The entire intercourse session between Lord Hiroshi and Kalona went well. Kalona was successfully impregnated and she used Pregnancy Acceleration(C) to decrease the pregnancy time from 9 months to 4.5 months. The pregnancy period for an Oni is about the same of a human's, 9 months give or takes some days.
Kalona had used a communication charm that Aurin had made for her that takes the form of an earing to inform Duros of how long she'll be staying. She explains over the charm, "Duros, it'll 4 and a half months to deliver the child for Lord Hiroshi. Will everything be alright over there while I'm gone. If needed, I can commute between here and there."
Duros responds back, "No need Mother, We have a good population already. The river base has been fortified to near competition too. Ichika-hime is doing well with the magic caste too. All is well here and we're focusing on resources and training. You can relax among our allies, you've earned it Mother."