Episode 21
Ren's team is on a mission in the ghost town, with the last two gems splitting into two to represent the fire and sky elements, which are the purple elements of Sky land, the girls' mission. The men are complaining about scary and cruel things they need to go and do, and when they have gone through all the difficult missions before and come back, they look at their face and can't recognize it and this time encounter all kinds of ghosts. Professor Fiya laughs and says that men are stronger than women and they caught the wrong color. When Coach Fiya told the men's team to wear masks and gas cylinders as the area was full of poisonous gas. And as soon as they walk through the gate of the ghost town, they are immediately filled with pools of blood and all kinds of creepy ghosts that are crueler than horror movie theaters. And they wandered the death stairs going upstairs with many headless and bodiless ghosts, but Ren's cross tattoo dissolved them, and they were able to reach the populated land. Ghouls, dressed in black but without faces or legs, brought them to the main hall to meet the leader, a special high-level ghoul who received and ate fire concentration as food. He asked the men to try and lift the hot ball first to find out their limits. Even though they were completely engulfed in flames, they were able to finish off the giant fireball and continue to stay and train in the ghost town before traveling to the ghost town of hell to take the gem fragments. The photo shows a group of girls arriving at Sky Land going through a wall of sand illuminating as a hard time with Professor Kei and many sand tornadoes swirling through the sea of sand. The enemy leaders direct the team to the rest of the skyland, where the main leader in the middle of space absorbs the human world and the two principal control areas, where they prepare special defenses, such as targeted attacks from mighty stars shooting crocodile ghoul.
エピソード 21
レンのチームはゴーストタウンで任務を遂行しており,最後の 2 つの宝石は 2 つに分かれて,女の子の使命であるスカイランドの紫色の要素である火と空の要素を表しています. 男たちは,行ったり来たりしなければならない恐ろしくて残酷なことについて不平を言っていて,前にすべての困難な任務を通過して戻ってきたとき,彼らは自分の顔を見てそれを認識できず,今度はあらゆる種類の幽霊に遭遇します. . フィヤ教授は笑いながら,男性は女性よりも強く,間違った色を捕まえたと言いました. フィヤ監督が男子チームにマスクとガスボンベを着用するように言ったとき,その地域は有毒ガスでいっぱいだった. そしてゴーストタウンの門をくぐるとすぐに,ホラー映画館よりも残酷な血のプールとあらゆる種類の不気味な幽霊で満たされます. そして,彼らは死の階段を上って,頭と体のない多くの幽霊と一緒に彷徨いましたが,レンの十字架の入れ墨がそれらを溶かし,人口の多い土地に到達することができました. 黒い服を着ているが顔も足もないグールは,彼らをメインホールに連れて行き,リーダーである火の集中を食べ物として受け取り,食べる特別な高レベルのグール. 彼は男性たちに,自分たちの限界を見つけるために,最初に熱いボールを持ち上げるように頼んだ. 彼らは完全に炎に包まれましたが,巨大な火の玉を終わらせ,ゴーストタウンに滞在して訓練を続けることができた後,地獄のゴーストタウンに移動して宝石の破片を取りました. 写真は,スカイランドに到着した女の子のグループが,ケイ教授と砂の海を渦巻く多くの砂の竜巻と苦労して照らす砂の壁を通り抜けている様子です. 敵のリーダーは,チームをスカイランドの残りの部分に誘導します.そこでは,スペースの真ん中にいるメイン リーダーが人間の世界と 2 つの主要なコントロール エリアを吸収します.そこでは,クロコダイル グールを撃つ強大な星からの標的型攻撃など,特別な防御を準備します.
Episode 21
ក្រុមរបស់Renត្រូវបំពេញបេសកម្មនៅតំបន់Ghost townដែលមានបំនែកត្បូងចុងក្រោយពីរបែកចេញពីរគ្នា តំណាងអោយធាតុភ្លើងនិងមេឃដែលជាធាតុស្វាយនៅតំបន់Sky landដែលបេសកម្មរបស់ក្រុមស្រីៗ។ ក្រុមប្រុសៗកុំពុងរអ៊ូនិងរឿងគួរអោយក្លាចនិងសាហាវដឹងតែក្រុមប្រុសៗទៅធ្វើហើយនៅពេលដែលចេញមកវិញម្តងៗស្ទើរមើលមុខខ្លួនប្រាណមើលមិនយល់ហើយនេះជួបជាមួយខ្មោចគ្រប់ប្រភេទទៀត។ អ្នកគ្រូFiyaអស់សំណើចហើយនិយាយថាប្រុសៗមានស្មារតីរឹងមាំជាងក្រុមស្រីៗហើយជាលទ្ធផលរបស់ពួកគេដែលចាប់ពណ៏ខុស។ នៅពេលដែលគ្រូដឹកនាំFiyaបានប្រាប់អោយក្រុមប្រុសពាក់ស្រោមមុខនងបំពុងឧស្មន័ដោយសារតែដំបន់នោះពោលពេញដោយហ្គេសពុល។ ហើយគ្រាន់តែពួកគេចូលមកដល់ក្លោងទ្វារGhost twonភ្លាមពេញដោយថ្លុកឈាមនិងព្រលឹងខ្មោចគ្រប់ប្រភេទដែលសាហាវជាក្រុងរោងកុនទៅទៀត។ ហើយពួកគេក៏វង្វេងវិលនៅជណ្តើរមរណះដែលឡើងទៅជាន់ខាងលើជាមួយនឹខ្មោចគ្មានក្បាលនិងខ្លួនជាច្រើនប៉ុន្តែសញ្ញាសាក់ឈើឆ្កាងរបស់Renបានរំលាយខ្មោចទាំងនោះហើយពួកគេក៏អាចមកកាន់ទឹកដីខាងលើដែលមានប្រជាជនGhoulដែលស្លៀកឈុតខ្មៅតែគ្មានមុខនិងជើងនោះទេបាននាំពួកគេមកសាលធំជួបមេដឹកនាំដែលជាGhoulកំរិតពិសេសដែលទទួលកំហាប់ភ្លើងជាអាហារ។ គាត់បានអោយក្រុមប្រុសៗសាកល្បងលើកដុំបាលក្តៅជាមុនដើម្បីចង់ដឹងភាពអំនត់ពួកគេ។ ទោះបីជាពួកគេត្រូវភ្លើងដុតឆេះពេញខ្លួនក៏អាចដុំបាលភ្លើងយក្សបានសំរេចហើយអាចបន្តស្នាក់នៅនិងហ្វឹកហាត់នៅតំបន់Ghoat townមុននៅចុះទៅពិភពនគរកនៃតំបន់Ghost town យកបំនែកត្បូងភ្លើង។ រូបភាពបានបង្ហាញពីក្រុមស្រីៗដែលតំបន់Sky landឆ្លងកាត់រនាំងជញ្ជាំងខ្សាច់រនទះយ៉ាងពិបាកជាមួយនិងគ្រូKeiដែលមានព្យុះខ្សាច់កួចពាសពេញសមុទ្រខ្សាច់។ ក្រុមមេដឹកសត្រូវនាំបានដឹកនាំក្រុមទាំងអស់ទៅតំបន់Sky landដែលនៅសល់មេធំដែលនៅចំនុចកណ្តាលលំហកុំពុងស្រូបទាញពិភពរបស់មនុស្សនិងតំបន់គ្រប់គ្រងរបស់principal ដែលពួកគេកុំពុងរៀបចំក្បួនការពារពិសេសជាក្បួនវាយប្រហារតំរង់ជាគ្រាប់ផ្កាយថាមពលត្រាមបាញ់ទៅបីសាចក្រពើGhoul។