Chapter 67 - Part 12

Episode 12

Group 69N2 was treated with ice by Kanata, who healed the wounds quickly. she also taught them to think and use their gaze faster as she turned on the ice around them and threw ninja weapons at them so they could learn to dodge and think fast and hit the partner back. For two days, they successfully practiced with Kanata and continued to study with Oni7 and Oni8, as they were able to hit rocks that flew towards them from a distance using the force of the wind. Then Oni7 also received their feedback, this time seeing the mental training to be strong under the pressure of what they scary most. A group of girls who enter a dark room first begin to react and voice in their minds that test their spiritual path. Miwa reached the level of blood through the ears, anger, insulting voices and things that she found difficult to distinguish, true and false, that she fainted in the empty emptiness, no light, no air, it was really hard. When she regained consciousness, Ren and Kendo carried her outside like other female members. The enemy group that reached the first area of ​​the killing field pit after catching animals in that area ate almost half. The tombs consisted of a series of thick stone barriers that grew in a strange shape and a steel wall that hit the ground, and 32 samurai, who were also guardian spirits, opened their swords as a convoy.

エピソード12グループ69N2をKanataによって氷で治療し,創傷を素早く癒しました. 彼女はまた,彼女が彼らの周りの氷をオンにして忍者の武器を投げ捨てて,彼らが急上昇させてパートナーを殴打することを学ぶことができるように彼らの視線をより早く考えるように彼らに迅速に彼らの早急を使いました. 2日間,彼らはカナタで首尾よく実施され,oni7とoni8を使って勉強し続けていました. それからONI7はまた彼らのフィードバックを受けました,今回は彼らが最も怖いのかの圧力の下で精神的な訓練を強くすることを見ました. 暗い部屋に入る女の子のグループは,最初に彼らの精神的な道をテストする彼らの心の中で反応して声をかけ始めます. Miwaは耳のレベル,怒り,侮辱的な声,侮辱的な声や物に到達しました.彼女が空の空の空の空の空の空の空虚さに気間違い,光はありませんでした,それは本当に難しかったです. 彼女が意識を取り戻したとき,RenとKendoは他の女性会員のように彼女を外に運びました. その地域で動物を捕まえた後の殺害野口の最初の領域に達した敵グループ. 墓は,奇妙な形で成長した一連の厚い石の障壁と,地面にぶつかった鋼壁と,警戒心の霊でもある32サムライで,警備隊として刀を開けました.

ក្រុម៦៩N2ត្រូវបានអ្នកគ្រូKanataព្យាបាលថាមទឹកកកដោយអោយរបួសជាផ្សះបានលឿន។ ហើយគាត់ក៏បានបង្រៀនអោយពួករៀនគិតនិងប្រើការសំលឹងអោយរហ័សជាងមុខនៅពេលដែលគាត់បើកចំហាយកកកជុំវិញខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេនិងចោលអាវុធNinjaតំរង់មកពួកគេដើម្បីអោយពួកគេរៀនគេចនិងគិតអោយរហ័សក្នុងការស្ទាក់វាយដៃគូរវិញ។ រយះពេល២ថ្ងៃធ្វើពួកគេហាត់បានសំរេចជាមួយអ្នក គ្រូKantaនិងបន្ត ទៅរៀនបន្ត ជាមួយនិងOni7និងOni8ដោយពួកគេអាចវាយវំបែកថ្ម ដែលហោះសំដៅមកកាន់ពួកគេពីចំងាយដោយប្រើកំលាំងខ្យល់។ បន្ទាប់មកOni7ក៏ទទួលសមតិភាពរបស់ពួកគេដោយលើកនេះឃើញហ្វឹកហាត់ផ្លូវចិត្ត អោយរឹងមាំក្នុងសំពាធនូវអ្វីដែលពួកគេក្លាយបំផុត។ ក្រុមស្រីៗដែលចូលបន្ទប់ងងឹតមុនម្នាក់ចាប់ផ្តើមប្រតិកម្ម និងសំលេងក្នុងចិត្ត ដែលសាកល្បងផ្លូវវិញ្ញានពួកគេ។ Miwaដល់ថ្នាក់ឈាមតាមត្រចៀកខឹងសំលេងប្រមាថមើលងាយនិងរឿងដែលនាងពិបាកបែងចែកពិតមិនពិតដែលនាងបានដួលសន្លប់នៅក្នុងភាពទទេរស្អាតដែលគ្មានពន្លឺគ្មានខ្យល់វាពិតជាពិបាកណាស់។ នៅពេលនាងដឹងខ្លួនវិញត្រូវបានRenនិង Kendoសែងមកសង្គ្រោះខាងក្រៅដូចសមាជិតស្រីៗផ្សេងៗទៀតផងដែរ។ ចំនែកក្រុមសត្រូវដែលបានដល់ផ្ទៃទី១រណ្តៅវាលពិឃាតបន្ទាប់ចាប់សត្វ នៅដំបន់នោះសុីអស់ជិតពាក់កណ្តាល។ រណ្តៅទីពួកមានជារនាំងជាន់ៗថ្ម ក្រាស់ដែលដុះជារាងចំលែកនិងជំរឹងដែកបុកដោតលើដីហើយមានសាុំម៉ូរៃ៣២នាក់ដែលជាព្រលឹងការពារផងដែរបានបើកដាវចេញជាក្បួនព័ទ្ធ សត្រូវ។