Chapter 12 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Roman

I watched as my kitten nodded off. I stoked the fire, laid her down on pillows from the couch and went to my room.

I hesitated to call my Alpha. Jackson was an amazing leader and a good friend, but he was a logical son of a bitch. I ran through different ways to explain what just happened. What can I say, though? "Well, I met my mate, made her dinner and then we were some kind of possessed. By what? No clue. Is not in control the same as out of body???" Yeah that would go over real well.

I shook my head at my own frustration and tossed the phone on the night table. Finally, I grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and headed back to my mate.

Snuggling up behind her, I dozed off. The roar of the fire was background noise for the steady beat of her heart.

*   *   *

My eyes flicked open in panic. Straddling me was a very naked Kitten with her hands on my chest. Her sharp nails rake down my pecs and the smell of my blood assaults me.

She opens her mouth when she inhales. Her eyes have gone completely opalescent and she speaks as if she has many voices at once. I try to lift my arms but find the only thing I can move is my head.

"Listen, heir, and listen well," she starts shallowly carving runes on my stomach, chest, and forehead. "Find the völva. Hear the prophecy. Find the vessels. Gather and prepare, for Ragnarok has passed and great evil enters your realm. We will stop the darkness. Prepare. Bind yourself to this vessel before night comes again or be lost forever. Now shift."

The entity shining out of her eyes took on a wicked glint. I felt my canines extend. It was like watching a car wreck happen but you are powerless to stop it. Suddenly her arm was in my mouth and I was marking my mate. I felt the bond snap into place as I screamed in my own body.

The light left my kitten's eyes and she collapsed in on herself as if her strings had been cut. I was freed just in time to catch her and lay her softly down.

"Cherry? Fuck!!!" I focused on finding her breath. Her heartbeat. Once I finally detect a whisper of life I violently start breathing again. I close my eyes and thank the moon that she's alright.

I take off at a dead run for my phone in the bedroom. I'm frantic as I grab it and struggle to think straight. Finally I hit the speed dial and wipe the blood from my eyes.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jackson growled on the other end.

"I need you and Brant right n-" I stopped as I cut the command short and tried again. "I have a need of the Oracle," I blurted. It was the only way I could think to get his attention.

A resounding crash came from the front of my apartment.

"Well damn you. Im coming," he grumbled before the click. I smiled. Jackson had heard the crash. Now I just had to keep things under comtrol until he arrived.

I barrelled down the hall catching the most foul odor and as I came into view of my front door I snarled loudly at the scene before me.

Some grotesque mongrel was attempting to drag my terrified mate kicking and screaming out the door that had been blasted off it's hinges. I let loose with a deadly snarl as I launched myself across the room. I was mid-shift when I saw the gun and couldn't move fast enough.

Everything slowed down. It would hurt but I'd survive. The three shots that came through burned where they entered my chest. One hit my lung from the back and the other two embedded themselves in my shoulder from the front. I felt the silver start to burn.

Damn. This was gonna be bad. I reached out with my half shifted claws and scratched what flesh I could reach. Finally, I collapsed to the ground.

No way should the human be that prepared. And he was prepared. For me. For my wolf. As my vision darkened I heard the screams of my mate saying my name.

*   *   *

I came around to the sound of beeping. Slowly I recognized the small room we used as a clinic at the pack house.

" 'Bout time ur pretty ass came around," the older man to my right grumbled. He was still fighting women off with a stick (sometimes literally) even in his late forties. With salt and pepper beard and a long thick braid, he was as fit as ever and always faithful to his mate and their pups. He'd always been like a father to me and I trusted no one else more.

I tried to breathe around the tube in my throat. I started to panic as I choked trying to grab it and remove it.

"Alright that's enough of that," Nati said as she came in and smacked my hands away so she could remove the tube properly.

Jackson sighed next to me. Running his hand over his face and down his beard he got up and walked to the foot of my bed. He took his "we need to have a serious conversation" stance. Nati finished checking my wounds and left us to talk. She was a Native American and built like a model but she loves her nursing school and her internship that the club paid for in exchange for her services.

"Care to tell me why we found you bleeding out from silver poisoning in a secure building?" he asked gruffly. I knew he was pissed at the incident in his territory. So after a few tries and some water I finally gave him all of what happened.