The entire Las Vegas heard the onslaught, Donnalee stood outside the bar watching the squadron of four planes vaguely visible against the night sky dive, then only did they become clearly visible as their weapon's systems roared away towards the ground.
The machine guns they used sounded devastating, every time the roars subsided the tracer rounds streaked through the sky like shooting stars then a barrage of explosions followed, nothing could survive an attack like that.
Her heart cramped, was that it!? Was that what Ezekiel meant by their plan B!? Among the roars of the airplane gunfire it was clear there was more happening on ground level, large cannons thundered away making it sound like pipes beating iron plates in the distance.
"M... Mother..." She whimpered, Lorena was among them, she was among them!
Walking with pace to her bike she had to push away onlookers in the streets, babbles and chatter went about but she heard nothing but the chaos.