Chapter 6 - Acquitted

The day is almost over,just as promised the driver was  there to pick Jessi up from school,"hop in Stan,let's give you a ride  home.

He tried resisting the offer at first, but Jessi gave him this pitiful face like that of a baby pleading for a candy

"are you trying to blackmail me emotionally with that look of yours".

"sorry but am not gonna fall for it fall,my house isn't that far from here," I will do just fine trekking home".

Jessie wasn't okay with the idea of him trekking home,while he could tide home with him.

"That isn't right Stan….."

"We are friends and as friends there is no harm in trying to help each other out,you know what I insist"

At this point Stan couldn't resist any longer..

"You are just impossible.

" hop in let's go Stan"she opened the car for him to get in.

There  wasn't a dull moment during the ride,to Jessi the ride was really fun,she had a friend to chat with.

That was because Stan is a very jovial and nice guy.He also founds Jessi fun too

Though they just met few hours in the school yet it felt as if they've known for decades."would be nice to get to know you better jess"

She smiled hideously,sending the impression of not wanting to talk about herself.

"Am sorry if am being too forward, I just wanted us to be well acquitted,am sorry if you felt bothered".Stan apologized

Jessi smiled at him once in disagreement to Stan thoughts." Not at all there,as a matter of fact am enjoying your company, i just felt that there is nothing to talk about me".....

"You know?....." Let's just talk about you instead

"Don't play the fast one on me Jessi,I asked first"

They were mute for some  moment, it then doned on Jessi that she obviously had to say something.

Stan isn't ready to say a thing until she reply first.

Finally a voice broke the silent,it was Jessi voice.

"Have done this before and I didn't see the essence of doing it again,but since you insists, am Jessica's Ronnie,the only daughter of Mr Ronnie McLane.this my first time in college am attending so far ho


" but why is this the first college,you mean to say this the first time you're  engaging yourself to study".Jessi cut in before Stan could say something else"i study from home".

"But why?

Stan asked  confusedly hoping to get a clear answer from Jessi,as to why she had to study from home why they are so many 

Colleges around.

"That will be all about me for today,let's talk about you now Jessi answered". Stan was really disappointed,it can be traced in his facial expression as to how he felt,but then Jessi isn't moved to explain further.

" Hey Stan!

"You aren't saying anything

But then Stan was deep in thought as to why a beautiful girl like Jessi would decide to stay indoors to the extent of also studying from home.His thought was distracted by Jessi calm voice.

" Am sorry….." Stan finally speaks up.

Am Stan,am also new in this college but not like you though, have been here for some months now.

"Well have not been stable in any college though,I have to transfer each time my dad is transferred  to a different place due to the nature of his job.


" it must had been really hard on you,considering the fact you have to always adapt to new environment and college each time your dad is transferred ".Jessi felt for him.

" At first it was really difficult but then I got used to it later on".

"Doesn't that affect you academically? Asked Jessi,she was expecting an honest answer from Stan.

" yes it does affecting "replied Stan.

" Especially when I was a bit younger,they had to transfer me to a different school each time our family relocates.

Jessi was envious of Stan,how I wish I got to travel with my dad Jessi thought to herself,but then if wishes were horses even the beggars would ride.

Stan noticed she's quite for some moment,more like she's lost in thought. 

"Are you okay Jess!

" Seems you are thinking about something,can you tell me about it.

"Not at all"

Jessi replied,"am just envious of you.I wish I could also travel as much as you do."

She turned to gaze out the window, trying to hide her disappointment.

"You know. I could take you out sometimes." Stan offered, smiling 

lpsheepishly."more like a thank you offer"

"I would love to but no thanks."

"I thought we are friends already." Stan continued smirking. "why would you refuse my help, as friends we are not allowed to refuse each others help."

"I see what you did there" she giggled, "OK. You got me. I will hold up for your offer."

"OK then"

"Looking forward to our date". Stan 

Jessi laughed sheepishly." It's not a date Stan".

"I haven't fully accepted yet,and if at all we eventually go out together I don't think it should be called a date it's more like….

Stan cut in before she could even finish the sentence.

" more like what Jessi?

"When two people of opposite side goes out to grap a meal,it's called a  date","Moreover i don't see anything wrong with that anyway considering the fact that we are friend's".

Stan try to explain further before he was nicely interrupted by Jessi.

" I can sense emotional blackmail, Stan. Nevertheless, I woun't yet consider it a 'date'."

"Still OK by me." He winked

"I shouldn't have picked you up if I knew you were this cocky." She said sarcastically with an eye roll as they both bursted out into fits of laughter.


"I will be getting off here…..we just passed my house".


" sorry,I could asked him to go back".Jessi offered in an appropriate manner.

Stan declined her offer,"that wouldn't be necessary, its just a few steps away from here."you've done enough already,wouldn't want to bother you further.

She wasn't really in harmony with Stan's idea of her not helping, but then he wouldn't forced him against his wisStan

"Well if you say so Stan…"

The driver stopped the car,so Stan could get off.

"Thanks for the ride jess"."please take care of yourself, will see you tomorrow at school.

Stan gets off the car and waves a goodbye to jess.

" Take care too Stan

He shut the car door after he got off,the driver took off instantly. It was getting late already.

Riding home with Stan was fun,his such a nice guy.Jessi giggled.