Every night her eyes would search the crowd as she tried to focus on her steps. It went on like this for several days but not once did she catch sight of the tall Arabian.

She gave up.

Maya couldn't bear the risk of messing up her career, could she? And for what? A man that humiliated and rejected her invitation. She sat in her changing room as she stared at herself in the mirror. She still could not believe the audacity of that man, he had practically rejected her twice.

A thought crossed her mind making her shake her head in disbelief, she didn't even know his name.

"Earth to Maya!" She snapped out of her trance at the sound of Bella's voice.


"Girl, what the actual hell is wrong with you? I called your name over seven times!" She exclaimed and Maya sighed, her cherry lips forming a pout. "Aww, sweetie. What's wrong? Talk to momma Bells," she said before pulling out a chair and sitting beside her best friend.

"Remember that Arabian dude I told you about?" Maya started and Bella's eyes narrowed.

"You mean the cunt that had the balls to reject you in public?"

A small, sad smile played on Maya's lips. Her eyes watching as her thumb fiddled on her lap, "Well, he sort of did it again-"

"Oh, for fucks sake, Maya! How can you let the same man treat you like trash twice? This is so unlike you!"

"No, I don't mean like that. I mean I told him to come over again sometime and that was like, over a week ago and he hasn't."

Bella did nothing but blink at her friend rapidly, she couldn't help but wonder who this Arabian man was to have such a huge effect on her best friend. "So you're…. Waiting for him?" She asked her voice and eyes filled with disbelief.

"What?" No, I uh…." Maya found herself at loss for words. Not once had she imagined any man being able to do this to her. She played with men, it was never the other way around.

"Maya," Bella's voice suddenly turned cold and hard as she spoke, "Never let a man mess you up, you aren't some weak bitch on the streets."

Maya nodded in agreement with her friend, "You're right, Bells. Thank you for snapping some sense into me."

Her friend smiled, "It's what I'm here for. Now come on, you've got to work on that split of yours. Your movements become slower when you touch the ground and your legs aren't straight. The two girls practised and did their best to perfect their dancing.

Meanwhile, a board meeting was being held in the tallest skyscraper of Miami, FZ enterprises. Faiz sat at the head of the desk looking completely tired and drained in his all-white Georgio Armani suit. With him were three other members of the board and two representatives of FZ's rival firm, Rhodes Ltd.

"All we are saying Mr Malik, is that we join stocks and shares with FZ. Our profits would skyrocket and it would be good for both our businesses," said the male representative.

"That would be good if Rhodes didn't have a criminal record," Faiz pointed out as dozens of thoughts went through his mind. In seconds, he was able to estimate the profits and losses that would incur by his prestigious company if he were to do business with Rhodes.

The female representative gave a tight-lipped smile which was fake. She was getting tired of his stalling, "Those are just rumours, Mr Malik. Mr Rhodes is a very righteous man like yourself that deals strictly with hardware and appliances."

"And why didn't Mr Rhodes come today?" Faiz inquired.

The woman laughed. "Ah, because he's busy with work of course. Don't tell me you are doubting the integrity of Rhodes as well. You aren't going to miss a great opportunity like this just because of some rumours going around in the streets would you?"

Faiz looked at the two representatives then members of his board who had remained silent throughout the conversation. Who could blame them? Rhodes was a powerful company that had been rumoured to deal with drugs, guns and not to mention several murder cases. Every member of his board was too frightened to speak.

Faiz remained silent for a few minutes as his mind contemplated the offer before saying, "I'm sorry, but I can't risk spoiling the good name of my company just to be able to earn a couple of million dollars."

"So does that mean you are rejecting our offer?" The male representative asked.

"Yes," Faiz answered monotonously.

"Then whatever happens to FZ and its members will be entirely your fault, Mr Faiz Malik," The lady said as she and her associate got up to leave.

"Is that a threat?" Faiz asked as a mix of interest, curiosity and amusement sparked within his calm blue eyes.

"Call it whatever you wish," were her last words as she and her partner exited the room. Other members of the board who had remained mute began to speak.

"We're doomed."

"Do you think they are going to kill us?"

"Might as well start looking for another job."

Faiz rolled his eyes at his staff, "Relax, nothing will happen." He assured as he rose from his seat and headed towards the exit.

"How can you be so sure?" Mike, his stocks manager asked.

"I'm not," Faiz left his board members in stunned silence as he took the elevator to the garage. He decided it was best to leave early, he was beyond tired.

Hopping into his car, he got home and quickly took a shower. The water soothed the tension in his muscles as he sighed, that's when his mind went back to her. He was surprised that he hadn't even caught her name.

He got out of the shower and decided on a pair of blue shorts that showed off his hairy calves and a simple grey shirt. He fell lazily on his king-sized bed, his long curly hair falling on his face as he stared at the chandelier above his bed.

He was lonely.

Times like these made him wish he had a girlfriend. When he first moved to Miami all he could focus on was building his empire and now that was done his heart longed for some sort of companionship. He sulked.

Sitting up, his eyes caught sight of her card. He had been avoiding thinking about her for the past few days or her invitation. What was he supposed to do with the card anyway?

He picked up his cell and dialled Blake's number.

"Miss me, princess?" Those were his first words as he answered the call. Faiz rolled his eyes.

"I'm bored."

"So in other words you miss me," Blake chuckled and Faiz groaned.

"No, you idiot! I want you to come to clubspace with me," he muttered the last part but Blake heard it. Faiz knew he wouldn't want to come because of what happened last time. But it seemed like he had forgotten exactly who his best friend was.

"Damn, you barely got a taste and now you want more. That's my boy!" Faiz facepalmed himself at Blake's response. To think he would at least be reluctant after the beating they gave him but he probably had a death wish anyway.

Typical Blake Henley.

"So are you coming to pick me up or should I?" Faiz asked, attempting to change the topic.

"You are coming to pick me up of course. You're the one crazy about taking me out on a date," Blake said and Faiz wondered how he had managed to say that with a serious voice.

"It's not a date, stop acting so…. Gay," the word sounded unusual to both their ears since it came from him, Blake laughed.

"Oh, so now you're homophobic?" Blake began to laugh hysterically on the other end and Faiz cut the call. He picked up his keys, wallet and card before heading out to get his psycho of a friend.

Blake's house was merely a fifteen minutes drive from his. Faiz spotted him already waiting for him in front of his ten-foot-long titanium gate. He was wearing a pair of blue sweats and a grey shirt, a pair of black and white Nikes on his feet. Blake got into his friend's car, deciding to be dramatic, and raised the pitch of his voice in an attempt to sound feminine.

"Oh God, you're so late! I've been standing for hours," he whined.

"Just shut up," Faiz frowned at the immaturity of his friend as they drove into the bustling city, heading straight for clubspace.

"So rude, no wonder you're single." Blake laughed but stopped when he saw the effect it had on his friend. His grip on the steering wheel had tightened and his eyelids narrowed as he stared at the upcoming road ahead. "So why do you want to go there all of a sudden?" He said, attempting to change the topic.

Faiz told him everything, by the time he was done Blake blew a long whistle, "Damn, I bet she'll forget who you are again."

Faiz's brows creased together, his eyes still focused on the road, "What do you mean?"

"You'll figure it out later," Blake didn't want to tell him that women like her had men coming in and out of her bedroom every hour. If his suspicions were correct, that information might crush him. "Let me see the card,"

"It's in the glove compartment," Faiz directed and Blake inspected it once he got it out. He snickered. "What?"

"She's inviting you to come to sleep with her bro," Faiz said nothing to that as he parked his car. The club was the same as the previous night he had come here.

The two got in through the VIP entrance as usual and the familiar wave of booming music accompanied by the scent of alcohol and drugs hit them.

Faiz was surprised by what he saw inside. A man sitting on one of the booths had a naked woman on his lap, their lips sealed together as his hands roamed all parts of her body. He looked away, his eyes going towards the stage and he didn't know why, but what he saw there was far worse.

Maya was having one of her solo performances only this time she wore nothing but a black lace thong and nipple covers, not to mention the man with her on stage she was grinding on. Faiz blinked several times to process exactly what it was he was seeing.

Then their eyes met, she subconsciously smiled at him but he did not return it. His eyes went to the man she was pleasing then to his best friend, "I'm getting out of here." He said before making his way towards the exit, Blake following right behind him.

"You bet."