Anime Japan
Episode 8
( Trash team)
Author Morn kunthea
The school principal brought the rescued children to the third floor to prepare for the special class competition. Ren leads his group of new members, Miwa, whom he hates the most and still doesn't know that she is the savior, as the acne-filled dark planet was then Miwa's face filled with ash dust. The principal asked the teachers to monitor the strength of Miwa and Ren's team due to their superpowers, especially the most hidden and dangerous ones. Ren led the team to pick up trash in the corner under the pit due to the depths of the human world in the past before this place went to ground competition. Suddenly a group of special students walking past them came out and laughed at their group, saying that Finn was as big as a buffalo, Toka was good at spoiled baby, Nguyen probably can't talk, Alex was like a gay, Kendo used a rubber sword and Miwa was uneducated from the forest who was laughing like crazy. But they didn't dare to answer because everyone had a Trauma accident on the 118th floor. REN, the leader of the group, couldn't stand the fact that they said he relied on his father, who didn't care about him, so he started attacking the group, because he had learned all kinds of martial arts since he was five years old. As his hand fired the punch and speed at the bad student who forcefully insulted him, they both collided in the air, crashing to the ground, causing many cracks in their punches. with kicking force. The rest of the senior students wanted to come and attack the REN team, who were standing and not moving, immediately Miwa, holding a giant truck tire, shouted at her group to get away and threw at the group of seniors who entered exploding like a fall star.
69 N'2Goul鬼
Anime Japan
(Trash Team )
著者モン クンテイア
校長は救助された子供たちを3階に連れて行き,特別クラスの大会の準備をしました. レンは,ニキビに満ちた暗い惑星が灰のほこりで満たされたミワの顔だったので,彼が最も嫌いであり,彼女が救世主であることをまだ知らない彼の新しいメンバーのグループ,ミワを率いています. 校長は教師たちに,彼らの超能力,特に最も隠された危険なもののために,美和とレンのチームの強さを監視するように頼みました. レンは,この場所が地上競技に出る前に,過去の人間の世界の深さのために,ピットの下の隅でゴミを拾うようにチームを導きました. 突然,彼らを通り過ぎて歩いている特別な学生のグループが出てきて,彼らのグループを笑いました,フィンは水牛と同じくらい大きい,トカは甘やかされて育った赤ちゃんが得意でした,グエンはおそらく話すことができません,アレックスはゲイのようでした,剣道は ゴム刀と美和は狂ったように笑っていた森から無学だったです. しかし,118階でトラウマ事故が発生したため,あえて答えることはありませんでした. グループのリーダーであるレンは,彼のことを気にしない父親に頼っていると言われたことに耐えられず,彼は彼がいた時からあらゆる種類の武道を学んだので,グループを攻撃し始めました 5歳です. 彼の手が彼を強引に侮辱した悪い学生にパンチとスピードを発射したとき,彼らは両方とも空中で衝突し,地面に衝突し,パンチに多くの亀裂を引き起こしました. 蹴る力で. 残りの先輩たちは立っていて動いていないRENチームを攻撃したかったので,すぐに巨大なトラックのタイヤを持った美和が彼女のグループに向かって叫び,逃げるために叫び,爆発した先輩のグループに投げつけた秋の星です.
លោកនាយសកសាលាបានយកក្មេងដែលជួយសង្គ្រោះមកជាន់ទី៣ដើម្បីត្រៀមប្រកួតចូលរៀនថ្នាក់ពិសេស។ ដោយRenដឹកនាំក្រុមរបស់គាត់ដែលមានសមាជិតថ្មីMiwaដែលគាត់ស្អប់បំផុតហើយនៅតែមិនដឹងថានាងជាអ្នកជួយសង្គ្រោះនោះទេដោយសារតែភពងងឹតនិងមុនរបស់Miwaពេលនោះប្រលាស់ពេញដោយល្បាប់ដីដែលហុយពីផេះ។ លោកនាយកសាលាបានអោយក្រុមគ្រូតាមដានកំលាំរបស់ក្រុមRenនិងMiwaដោយសារតែកំលាំងពួកគេមានថាមពលខ្លាំងពិសេសដែលលាក់ទុកនិងមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់បំផុត។ Renបានដឹកនាំក្រុមចេញទៅរើសសំរាមសំអាតនៅជ្រុងក្រោមរណ្តៅប្រកួតថ្ងៃស្អែកដោយសារតែជាទីតាំងជំរៅកន្លែងពិភពមនុស្សចោលសំរាមកាលពីសម័យមុន។ រំពេចនោះក្រុមសិស្សពិសេសដែលជាប់មុនពួកគេបានចេញមកសើចចំអកអោយក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេថាFinnមាឌធំដូចក្របី Tokaពូកែយំរំអួយ Nguyen Alex ចរិតដូចស្រី និយាយមិនច្បាស់ Kendoប្រើដាវជ័រនិង Miwaដែលក្មេងព្រៃនិងសើចដូចឆ្កួត។ប៉ុន្តែពួកគេមិនហ៊ានតបនោះទេដោយសារតែមួយគេម្នាក់ៗមាន Trauma មកគ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាន់ទី១១៨។ ប៉ុន្តែ RENដែលជាមេក្រុមទ្រាំពុំនិងគេថាខ្លួនពឹងអំនាចឱពុកដែលមិនខ្វល់ពីគាត់នោះក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមហក់ទៅវាយក្រុមទាំងនោះដោយគាត់ចេះក្បាច់គុណគ្រប់ប្រភេទរៀនតាំងតែពីគាត់អាយុ៥ឆ្នាំម្លេះ។ នៅពេលដែលដៃគាត់ទាញដាល់និងល្បឿនលឿនលើសិស្សច្បងដែលនិយាយមើលងាយគាត់ដោយកំលាំងពួកគេទាំងពីរហោះដាល់គ្នាក្នុងអាកាសបោកខ្ទៀតបុកបំបែកដីធ្វើអោយមានរណ្តៅប្រះបែកជាច្រើននៅកំលាំងដាល់និងទាត់របស់ពួកគេទាំងពីរ។ ក្រុមសិស្សច្បងដែលនៅសល់ចង់មកវាយធ្វើបាបក្រុមRenដែលឈររឹងខ្លួនរំពេចនោះMiwaកាន់សំបកសំរាមកង់ឡាន Truckយក្សស្រែកប្រាក់អោយក្រុមនាងបើកផ្លូវហើយគប់មួយទំហឹងទៅក្រុមសិស្សច្បងដែលចូលមកពួកគេផ្ទុះដូចជាអាច់ផ្កាយធ្លាក់។ 69 N'2 Goul鬼
Anime Japan
Episode 8
( Trash team)
Author Morn kunthea
The school principal brought the rescued children to the third floor to prepare for the special class competition. Ren leads his group of new members, Miwa, whom he hates the most and still doesn't know that she is the savior, as the acne-filled dark planet was then Miwa's face filled with ash dust. The principal asked the teachers to monitor the strength of Miwa and Ren's team due to their superpowers, especially the most hidden and dangerous ones. Ren led the team to pick up trash in the corner under the pit due to the depths of the human world in the past before this place went to ground competition. Suddenly a group of special students walking past them came out and laughed at their group, saying that Finn was as big as a buffalo, Toka was good at spoiled baby, Nguyen probably can't talk, Alex was like a gay, Kendo used a rubber sword and Miwa was uneducated from the forest who was laughing like crazy. But they didn't dare to answer because everyone had a Trauma accident on the 118th floor. REN, the leader of the group, couldn't stand the fact that they said he relied on his father, who didn't care about him, so he started attacking the group, because he had learned all kinds of martial arts since he was five years old. As his hand fired the punch and speed at the bad student who forcefully insulted him, they both collided in the air, crashing to the ground, causing many cracks in their punches. with kicking force. The rest of the senior students wanted to come and attack the REN team, who were standing and not moving, immediately Miwa, holding a giant truck tire, shouted at her group to get away and threw at the group of seniors who entered exploding like a fall star.
69 N'2Goul鬼
Anime Japan
(Trash Team )
著者モン クンテイア
校長は救助された子供たちを3階に連れて行き,特別クラスの大会の準備をしました. レンは,ニキビに満ちた暗い惑星が灰のほこりで満たされたミワの顔だったので,彼が最も嫌いであり,彼女が救世主であることをまだ知らない彼の新しいメンバーのグループ,ミワを率いています. 校長は教師たちに,彼らの超能力,特に最も隠された危険なもののために,美和とレンのチームの強さを監視するように頼みました. レンは,この場所が地上競技に出る前に,過去の人間の世界の深さのために,ピットの下の隅でゴミを拾うようにチームを導きました. 突然,彼らを通り過ぎて歩いている特別な学生のグループが出てきて,彼らのグループを笑いました,フィンは水牛と同じくらい大きい,トカは甘やかされて育った赤ちゃんが得意でした,グエンはおそらく話すことができません,アレックスはゲイのようでした,剣道は ゴム刀と美和は狂ったように笑っていた森から無学だったです. しかし,118階でトラウマ事故が発生したため,あえて答えることはありませんでした. グループのリーダーであるレンは,彼のことを気にしない父親に頼っていると言われたことに耐えられず,彼は彼がいた時からあらゆる種類の武道を学んだので,グループを攻撃し始めました 5歳です. 彼の手が彼を強引に侮辱した悪い学生にパンチとスピードを発射したとき,彼らは両方とも空中で衝突し,地面に衝突し,パンチに多くの亀裂を引き起こしました. 蹴る力で. 残りの先輩たちは立っていて動いていないRENチームを攻撃したかったので,すぐに巨大なトラックのタイヤを持った美和が彼女のグループに向かって叫び,逃げるために叫び,爆発した先輩のグループに投げつけた秋の星です.
លោកនាយសកសាលាបានយកក្មេងដែលជួយសង្គ្រោះមកជាន់ទី៣ដើម្បីត្រៀមប្រកួតចូលរៀនថ្នាក់ពិសេស។ ដោយRenដឹកនាំក្រុមរបស់គាត់ដែលមានសមាជិតថ្មីMiwaដែលគាត់ស្អប់បំផុតហើយនៅតែមិនដឹងថានាងជាអ្នកជួយសង្គ្រោះនោះទេដោយសារតែភពងងឹតនិងមុនរបស់Miwaពេលនោះប្រលាស់ពេញដោយល្បាប់ដីដែលហុយពីផេះ។ លោកនាយកសាលាបានអោយក្រុមគ្រូតាមដានកំលាំរបស់ក្រុមRenនិងMiwaដោយសារតែកំលាំងពួកគេមានថាមពលខ្លាំងពិសេសដែលលាក់ទុកនិងមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់បំផុត។ Renបានដឹកនាំក្រុមចេញទៅរើសសំរាមសំអាតនៅជ្រុងក្រោមរណ្តៅប្រកួតថ្ងៃស្អែកដោយសារតែជាទីតាំងជំរៅកន្លែងពិភពមនុស្សចោលសំរាមកាលពីសម័យមុន។ រំពេចនោះក្រុមសិស្សពិសេសដែលជាប់មុនពួកគេបានចេញមកសើចចំអកអោយក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេថាFinnមាឌធំដូចក្របី Tokaពូកែយំរំអួយ Nguyen Alex ចរិតដូចស្រី និយាយមិនច្បាស់ Kendoប្រើដាវជ័រនិង Miwaដែលក្មេងព្រៃនិងសើចដូចឆ្កួត។ប៉ុន្តែពួកគេមិនហ៊ានតបនោះទេដោយសារតែមួយគេម្នាក់ៗមាន Trauma មកគ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាន់ទី១១៨។ ប៉ុន្តែ RENដែលជាមេក្រុមទ្រាំពុំនិងគេថាខ្លួនពឹងអំនាចឱពុកដែលមិនខ្វល់ពីគាត់នោះក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមហក់ទៅវាយក្រុមទាំងនោះដោយគាត់ចេះក្បាច់គុណគ្រប់ប្រភេទរៀនតាំងតែពីគាត់អាយុ៥ឆ្នាំម្លេះ។ នៅពេលដែលដៃគាត់ទាញដាល់និងល្បឿនលឿនលើសិស្សច្បងដែលនិយាយមើលងាយគាត់ដោយកំលាំងពួកគេទាំងពីរហោះដាល់គ្នាក្នុងអាកាសបោកខ្ទៀតបុកបំបែកដីធ្វើអោយមានរណ្តៅប្រះបែកជាច្រើននៅកំលាំងដាល់និងទាត់របស់ពួកគេទាំងពីរ។ ក្រុមសិស្សច្បងដែលនៅសល់ចង់មកវាយធ្វើបាបក្រុមRenដែលឈររឹងខ្លួនរំពេចនោះMiwaកាន់សំបកសំរាមកង់ឡាន Truckយក្សស្រែកប្រាក់អោយក្រុមនាងបើកផ្លូវហើយគប់មួយទំហឹងទៅក្រុមសិស្សច្បងដែលចូលមកពួកគេផ្ទុះដូចជាអាច់ផ្កាយធ្លាក់។