Chereads / The Blind Saviour:Aether Book 4 / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: What Happens Now?

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: What Happens Now?

Two weeks after the defeat of Galastrom the Mighty. Embarrassing really, having to nearly lose her own leg and the be saved by her own daughter. The grey woman now sits in the hospital bed reading a book as she recovers from her wounds. Gala has taken the liking to being her biological mother's nurse and emotional support in this trying time. The slightly darker grey girl brushes her mother's hair,clips her fingernails and toenails and even serves her food. Today is no different for Galastrom. She just now awaits the full complete healing of her once severed leg. Umi happened to finished reattaching Galastrom's leg only two days ago so she did feel very numb and weak.

The woman would wince in pain everytime she thought of moving her leg,it only served as a reminder to take someone with her next time when she fights such a powerful foe. The same couldn't be said for Numanag, as it slithered frantically back to Fafir. The beast had a large burn mark on the left side of its body. Wounded and roaring in distress. Fafir ordered his scientists and soliders to fix up the beast as soon as possible. No hesitation. The soliders had a crane like machine to handle the beast,they quickly handled Numanag and began their own healing process. Obviously angered by this little scuffle that his very own creation lost. Fafir paced back and forward wondering how Numanag was even hurt. Was Galastrom too strong? Or was it something..more.

Consequently, this minor setback not only diminished Fafir's chance to end Galastrom once and for all,but unfortunately if Luna finds out; the horrid battle that just took place that is, she'd be absolutely livid. Speaking of. The purple girl has been steadily getting better and more accustomed to..pooper scooping duty. Strange enough the rainbow haired girl she met just two weeks ago keeps popping up. Luna ignores her and avoids all eye contact if possible. Until this night at 11:45 pm. Once Luna enters the rainbow haired girl's room,she'd finally got a word with her.

Dim to almost no lights on the fourth floor of the Red Palace. This girl somehow manage to snag a pocket knife and a multitool. She sits against the wall crouched up and awaits patiently her only possible means to escape. "Mmm..the moonlight sure is pretty tonight. Quronessa seems to lighten up on the new girl. Well she's not really new anymore, just silent for the most part. No matter. Once I say my peace and convince her,than well come up with a plan to bust outta here,next take a trian to some far away continent,chance our names and start a new life. Yeah..I like that idea." The rainbow haired girl said aloud. Some of her fellow prisoners happened to hear this new plan and audibly shouted.

That was until the solid cold metal door ever so gently opened. "SCREEEEEEEE!!" sounded the door it was a little old and seemed to fall off its hinges due to poor maintenance and rust. Two heavy boots gently walked down the hallway. The steps slowly became louder and less infrequent. Cell after cell door was opened than shut a minute later. When the rainbow haired girl knew it was her turn she folded her arms and stepped aside awaiting her newest best friend.

"Alright, stand aside. I'm hear to clean up " Luna said. She covered her mouth and grabbed a large shovel and begins to scrape any harden fecal matter into a bucket. The rainbow haired girl figure this was the perfect time. So she snuck over so softly behind Luna and snatch the key from her back pocket.

"H..Hey!! What are you doing!!?? Put the back right now!! Give me those keys!!" Luna said. For someone so small Luna was having a bit of a difficulty with this strange yet mysterious girl. Her attitude was bright and bubbly while she could have been beaten into a bloddy pulp. "What's a matta? Hmm? Ya all tired out poopy lady, well well welllllll. Guess ya never gonna get your keys back huh?" The girl said taunting Luna. If anything this upset Luna and only tired her out more. Each attempt to get her keys back in the heavy clothes was in vain.

"Come oooooonnnnn. You can do it. Oh?! Just a little more and...oh! No go hehehe. " Said the rainbow haired girl. She continued to tease Luna,however by force Luna finally restrain the girl by her wrists and took her keys back. Amazed with her own patience. One could really and truthfully learn. An smirk from the strange girl to Luna was exchanged for a few seconds. Luna averted her gaze and and gather her things,before she could leave the cell.

The odd girl spoke. "Names Runi by the way. I've been imprison by Fafir's little cronies all cause of my protest of this horrible bs he's doing. Weird thing is they say I'm supposed to be tortured and all that butttt, nothing really bad has happened to me. Expect getting yelled at by my cell mates and the guards. I'm pretty much just sitting pretty. Now let's get to you there. Look. I know who you are and so does everyone else around this area. Heck you were a big deal when they brought you in the palace. Luna right?" Runi asked.

Luna turned her back on the girl and said nothing she instead went to a sink,removed the filthy rubber gloves and washed her hands. The running water was thankfully louder than the commotion in the following prisoner cells. Luna just used this to her advantage. Once she walked past Runi's cell she noticed the girl smirk and smile. No words from Luna were exchanged not even a peep. As she carried the disgusting feces-filled bucket. She nearly gagged and almost tripped twice due to the uneven floors and the bumpy cracks that decorated the stairs. She even tried using an elevator from the fourth floor back to her room.

"What? The dang thing is out of order,this job sucks. Wait..I'm not even getting paid. I can't wait to get outta here. It's either them or me." The tired girl mumbled. As she slowly and cautiously walked down the steps. Luna did have a run in with Commander Quronessa. Only this time she noticed the commander's hair was dyed white and she wore a tight leather red bodysuit. She had one black shoulder gaurd strapped across her chest with a small whip in her hand. Miserable as she felt, Luna forced herself to straighten up as her former torturer was in mere distance from her. The girl forced a smile and saluted Quronessa. The commander stopped in her tracks and tapped the whip gently on her left hip.

"Well well well 048 or should I say Luna. Your almost full on shit huh? Wow I didn't think you were strong enough to carry yourself twice hehe. Keep this up and I may remove you from scopper duty..Heh. get it? Don't forget what we spoke about. I can always and I mean ALWAYS make your life a living hell. Don't mess upppppp." The commander sang in a sassy condesceneding tone. Luna balled up her free hand and took a deep breath she went to clean more toilets and prisoner cells from evening to midnight.

If that wasn't bad enough. She had to deal with some prisoners male or female cat calling her and some harrassed her. By the time she finshed it was already 6am the next morning. Luna lost sleep and was exhausted. For a moment she finally made it to her bedroom door and close her eyes only to be rudely awoken by the snarky commander blowing a air horn within earshot. This nearly deafened the poor girl and just downright pissed Luna off.

"Rise and shine. Hehe. What's this? sleeping outside your room like a fool? Well you do lack intelligence, however you know what ya gotta do to avoid all this. I won't tell ya. Anyways up ya go. This floor needs the cells cleaned first than everywhere else. Move it!!" Commander Quronessa instructed. Luna reluctantly grabbed the heavy bucket and shovel and walked to the nearest cell. The commander wrote on a clipboard and placed her notes in a cylinder tube. She looked at Luna's "performance" and mumbled some words that seem unintelligible. Whip ready in hand. The commander walked behind Luna and struck the current prisoner Luna was dealing with.

"Stand down you animal!! Can't you see business is being conducted here!! Do it again and I'll cut your fingers off!!" The woman yelled. To the prisoner's shock and Luna's even. This was a first to hear Quronessa threaten anything serious such as dismemberment. The woman caught Luna looking at her and snapped. She snatched Luna by her hand and tossed her to the ground.

"Do you think this is funny girl!? Look at you! No better than that animal on the cage!! And you spilled the shit all over the place! I'll teach you some respect!!" The commander yelled. Before Luna could get to her knees. The woman stepped on her head and thought what would be a suitable punishment for her. Then she got a idea. "Sense you wanna be friendly with the enemy, you'd be lower than them. Eat that shit you spilled!!" The woman commanded. Luna sucked in her lips and nearly wretched at the foul smell. "EAT THAT SHIT NOW BITCH!!" The angry woman shouted. She took her whip and struck Luna five times.

Each hit was more painful then the last. Thought Luna was wearing durable overalls and a simple tshirt. The slashes of the whip tore her clothes. Her back exposed further as Quronessa became furious. She didn't even get a painful response or any reaction. Instead Luna was taking her beating. So the woman knelt to her knees, plopped down on Luna's back and ripped the back of her shirt completely.

She forced Luna's face to meet the spilled poop. It was mere inches away and tears streamed from the tortured girl's eyes. Had her powers come back fully, the woman would be a thing in the past. Luna was still slightly weaker than her usual self and try as she might failed. Her face forced in the foul excrement. It was smeared and covered the girls left side of her face.

"" Luna tried to say but her face was continually being smeared in the poop. Quronessa didn't just stop there she dragged the girl to her room and locked the door. There she handcuffed Luna with the same special handcuffs like before. This time the commander made sure to sap all of Luna's power and strength completely.

"You had one job Luna and look at you. Face covered in doody,back all bloody and here you are not even a day of scoopers duty. Did you think I was stupid? I have eyes everywhere. I saw you talk with that rainbow headed freak. My fellow guards told me all the details. An escape you were planning huh? Well tsk tsk. Your not getting out girl. No matter what you try. Those handcuffs will not budge and on top of that. I made some adjustments, your god powers along with anything superhuman is completely gone. No more flight,super strength, super speed,teleportation none of it. Your just a hopeless weak loser. And that's all you'll ever be." The woman said mockingly

She saw tears start to stream down Luna's face. There she looked pathetic and worthless. Dare she say defeated, what could Luna do now in this predicament. Her enemies to her have won. Quronessa grabbed a soapy rag and wiped Luna's face. She ripped off Luna's clothes and held her hands behind her back. "I'm only bathing you this one time. From this day forth you are now my BITCH! You will only say Yes Quronessa or No Quronessa. No back talk,no fussing,no nothing. Got it!!?" The commander instructed.

Luna said nothing. The commander punched her in the gut and slapped her hard. She grabbed her by her hair and asked again. "Do you got it!!!?" Quronessa yelled. Still no answer. Luna refused to even utter a word. She was humiliated and embarrassed, angry and just ready to explode,but she remembered at the moment; she must stay strong, for her friends,family and even the whole Neotic world. The punches and brutal kicks did take a toll on Luna however. Her knees got a little weak and wobbly and she felt dazed and groggy. The girl passed out for only a few moments but was back in her own prison cell.

"H..huh? I..I'm!! B..but I...noooooo..t..that skank..grrr..B..but how? "Luna wondered. It was about midnight and pitch black in her cell. Luna once again sat on a dirty floor and felt alone. The hand cuffs she wore now were in front of her and she wore a faded grey dress with torn slits on it. It had two blue patches sewed in. The girl began to cry. She curled into a ball laying to her side. Misery was the only feeling Luna felt. Such anger was welling up inside her. She forced herself to sleep, but could not. The only thing she could do was meditate and think.

"I..fucking swear..I will kill her..She will die. " Luna thought. The commander walked in ten minutes later and sat on a chair gazing at Luna meeting her eyes with her own. Pissed off and overall angry. Luna wished she could break free from those pesky handcuffs, but she couldn't. It seemed the impossible was done. Fafir manage to somehow withstand or completely drain a deity of their power and use it for his guards and higher elite officials. This was strictly taboo with the Neotic gods and The Neotic Council. It was illegal. "Trying to figure out how to get out of those cuffs huh bitch!!? Well hehe. Ya can't. I do have news for you thought." Quronessa teased. This time Luna wasn't smiling nor was she in a good mood. The smirking woman spat in her face and teased Luna with the hand cuff keys. So close yet so far.

Quronessa stopped for a minute and was proud of what she done. Fafir's greatest enemy was captured and soon maybe her whole entire crew,but what about the recent battle with Galastrom and Numanag? An devilish grin formed on Quronessa's face and she placed a had on Luna's cell.

"So oh boy oh boy hehe. I'm sure you read of the great beast Numanag and that wretched Galastrom huh? Well if ya haven't now ya do sugar. Listen your little heroine fell for the oldest trick on the book,my lord Fafir managed to successfully opened a portal to the Nameless Realm and trap Numanag and Galastrom in there. Results..lets just say..Galastrom better get used to hobbling along the road hehe." The woman snickered.

This set Luna off. She jumped to her feet and launched at the steel bars like a wild animal. Her temper finally broken, all the girl saw was red and one woman was on her kill list. For Quronessa's protection those hand cuffs activated and electrocuted Luna. The voltage was way too high for a normal human, in fact they'd be fried and dead. Little bit over 70,000 watts in fact Neo-Humans can take 71k before they combust into flames. Dullahans as a whole can take 100k,however if they have any divine blood,the potential electrical tolerance can be immeasurable. All the electricity did to Luna was piss her off more. She eventually calmed down and broke down in tears. " nooooo..sniff..I'm so sorry Gail!!! W..why did you have to do that to her? W.what am I gonna tell Gala?!" The girl said fully distraught.

As the commander observed Luna. She had a hunch. That fire her prisoner once had was fading. This was good news. Every three days or four she'd check on a Luna who was simply drained of emotion. The days just seemed longer and pointless.

"Well now that you know the truth girl. I have brought Fafir from his busy schedule. It's time to decide, your gonna stay here and rot. Or side with us,join our cause. You'll get about two percent of your powers back a little at a time if your a good little bitch and do as I command. I mean personally I'd chose option two it's so much better plus Lord Fafir will have his uses for you hehe. Speaking of. Here he comes. Greetings my lord. " Quronessa bowed.

Luna stood and weakly bowed,thought she did eat and drink, her spirit and will to go on just seemed weak. Nothing seemed worth it anymore. To her she was just going with the motions. Fafir stood before her and not even a remark or a quip was exchanged between the two. "Sooo Luna what will you do hmm? You don't wanna end up like poor Galastrom now do you? She lost a leg and was gravely wounded. But that's the choice SHE made. You however have the chance to be apart of something greater. So join us. It'll be worth it." The commander assure further. Fafir internally sense only despair and did not sense any hope or desire. The Beast God folded his arms and was surprised to see his rival fall to his feet face first.

She slowly lifted herself off the ground and wearily looked at the two. "So..what's it gonna be?" Fafir said. Angry by all the things that's happen so far. Deep down Luna was ready to knock off some people's heads. But she couldn't,she figured maybe she could trick Fafir and Quronessa,this could satisfy her revenge. For the time being Luna would do the unthinkable.

"My Lord Fafir...I see I have no other choice but..I chose to..the Fafir Order." Luna said as she bowed on one knee. This shocked both Fafir and Quronessa. They were expecting her to resist,yet she did not. Fafir also did the unexpected. He sliced Luna's handcuffs in two and her powers were completely restored to her. Angered by his foolishness Quronessa raised her voice at the Beast God.

The two exchanged a evil nod and Fafir spoke. "Prove your loyalty to me. I know about what Quronessa did to you hehe. Such a horrible and terrible deed,now is the time to prove yourself. Kill her or wait another day and plan out exactly how you'll do it." Fafir stated. Luna filled with her power stared Quronessa down she walked slowly and steadily, there her rage was so intense the entire palace was shaking. "Not yet. Count your days you hoe. I'll come for you and make your intestines into a scarf." Luna eerily said. Fafir had a good laugh and escorted Luna to his chambers. They left the stunned and afraid commander alone in a puddle of her own urine and sweat.

An hour later Fafir gave her a choice to wear any outfit of her choosing. Luna said nothing, instead she was just angry and ready to destroy. Lucky for her an practice dummy was in the next room. There Luna put on a very provocative and revealing outfit. her legs,buttocks and scarred back was revealed. Fafir did check her out quite a lot. At this point she didn't even care. She figured if they were gonna have sex then at least it's with someone she'll eventually beat the crap out. Fafir watched his newest prospect destroy and obliterate the numerous test dummies each in a unique and different way. By the time she finish Fafir sat on his bed tapping it for her to sit.

"You look gorgeous, especially all sweaty like that. Come now,you made the right choice. Why don't you just relax and drink some of this wine with me." Fafir said. Luna took a deep breath and did so. She finally relaxed her guard and blushed the sight of Fafir made her feel conflicted, there were the times he did unspeakable things to her and others were she was captured and beaten,however there was also those times were he was sweet and bathed her and washed her from the dirt of the prison.

"Thank you Lord Fafir,but I am nothing but just a tool for you." Luna said robotically. "Luna call me Fafir. Like you always due hehe. Come now. Let us enjoy this night. Together. " He assured Luna from her doubts she held within. Truth be told Luna didn't know if she wanted to engage in any sexual activities with Fafir,especially after the Pink Planet incident. She closed her eyes and ignored any attempt that Fafir was making. Annoyed Fafir kissed her neck making her moan softly, he then massaged her back and did his best to heal her scar.

"Hands above my ass Fafir..i..I'm not ready for that yet. Had you never raped me. Even then I don't think I'd ever have sex with you. You ruined everything for me,when you took my virginity away..part of my soul vanished. " Luna said before she felt asleep. Angered by this Fafir took one of his chambermaids instead and fornicated with her. This put a smile on Luna's face. Also she did catch wind of a machine in the Science Wing that could completely change a person from hair to toe. Luna figure if she got access to that machine she wouldn't even mind. In her mind. She'd be a completely different person.

"Tomorrow for sure hehe." She snickered as she drifted off to sleep.