"This is good news; you should be happy. Why are you crying?"
Jiang Chen said, comforting her with a smile.
Wei Chuyin's tears kept falling, her emotions uncontrollable. Those who have never experienced it firsthand could never understand her feelings.
She covered her mouth with one hand and waved the other, indicating to Jiang Chen to leave her alone and head to the hospital room.
Jiang Chen also understood that she probably needed some time alone to release her emotions, so he headed to the hospital room by himself.
He opened the door.
Ai Qian was staring out the window, lost in thought.
"Seeing me like this, you must be very happy."
She joked.
She seemed to recognize who was entering just by the sound of his footsteps.
"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?"
Jiang Chen repeated her exact words, passing on the message.
Ai Qian turned her head.
"The bad news."