Chereads / Constance. / Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

'Are you guys ready? Let's go.' Started Mona's Tape.

'First off, I had the idea for the tapes when I was sick and I probably started to feel bad about not telling you guys about my past. I guess for me transferring and not telling you guys anything about my past was unfair of me as your best friend. But then, you never actually tried to pry into my life. I guess I never gave the opening.

Moving on, Mr and Mrs Whyte aren't my parents.

I was born to a poor drunk as a father and a servant as my mother. Most days we went hungry. Some days we'd share a loaf of bread and those days were the best days I guess. My mother always had a sad expression on her face that spelled regret every single day I saw her. She'd wake up so early due to the pain from the beatings my father gave her and breakdown in tears. While my father never had a job. Any stipend offered to him from our neighbours or old friends, he would use it for drinks and sponsor everyone in that bar. It got to a point that I had no friends as a kid. Anywhere I went I was always regarded as the drunkard's daughter. But at school, my only friend that I talked to, Marvin was his name if I can clearly remember. We ate lunch together, I went over to his house to play video games at times but he never came over to my house.

It was my birthday one day, and he said he had a surprise for me. Excited I told him that I'd love to see it after school. After school I searched practically everywhere for him but I didn't see him. Marvin had so many friends, so I tried to see which one I could ask. No-one agreed to tell me what was happening, so I went home instead. And to my greatest surprise what I found there was part of the things that broke my spirit.

My father was home. He was drunk to stupor. He just finished beating up my mom. My mother was laying in the pool of her own blood. Marvin and the rest of my class was there, in awe of the scenario.

There was practically nothing I could tell them. Could I have said that my family was just having a bad day? Or my mother and father were just playing around? They left not expecting an explanation anyway. That night, after I had cleaned my mother's wounds my father took her in, stripped her of her clothes and forcefully raped her. Crying, I ran to my room asking God why I was born into such a family. Each day was filled with tears and pain. The most astonishing thing though, is that my mother never said she was going to leave my father. I hid in the living room one day when she invited her friends over. They saw her lean figure and her both eyes looking as if they were punched out and shoved back in. She was clearly fatigued and malnourished.

Regardless, I loved my mother. She was the kindest soul. She looked after me and always kept me clean. When I was going to school she would make me oats and moulded bread because that was all we had. I could sincerely see it in her that she wished things were different. She wished she lived comfortably. Ate whatever she wanted and at the same time had a husband that loved and cared for her. But I guess this life can't give you what you want right?

Then the tape came to an abrupt stop. My face was already wet with tears. I didn't know what emotion to show. At heart I was broken. Nobody should be treated this way. Especially at such a young age. Alex packed up the tapes and stacked them back in the box.

"I guess we should take them one per day huh?"

Startled, I hurriedly wiped my tears and stood up walking towards him.

"Are you okay?" He asked his face showing concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You have football practice right? You should go, you're late already." I said quickly changing the topic.

"I could skip practice though. The tapes are really alot to take in. Are you sure?" He asked pulling me in for a hug.

His tall stature covering me, I felt so protected and safe from my insecurities. I pulled away simply knowing my place. I know in the past, I said that I saw Alex as my brother, but I just hope I don't develop any feelings whatsoever.

"Don't worry Alex. I just need to go home and get some sleep. I guess I have a lot to process. " I said sighing.

"I'll drive you home. C'mon." He said grabbing my hand in a swift but gentle way.

By around 8pm, I was at my front door. I bade Alex goodbye and I watched him drive away. I searched my purse for the house keys but I couldn't find it. I practically nearly stripped myself looking for it. And sadly enough, my mom wasn't home.

I checked under the foot mat to see if the key was there. Then I realised that the spare key is what was using. Because I misplaced mine.

I had to call Alex to come back so I could spend the night at his house.

'Hey Alex. Sorry for disturbing.'

'It's nothing. What's up?'

'Where are you?'

'I went to get a milkshake at Geronimo so I'm not so far away'

'Well.. I can't find my house keys....'

'How about the spare key? It's under the foot mat.'

'Misplaced.' I said with shame.

'Damn. Careless Connie.'

'Shut up and come pick me up Alex.'

'I'll be there in ten minutes'

After packing up my stuff that I threw out of my bag I sat down on a bench at the front of my house.

Eventually, he came and picked me up and we drove away.

"You want a milkshake?" He said opening a compartment in his car.

"What??" I asked.

"I got you your favourite strawberry Milkshake." He said with his eyes fixated on the road.

"Thanks Alex. I mean you just practically dropped me off at my house. Now you can't go for football practice. I'm also very sorry though." I said.

"Yeah. I don't think we have to be saying sorry, thank you and stuff. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. I've told you lots of times Connie."

"Okay Alex. Whatever you say." I said smiling.

Once we reached Alex's house, all the memories flooded back. When his mom would make us lunch, brunch and extra snacks while we watched TV. Alex's Dad used to talk politics with us, up until he divorced his Mom and got married to a rich actress. Now they have a daughter together.

As I entered, his mom was making dinner. So I removed my shoes and went over to the kitchen to greet her.

"Hey Mrs. Juren."

"Oh, hello Constance" She said with an even more beautiful smile than Alex's, while showing her perfectly white teeth.

"Are you staying over for dinner dear?" She asked

"I mistakenly misplaced my house keys and my mom is out of town, so I was wondering if I could sleep the night over?" I asked hoping she wouldn't turn me down.

"Sure. You know you're always welcome here right?"

"Yeah. Thanks Mrs. Juren."

"Hey, Connie let's go upstairs" Alex said.


"Alexander Ontario Juren. Use a condom please?" She said smiling weirdly.

"Mom!?!?!" He asked clearly embarrassed and dragged me along with him.

"So what do you wanna do first?" He said showing me to his room.

"Um.... cards??" I said nervously looking back as I saw his mom behind us. Staring.


A/n: How was the story?? Is there more to Mona's tapes? Read to find out!!!