះផ្តួនគ្នាពីក្រោមដែលធ្វើអោយគាត់របួសជើងតែក៏ជាពីរបួសវិញលឿនផងដែរ។ គាត់បានសំឡឹងមើលគោលដៅបន្ទាប់ដែលមានកងកំលាំងក្រុមភេវកម្ម ច្រើនពួនក្បែរធុងសាំងដូច្នេះគាត់ក៏ប្រថុយដោយរត់ល្បឿនលឿនដាល់ចំទ្រូងដៃគូរនិងចាក់សំលាប់បោះពីលើអាគារ។ សមាជិតក្រុមរបស់គាត់ដែលមើលតាមScreenម្នាក់ៗគិតថាការប្រកួតនេះដូចសាច់បញ្ឆោតសត្វតោដែលឃ្លានជាខ្លាំង។

មេដឹកនាំឃើញថាក្រុមរបស់Meiឈ្នះងាយៗពេកក៏លួចប្រើល្បិចបង្កប់ជនពាលដែលពូកែបាញ់Snap ទៅក្នុងទីលានប្រកួត។ ហើយអង្គុយសើចគិតថាលើកនេះក្រុមរបស់នាងប្រាកដជាចាញ់ពេលដែលសំលឹងមើលក្រុមSnapទាញកាំភ្លើតំរង់បាញ់ទៅMadជិត២០នាក់ពីជ្រលងភ្នំប៉ុន្តែមានរឿងនឹកស្មានមិនដល់កើតឡើងកាំភ្លើងបែបជាបង្វិលបាញ់ម្ចាស់ដើមវិញពេលដែលMeiនាងដឹងហើយជាញានពិសេសដែលនាងអាចធ្វើបានមិនថាចំងាយឆ្ងាយក៏ដោយ។ ដោយសារតែមិនអាចទប់ទល់ជាមួយMadបានពួកគេក៏លើកទង់ជ័យសដែលជាខោក្នុងគ្រវីសុំចុះចាញ់ដែលជាGame over។ទឹកប្រាក់ដែលឈ្នះបានឡើងជាងមុនហើយការប្រកួតវគ្គផ្តាច់ព្រាត់គឺMeiនៅលើប៉មទឹកសមុទ្រ។