Chereads / 69 N’ Goul鬼 Season 1 Morn kunthea+meng lu / Chapter 138 - 69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 138 Author Morn kunthea

Chapter 138 - 69 N’ Goul鬼 Anime Japan Episode 138 Author Morn kunthea

Lily, who was in the body as a child, hugged her mother and ate the gems her mother poured into her soul Fire foxy power resurrected and reborn as her mother hugged her with a last smile. Her mother said see you again full of peace and happiness. At that moment, the forces of the three worlds, even the world of Principle Lucas, who were fighting with the principal 末 interrupted their combat activities when the purple light of Aurora shone across the sky. And that light also made everyone feel warm, even the principal 末 rabbit energy mask melted away. Therefore, only Principle Lucas knows the face of a mysterious senior. Because he saw his senior real face when his senior was injured in the face and removed the mask when treating the injury. Principal Lucas is happy that his senior is alive because he regrets not being able to help his senior by following the role from leader ordered him to arrest his senior when he lost consciousness, anger, hatred on People. As for the Firefoxy leaders, they hurriedly set the net to arrest Principle 末 and went to the lily reception's place because only Firefox's bloodline royalty had purple souls.

69 N'Goul鬼

Anime Japan

第 138話

著者 モン クンテイア

子供の頃に体の中にいたリリーは,母親を抱きしめ,母親が魂に注ぎ込んだ宝石を食べました.母親が最後の笑顔で抱きしめたとき,火の狡猾な力が復活し,生まれ変わりました. 彼女の母親はまたあなたに平和と幸福に満ちていると言いました. その瞬間,オーロラの紫色の光が空を横切って輝いたとき,プリンシパル末と戦っていたプリンシパル・ルーカスの世界でさえ,3つの世界の力が彼らの戦闘活動を中断しました. そして,その光はまた,主な末うさぎのエネルギーマスクでさえ溶けて,誰もが暖かく感じさせました. したがって,謎の先輩の顔を知っているのはプリンシパル・ルーカスだけです. 先輩が顔を負傷したときに先輩の素顔を見て,けがをしたときにマスクを外したからです. ルーカス校長は,彼が意識,怒り,人々への憎しみを失ったときに彼が彼の先輩を逮捕するように命じたリーダーからの役割に従うことによって彼の先輩を助けることができなかったことを後悔しているので彼の先輩が生きていることを喜んでいます. Firefoxyのリーダーは,Firefoxの血統の王族だけが紫色の魂を持っていたので,急いでネットを設定してPrinciple末を逮捕し,ユリのレセプションの場所に行きました.

Lily ដែលស្ថិតនៅក្នុងរាងកាយជាកុមារបានអោបម្តាយនិងញុាំត្បូងដែលម្តាយខ្ជាក់ជាដួងព្រលឹងថាមពលព្រះនាងFire foxy ក៏រស់ឡើងវិញស្របពេលដែលម្តាយរបស់នាងបានអោបនាងដោយស្នាមញញឹមចុងក្រោយនិងពាក្យប្រស្នាថាវាសនានិងវិលមកជួបគ្នាម្តងទៀតពេញដោយភាពស្ងប់សុខនិងសុភមង្គល។ នៅពេលនោះហើយកំលាំងរញ្ជួយពិភពទាំងបីសូម្បីតែពិភពPrinciple Lucas ដែលកុំពុងប្រយុទ្ធជាមួយនាយកសាលា 末 ក៏បង្អាក់សកម្មភាពប្រយុទ្ធរបស់ពួកគេនៅពេលពន្លឺពណ៏ស្វាយជាAurora ជះពេញផ្ទៃមេឃ។ ហើយពន្លឺនោះក៏ធ្វើអោយគ្រប់គ្នាមានអារម្មណ៏ថាកក់ក្តៅសូម្បីតែរបាំងមុខថាមពលទន្សាយរបស់នាយកសាលា 末 ក៏រលាយងដែរ។ ដូច្នេះហើយមានតែPrinciple Lucas ដែលស្គាល់មុខរបស់សិស្សច្បងអាថកំបាំង។ ពីព្រោះគាត់ធ្លាប់ឃើញពេលដែលសិស្សច្បងត្រូវរបួសមុខនិងបានដោះរបាំងមុខចេញពេលព្យាបាលរបួស។ principal Lucas មានអារម្មណ៏សប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ដែលសិស្សច្បងរបស់គាត់នៅរស់ពីព្រោះគាត់តែស្តាយក្រោយដែលមិនអាចជួយសិស្សច្បងរបស់គាត់ពីព្រោះតែតួនាទីនិងថ្នាក់នាំបានបញ្ជារគាត់អោយចាប់សិស្សច្បងពេលដែលគាត់បាត់បង់សតិវិញ្ញានចងកំហឹងស្អប់មនុស្ស។ ចំនែកក្រុមមេដឹកនាំFirefoxyប្រញាប់ដាក់សំណាញ់ចាប់ខ្លួនPrinciple 末 ហើយទៅទីតាំងទទួលLilyពីព្រោះមានតែឈាមខ្សែរស្តេចFirefoxy ទើបមានដួងព្រលឹងពណ៏ស្វាយ។